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How to "fall in love"

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  • #76
    (ziggystardust @ Nov. 10 2007,13:26) As for slavery and a manipulative twisting of young girls minds, it's a good thread. Can you think of a better reason whey Thai people think of us as disgusting? It is perfectly embodied in this thread.
    I think you're giving me way, way to much credit.

    I highly doubt I have enough influence over this girl's life to constitute "slavery" or even "manipulation".

    "Katie" is a far more influential person in her life and both Lily and I agree that it's a BAD influence, but what can we do?

    Many ladyboys get adopted by a "mama" and that older girl has a great deal of control over what she wears, how she acts, and how she earns a living.

    To say that the few hours a week I spend with her amounts to anything at all would be wishful thinking at best. For example, I know for a fact that she spends most of her free time flirting with lazy, jobless Thai boys (that are her own age) in the internet cafes. Short of locking her up, I don't see how I would be able to prevent this, so actually, this girl would be LUCKY if she was under my influence or "enslaved" by me. I'm fairly certain I'd be a better influence than "Katie" or those lazy fucks in the net shop.

    Seriously, the major influences in this girl's life are a drug-using prostitute and gang-banging Ragnorak junkies. Are you suggesting I'd be worse?


    Didn't I just get done saying I went out and bought the girl some decent clothes just so she could go out in public without embarassing herself. If "Katie's" closet is what this girl has to model her wardrobe on, she'll be wearing hot-pants and cut-off T-shirts 24/7. Don't you think Thai people would find that disgusting?

    So if I have to "manipulate" the girl into wearing a skirt that's longer that 6" (I kid you not), then damnit, I certainly am going to do it. Even if I'm entirely selfish in my motivation, the end result is that she'll be walking around town FULLY-CLOTHED, which right there is a huge favor I'm doing her.

    And if I did "enslave" her and lock her up in some apartment far from Katie and the net shop boys (ah, the 80's, er... nevermind), then I'd be doing her a huge favor too.

    After all, even her own sister can't keep her out of the bars! Katie's pull is that much stronger. I'd be kidding myself if I thought I might be able to surplant Katie as a primary influence, but if I could, she'd be far better off.

    Under Katie's influence this girl will be a bitter veteran of the bar scene before she's 20. Under Katie, it won't be long before she'll be using E or Ice (if she's not already using), and as soon as that starts, 50% of her income will be blown on drugs and there'll be a very good chance she'll end up out on the street like all those other burnt-out psychotic freelancers.

    Another month or two in the net shop and one of those lazy fuckers will make her his "girlfriend" (aka MEAL TICKET), and pretty soon he'll be hitting her if she doesn't bring home enough money for him to buy his buddies a round of Leo Beer while they sit on their lazy fuck asses outside the net shop.

    Are you seriously proposing that she'd be worse off in the deal I'm proposing? Hell, even her own sister THANKED me for pulling this girl out of the bar. She's Thai and she's not at all disgusted.

    She know I only have my own interest in mind, but she also knows that I'm a far better option than Katie or the net shop.

    And what's wrong with having my own interests in mind? Every other dirty fucker on this board is doing exactly the same thing every time he walks into a bar. Right guys? Any of you seeking true love and marriage in Nana Plaza? (If you are, Lord help you! Hahah!).

    No, we go to the bars to get our dicks wet and our fetishes serviced, period. How is that any different than what I'm doing?

    Get off your high-horse, please. You know as well as I do that the P4P scene is already virtual enslavement for many of these girls. Lord knows how many of these girls have bookies, mama-sans, drug-dealers, lazy-fuck "boyfriends", lazy-fuck families and greedy bar-owners dipping into their paycheck every month. And all of that "enslavement" is funded by a constant stream of horny punters walking into the bars. We may not be the "masters" in these girls lives, but we certainly FUND the masters.

    So don't sit there and tell me I'm disgusting when you aren't all that far removed from participating in very same scene. How many girls have you barfined in your day? Are you honestly going to try to convince me that there weren't people in the lives of some of those girls who were "manipulating" and "enslaving" them? Hah! Next you'll be trying to tell me that there's no drug use in Nana plaza and that Thai ladyboys never gamble!

    You may think that you're Mr. Holier-than-Thou, because you believe you've never "enslaved" or "manipulated" a girl, but if you've ever had P4P sex, then it's practically guaranteed that you PAID someone to manipulate and enslave at least some of those girls into working the P4P scene.

    Be it a lazy boyfriend, an influential ladyboy-mama, a drug-dealer, or a bookie, there is quite often someone in these girls lives who keeps pressure on them to remain in the P4P scene (or to start in it). Anytime you participate in it, you're tacitly endorsing the actions of those people (because your money goes into their pocket!).

    So, yeah, call me a disgusting fuck for "manipulating and twisting a young girl's mind", fine. At least I do the deed myself, with no middleman involved. You, on the other hand, pay someone else to do the deed for you, and then claim that your hands are washed clean of any stain.

    You're bullshitting yourself if you think you're somehow above me because you don't get your hands dirty in the nasty business that goes on behind the P4P scene. The scene wouldn't even exist if guys like you weren't paying for it, so don't get all high-and-mighty on me.

    And you're also bullshitting yourself if you think your "true love" wouldn't pick up a little extra on the side if the opportunity presented itself. I'm currently FUCKING a girl who's boyfriend thinks exactly the same thing. So don't kid yourself, bub.

    Once a girl steps into the P4P scene, she can always "retire", but she'll always be one step away from going right back to it. The money is just too easy and the temptation is always there.

    I've no doubt in my mind that if your girl was flying solo in the discos one night and she happened to come across a guy like me... well.... you'd probably never find out about it anyway, so no sense in bursting your little bubble.

    Suffice to say that your magical relationship--that gives you such a sense of superiority over us poor fuckers in the trenches--is just a bad day away from being yet another train-wreck horror story.

    I'm not interested in train wrecks, especially in MY life. So I'm going to do my best to keep things "on the down-lo" and if that means I have to manipulate some "poor innocent young girl" (yeah, sure she is), then I certainly will do it. Because what I really want is no-strings-attached sex on the side.

    Hey, wait a minute, that's exactly what we all want, right guys?


    • #77
      (buttafly @ Nov. 10 2007,12:24)
      (doug @ Nov. 09 2007,23:32) I think I'm going to totally have to get Lolita a set of tits....she'll practically be a Laos-looking version of Nong Poy.
      Jaizus..... I just can't take this anymore

           I have no idea who the fuck Nong Poy is and I don't care, but in 6 months maximum this person won't even know YOUR fucking name so why would you blow 50,000 baht on those things??   so some other clown can be feeling 'em up while you're jacking off to her photo's and crying into your beer?

       See my signature, my little girl in the slums could live for a year on that kind of cash; send it to me and let the femboy stay the way she is for Crissakes.  I gotta go to bed now, as usual reading shit from stoopid falangs makes me exhausted and grumpy.
      Well, then that'll give me 6 months of AMAZING SEX with a girl who looks like a Laos version of Nong Poy.  Who, by the way, looks like this:  

      At 8,340 baht a month (50,000 / 6) and at least two or more shags a week (sleep-overs mostly), that's around 1050 baht per shag.

      Wow, I'm a big spender!  NOT!

      I already told you guys I was a cheap fucker.  Don't you think I did the math on this already?

      In my thinking, I'm just looking at in as a "pre-pay" plan.  After all, why should I pay by the fuck (along with 30 other guys) to help her tittie fund (while she spends half of it on cellphones and shoes)??  

      That'll be 6 months of flat-chested fucking before she gets her tits and then you're right, she probably will forget I exist and I might only get a week or two of fun with the new equipment!  Boring!

      Instead, I invest in the new toys up front and I get them all to myself for six months before I have to share her with you dirty mongers!

      By then I HOPE she forgets I exist, because I'll probably be ready to move on and you guys are welcome to pick up my sloppy seconds.

      If this girl ever appears on this website (I talked her out of it once already, but like I said, my influence is limited), you guys will be thanking me for the new set of knockers and I'll be expecting free beers in return for my gift to your porn collections.

      But as for crying in my beer while some other guy gropes her?   Pluh-lease....!  Some guy is probably groping her right now, but I'm not getting soppy about it.  In six months I'm not going to feel any differently, tits or no tits.

      I've already got a girlfriend, so what the fuck do I care if some former P4P girl bails out on me?  My girlfriend isn't exactly canned asparahgus, so I think I'll live .

      Look, I didn't take this girl off the market because I didn't want you apes despoiling my sweet angel with your sweaty, fat meat.

      I took her off the market because it was convenient for ME.   Not because I wanted her all to myself, but rather because having her on call is easier and I'm too damn lazy to chase girls all over town (I'd rather spend my energy in bed).

      And if I buy her a set of tits now, it's because I want her to have tits NOW (when I can afford them) rather than LATER (when she can afford them).  I'm spending 50,000 baht on MYSELF, not her.

      Of course, she gets what she wants, so she's perfectly happy to let me be a selfish bastard as long as she keeps benefiting from my self-interest.

      It's a win-win.


      • #78
        Doug, the fact that you have to write large manuscripts in response to each comment from members says quite a lot, and many responses try and turn the table and to attack the member, as you did in mine, versus the comment, also says a lot, i.e., you need to change the topic. And I see no relationship to this and the typical short-time bar scene.

        I don't know what you're doing honestly, nor do I think you do, but it's pretty clear what you want to do is maximize everything to your perceived ideals and advantage, whether that be in controlling her movements, dress, or screwing her sister behind her back, giving false names. Does any of that sound like "I'm doing it for her?". If it does, you have a far different meaning of helping someone than I do.

        As for whether this manipulation is better than manipulation from Katie, I don't know, but who cares. To use your language, there is no way you can stand on your high horse and say all of this is for her benefit and you are the good samaritan.

        I commented twice on this, so no need to worry I'll comment again, as I made my point, and anything else and we're just pointlessly attacking each other.


        • #79
          Doug.... You are DA MAN!

          Keep doing exactly what you are doing and keep writing about it.


          • #80
            (ziggystardust @ Nov. 11 2007,12:22) Doug, the fact that you have to write large manuscripts in response to each comment from members says quite a lot, and many responses try and turn the table and to attack the member, as you did in mine, versus the comment, also says a lot, i.e., you need to change the topic. And I see no relationship to this and the typical short-time bar scene.

            I don't know what you're doing honestly, nor do I think you do, but it's pretty clear what you want to do is maximize everything to your perceived ideals and advantage, whether that be in controlling her movements, dress, or screwing her sister behind her back, giving false names. Does any of that sound like "I'm doing it for her?". If it does, you have a far different meaning of helping someone than I do.

            As for whether this manipulation is better than manipulation from Katie, I don't know, but who cares. To use your language, there is no way you can stand on your high horse and say all of this is for her benefit and you are the good samaritan.

            I commented twice on this, so no need to worry I'll comment again, as I made my point, and anything else and we're just pointlessly attacking each other.
            Well, admittedly that last post came off a bit harsher than I meant it, but then again, you did say I was "disgusting", so it's not like you didn't start flinging the attack words around first.

            Just because I use more words doesn't make you any less guilty of flaming people.

            I don't think I ever implied that I was "doing this for her". The connection between what I'm doing and the short-time bar scene is that I'm acting completely out of my own self-interest, just like every other guy who puts the first P in P4P.

            You've got stories on these forums about guys chatting up a bird in a bar for an hour, but then not barfining her and instead taking a different girl home. How come you aren't chiding those guys to consider the poor girl's feelings??

            The P4P scene is completely self-interested on BOTH sides of the equation. So don't lecture me about "maximizing things to my advantage" (as if that's a bad thing), because that's exactly what she's doing and every guy whose ever tried to get a girl without barfining her or without spending more than 1000 baht on her is doing exactly the same thing too.

            Just because I don't want the P4P scene to train-wreck my life doesn't mean I'm better or worse than any of the other guys in it.

            I'm certainly not going to claim to be some kind of good samaritan. I'm not trying to save this girl, but I don't see any reason to be a negative influence either. There's no reason why we both can't benefit from mutual self-interest, after all.


            • #81
              Guys, seriously, you have no privacy/anonymity in this country, at all. Truth.
              Whatever it is, the one thing she CAN'T do is mess with my real life, real girlfriend, real friends, or real apartment. She's safely walled off from that, and so even if she does pop, the worst it'll mean for me is that I'll be cut out of my perverted Lily/Lolita triangle. Oh well, it'll have to end eventually, right?
              I had previously taken a few quotes and was planning a nice reply but then decided to cut it down to just the two above.

              I am not entirely sure I do believe all that you write but that is of little importance, and I could not care less whether your posts are true or created to perhaps increase members input, or simply for your own enjoyment.

              This thread should change its main heading because it is not about how to fall in love at all. It is about one man on a mission.

              If I am am honest, I would say that from your threads, you need help, professional help. You do not seem to care at all how you affect someone, or even their family members. All you seem to care about is you.

              That is fine, but you take it all to a different level. And if I am honest you seem to have this superiority complex in thinking you are much smarter than the girls or LB's etc.

              While I do not care, I suggest you be careful with such arrogance.


              • #82
                All you seem to care about is you...
                Yeah... very unhealthy this is. The rest of the world really does give a shit about other people! Good grief... you make being arrogant and selfish sound like negative things.

                Doug's stories and 'blog' are fascinating stuff. He's getting sex and lots of it.

                I reckon there are a few doubters... that's fair enough. But there's also some plain old envy slipping through here!

                Professional help? Jesus fucking H Christ. What a wally!  


                • #83
                  Thanks man this is one of the most interesting / entertaining reads I have had here,I dont care what percentage of it is fact or fiction, I especially like the way these guys are taking a moral high ground with you......
                    keep it coming man.


                  • #84
                    (bangkoksins @ Nov. 11 2007,18:18)
                    Guys, seriously, you have no privacy/anonymity in this country, at all.  Truth.
                    Whatever it is, the one thing she CAN'T do is mess with my real life, real girlfriend, real friends, or real apartment.  She's safely walled off from that, and so even if she does pop, the worst it'll mean for me is that I'll be cut out of my perverted Lily/Lolita triangle.  Oh well, it'll have to end eventually, right?
                    I had previously taken a few quotes and was planning a nice reply but then decided to cut it down to just the two above.

                    I am not entirely sure I do believe all that you write but that is of little importance, and I could not care less whether your posts are true or created to perhaps increase members input, or simply for your own enjoyment.

                    This thread should change its main heading because it is not about how to fall in love at all. It is about one man on a mission.

                    If I am am honest, I would say that from your threads, you need help, professional help. You do not seem to care at all how you affect someone, or even their family members. All you seem to care about is you.

                    That is fine, but you take it all to a different level. And if I am honest you seem to have this superiority complex in thinking you are much smarter than the girls or LB's etc.

                    While I do not care, I suggest you be careful with such arrogance.
                    While it may fall outside the grasp of some people, the title of this thread is supposed to be ironic. "How to 'fall in love?'" The answer is: Don't. At least, not with bargirls.

                    Call me a cynic, but I just can't see taking some girl home to mama and saying, "we met in Nana plaza. I used to have to pay her, but now we're in love so she gives me a discount! ain't that great, mama?"

                    As for professional help... hahaha! Look, I know I sound a bit sociopathic at times, but such things are a spectrum, not black-n-white. If we look at sociopathic behavior as a range between "Complete Asshole" and "School Shooter", I'm pretty sure I'd be on the "Asshole" end of the scale.

                    In other words, I don't think I'm in need of professional help. I probably need to grow up, but then again I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in that regard, right guys?

                    As for a superiority complex, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?

                    This girl is nearly 1/3rd my age, has an M.3 education (9th grade, which by Western standard would probably be 4th or 5th grade level), and who's total life/work experience involves lying in bed and taking it in the ass.

                    And you're criticizing me for acting like I'm superior to THAT?

                    What, do I have to pretend like I'm an 8th grader just to be polite? Are you suggesting that I take the opinions of a teenaged, dropout ex-prostitute seriously? Should I lift her up and treat her as my "equal"? Whatever!

                    You said, "And if I am honest you seem to have this superiority complex in thinking you are much smarter than the girls or LB's etc." Hahaha! Do I think I'm smarter than this ladyboy? Fuck yeah, I do!! I'll take any test you want to give to prove it, but I'm pretty sure I've got a few notches up on the IQ ladder over this girl. Which is one of the reasons why I'd NEVER consider a relationship with her. Other than her incredibly tight ass, she's got little else that interests me. Sure, she's sweet and cute and absolutely lovely to be around, but so are kittens!

                    I go over to her place to put my DICK in her ASS, that's it, period. She knows that, and she likes that. But try to carry on a conversation with her? Ugh, I'd rather have a root canal. And I'm sure she feels the same way about me too. If she wants to talk to a boy on her level, she's going to hop down to the net shop and talk to those lazy, Ragnorak-playing fuckers. She certainly isn't going to try to engage me in a conversation about the geopolitical balance in East Asia and it's shift back towards military dictatorships. Oy! I'm pretty sure she'd rather just give me head and then go watch some brain-dead Thai TV.

                    Look, telling this girl what to wear doesn't necessarily make me a controlling, self-superior asshole, if anything, it makes me a good parent! Hahah!


                    • #85

                      Sure, she's sweet and cute and absolutely lovely to be around, but so are kittens!
                      I've made kathylc  


                      • #86
                        Steinbeck wrote the novel "Of mice and men" .. don't think he came up with the saying

                        I think anyone who makes up a list like Doug did, is the naive one

                        You just can't put a list together and think that it will settle everything.

                        I have known a lot of guys over the years who have settled down with bargirls over the years.. and regardless of how they thought they were setting it up .. "THE BARGIRL MADE THE RULES"

                        It is nice to think that the golden rule applies (those with the gold make the rules) but keep in mind TIT

                        This is why I settled down with a non bar girl .. and it works just fine..

                        85% is probably optimistic.. and let's face it, if you were gambling would you gamble where the house has such an edge..


                        • #87
                          I love the way doug is cleverly outwitting all the jealous tossers who think that his life is all so wrong!

                          Keep it going, doug. I have renewed faith that there are some smart people actually living here on their own terms, poking a finger up at the stupid Thais they live with and the even more stupid farangs that are trying to get by here.


                          • #88
                            Doug I am envious and jealous of you! I think that any of us wasting away in Farangland would like to trade places with you in a heartbeat. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and daily shagging stories with us and it is great reading.


                            • #89
                              (doug @ Nov. 11 2007,15:59) She certainly isn't going to try to engage me in a conversation about the geopolitical balance in East Asia and it's shift back towards military dictatorships. Oy! I'm pretty sure she'd rather just give me head and then go watch some brain-dead Thai TV.

                              That said, I've actually had some interesting conversations (in Thai) with BGs. Some are smart, some are not, same same everywhere.

                              But Doug is right, take the money away and she would much rather watch Thai soap operas, sleep, eat and hang around Thais her age and do what Thais her age do.

                              Our redeeming quality is that we have money to give them, if we are nice to them and not a big pain in the ass (so to speak) for them, it is a bonus.


                              • #90
                                Our redeeming quality is that we have money to give them, if we are nice to them and not a big pain in the ass (so to speak) for them, it is a bonus...

