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Pattaya Bay Resort

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  • (deepthroat @ Feb. 17 2009,18:29) First, my only complaint: After I booked in July 2008 I inquired if the special "1 night free with each 6 paid" would be offered in order to entice me to stay 2 weeks. I received an email dated July 7 from Boem (general manager) stating "Yes, we offer a weekly special, for every six nights paid you get one night free. It also applies to your existing reservation. Please advice if you wish us to change your dates." I did change the dates but only moments ago, when i tried to settle my bill in advance of leaving tomorrow morning I was told that this was not in effect during high season. I even showed Kim (the American that oversees everything) the copies of my emails and he still said he would have to "check with Boem and we'll let you know in the morning - if we said, we'll honor it." I was pissed, as what that means is "if you're not lying to me and if you didn't make up this email chain that you're showing me, then we'll honor it." I even went down a second time to tell Kim I wasn't comfortable waiting until the next morning - what more proof did he need to know that his people had given me a firm commitment of a 7th night free?

    Kim just called a moment ago and was very pleasant (as always) and confirmed that yes, the offer was made and will be honored. I'm still a bit pissed off though that my word and my paper copies weren't enough to have convinced him...

    Think that's about it. OH - the maid was awesome and earned a 20 baht + pocket change tip every morning...

    JMHO.....why get all"pissed off" when on vacation?

    No time for that...go hab a beer somewhere and chill out.... they will get it right.

    Presidential Suite heh? 3.3k baht a night

    ...and you leave the maid a paltry 20b a day?


    • I have to agree with what others have said, the resort is "First Rate" and though the Areca used to get all of my business, this place will get it from now on. I was just staying in a basic room, it was clean, comfy (not especially big, but I was just sleeping and fucking there) and a deal for a little over 1000 baht a night. Plus, the breakfast was great the next morning. I would love to spend a week there and I have to agree with DT, it's close to the action and an easy walk to the main road. I did take the tuk tuk down to the street but I never called for it to pick me up.

      The girls at the front desk were especially nice and I had to laugh to myself as I watched some of the bargirls leaving the first morning I was there. Some were cute little one (freelancers), others were very busty amazon type ladyboys, while others looked like my kind (very slutty) and half asleep...haha These girls at the desk must see a lot over a period of time. The stories they must go home with must be very funny.

      Some of the girls at the desk were adorable as DT said, I wonder how often they get offered ST/LT propositions. They must get them, I wouldn't have the nerve to do it, but I have manners, some guys as we have seen leave their manners at home. I spoke to one guy a year ago at the Areca and he said often times he would talk a maid or a clerk into doing him just for the fun of it. He claimed that maids and girls in the hotels often do sleep with customers, but I have no idea if it was true or not, but it was interesting breakfast conversation the morning he was telling me.

      Anyway, the PBR is a great find and a deal for anyone looking for a basic and clean place to stay that is close to the action. I am a fussy person and I left totally happy with the place.



      • (shrimpsoup @ Feb. 18 2009,06:43) ...and you leave the maid a paltry 20b a day?
        No, it's not a lot of money.....

        20 baht PLUS pocket change, maybe 30 baht per day average is still 100% more than 98% of guests ever leave.

        Imagine if every hotel guest did the same thing every day??

        If she cleans 20 rooms a day, that's 600 baht, over 4000 baht a week. I bet that's more than she is paid every month. And there is no way she would turn her nose up at 20 or 30 baht.

        It's a good reminder to us all shrimpsoup, but don't drop the guilt trip on deepthroat as if he should be subsidising all the bums who have never left a red cent in their whole life.
        Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


        • ty I was debating between the PBR or Penthouse Hotel


          • (pacman @ Feb. 18 2009,08:17)
            (shrimpsoup @ Feb. 18 2009,06:43) ...and you leave the maid a paltry 20b a day?

            It's a good reminder to us all shrimpsoup, but don't drop the guilt trip on deepthroat as if he should be subsidising all the bums who have never left a red cent in their whole life.
            don't preach to me.

            a.50cent tip?...after she empties the bin with my used condoms and wrappers...dumps my half filled coke cans and cleans up the trail of ants leading to the balcony...after she cleans my toilet after a night out drinking?

            nah...I know a phony when I read one...guy bragging about spending 3.3k baht a night on a "Presidential Suite" and then leaving .50cents for the maid.  

            maybe that tip is OK with you....but I'd be embarassed to leave that tip.


            • (1hotholder @ Feb. 18 2009,08:17) ty I was debating between the PBR or Penthouse Hotel
              I haven't been at the Penthouse Hotel but this PBR was outstanding and a deal for the price. Initially I thought maybe it would be a pain having to use the little baht bus they provide but it was so simple and easy and plus like someone said, it takes like 3 minutes to walk to the main road.

              As far as tipping goes, most people don't even leave tips. just posted this comment from a maid that was interviewed by Budget Traveler - February 2009.

              "I didn't know maids received tips, so it took me weeks to realize that the coins left in rooms were an intentional gift. My tips were paltry: I almost never received more than $1, and at times guests left religious pamphlets. One day, however, I was shocked to find a crisp $100 bill lying on a table. Although the generous tip put a little spring in my step and compelled me to do a better job that day, it didn't change my work ethic for long. I apologize to you now if you ever stayed in one of my rooms. You deserved better. But if housekeepers were paid more than minimum wage€”and the tips were a bit better€”I might have cleaned your toilet rather than just flushed it."

              I personally can't criticize anyone for what they leave for a tip. These people make so little for wages, any little extra is good.
              Do yourself a favor and stay at the PBR, you surely won't regret it.



              • Well, last time in BKK (Nov 08) I left the tipping up to my girl friend and 20 Baht is exactly what she left every morning on the bed for the maid.


                • If she cleans 20 rooms a day...
                  The PBR doesn't have 20 Presidential suites.

                  Also - I don't know why the poster got pissed off about the discount being questioned after he changed dates.

                  The manager made a big mistake not telling the fellow that tourist discounts didn't apply in the high season and this one was a costly mistake to make.
                  And as for expecting to be taken at your word... he he. You were just lucky that the owner, Kim handled it graciously, professionally and more importantly IN YOUR FAVOUR!

                  No one else in Pattaya (or Thailand) would have.


                  • (Beto @ Feb. 18 2009,09:52)   Well, last time in BKK (Nov 08) I left the tipping up to my girl friend and 20 Baht is exactly what she left every morning on the bed for the maid.
                    what hotels "Presidential Suite" did you stay in?


                    • Yeah, I GG will always leave 20 baht or so. I have seen her pick money up that I have left saying "Too much" and then hand it back to me.

                      I will tip a girl at an eating place and she will give me a comment about "Why'd you tip her?" I will explain that I thought she did a good job and she will ALWAYS say HI and does this and that and she will say, give her 20 baht but no more.

                      I have been embarressed before by giving only 20 baht, but I have had some girls nearly kiss my feet because of the small amount. Only in Thailand!



                      • (nhscotsman @ Feb. 18 2009,09:57) Yeah, I GG will always leave 20 baht or so. I have seen her pick money up that I have left saying "Too much" and then hand it back to me.

                        I will tip a girl at an eating place and she will give me a comment about "Why'd you tip her?" I will explain that I thought she did a good job and she will ALWAYS say HI and does this and that and she will say, give her 20 baht but no more.

                        Even a dim wit like me knows that is the on first page of Bar Girl 101 ....more for least she hopes


                        • But even my GG whose a nurse and who I have been with for a year and a half will always limit tips, that is if she even gives one at all. She VERY seldom gives anything, it's just not accepted or expected. As an American, we are taught to tip accourdingly and here, they are almost taught not too.

                          The cutie that waits on me at my favorite eating place, I always give her 40 baht for the tip and my GG always gets pissy because I do. They look at it almost as flirting and she will always question it. My past girlfriends, all who have been from various backgrounds, Issan girl, Guess Bar girl, Dental Hygenist, 2 teachers, all feel it's wrong to do it, so if the locals feel it's wrong to do it, then when someone leaves something as small at 10 or 20 baht, extra is extra and it's unexpected and appreciated. In America, if you left 50 cents, most people would throw it back at you, but here they thank you over and over again.

                          Tipping is always a subject that you can debate for pages and pages.



                          • maybe you don't tip nurses.... I don't hire any of them so I don't know for sure...

                            ...but I do know that the Bar Girls, waitresses, waiters, maids, taxi drivers and the entertainers of Pattaya live off's how they make ends meet.

                            ... I wouldn't think nurses would know much about how the people who serve tourists in a resort city like Pattaya make their livings....unless of course she was a waitress  whilst studying nursing.

                            I had me say...that's all from me on back to more talk about a great hotel....PBR


                            • ok guys, please refrain from further posts about tipping in this thread. If you feel strongly about it start another thread in the appropriate forum - likely Life and Living in Thailand.

                              This thread is about PBR, not tipping.

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                              • I agree......PBR is a GREAT place to stay!!


