(ziggystardust @ Nov. 10 2007,13:26) As for slavery and a manipulative twisting of young girls minds, it's a good thread. Can you think of a better reason whey Thai people think of us as disgusting? It is perfectly embodied in this thread.
I highly doubt I have enough influence over this girl's life to constitute "slavery" or even "manipulation".
"Katie" is a far more influential person in her life and both Lily and I agree that it's a BAD influence, but what can we do?
Many ladyboys get adopted by a "mama" and that older girl has a great deal of control over what she wears, how she acts, and how she earns a living.
To say that the few hours a week I spend with her amounts to anything at all would be wishful thinking at best. For example, I know for a fact that she spends most of her free time flirting with lazy, jobless Thai boys (that are her own age) in the internet cafes. Short of locking her up, I don't see how I would be able to prevent this, so actually, this girl would be LUCKY if she was under my influence or "enslaved" by me. I'm fairly certain I'd be a better influence than "Katie" or those lazy fucks in the net shop.
Seriously, the major influences in this girl's life are a drug-using prostitute and gang-banging Ragnorak junkies. Are you suggesting I'd be worse?
Didn't I just get done saying I went out and bought the girl some decent clothes just so she could go out in public without embarassing herself. If "Katie's" closet is what this girl has to model her wardrobe on, she'll be wearing hot-pants and cut-off T-shirts 24/7. Don't you think Thai people would find that disgusting?
So if I have to "manipulate" the girl into wearing a skirt that's longer that 6" (I kid you not), then damnit, I certainly am going to do it. Even if I'm entirely selfish in my motivation, the end result is that she'll be walking around town FULLY-CLOTHED, which right there is a huge favor I'm doing her.
And if I did "enslave" her and lock her up in some apartment far from Katie and the net shop boys (ah, the 80's, er... nevermind), then I'd be doing her a huge favor too.
After all, even her own sister can't keep her out of the bars! Katie's pull is that much stronger. I'd be kidding myself if I thought I might be able to surplant Katie as a primary influence, but if I could, she'd be far better off.
Under Katie's influence this girl will be a bitter veteran of the bar scene before she's 20. Under Katie, it won't be long before she'll be using E or Ice (if she's not already using), and as soon as that starts, 50% of her income will be blown on drugs and there'll be a very good chance she'll end up out on the street like all those other burnt-out psychotic freelancers.
Another month or two in the net shop and one of those lazy fuckers will make her his "girlfriend" (aka MEAL TICKET), and pretty soon he'll be hitting her if she doesn't bring home enough money for him to buy his buddies a round of Leo Beer while they sit on their lazy fuck asses outside the net shop.
Are you seriously proposing that she'd be worse off in the deal I'm proposing? Hell, even her own sister THANKED me for pulling this girl out of the bar. She's Thai and she's not at all disgusted.
She know I only have my own interest in mind, but she also knows that I'm a far better option than Katie or the net shop.
And what's wrong with having my own interests in mind? Every other dirty fucker on this board is doing exactly the same thing every time he walks into a bar. Right guys? Any of you seeking true love and marriage in Nana Plaza? (If you are, Lord help you! Hahah!).
No, we go to the bars to get our dicks wet and our fetishes serviced, period. How is that any different than what I'm doing?
Get off your high-horse, please. You know as well as I do that the P4P scene is already virtual enslavement for many of these girls. Lord knows how many of these girls have bookies, mama-sans, drug-dealers, lazy-fuck "boyfriends", lazy-fuck families and greedy bar-owners dipping into their paycheck every month. And all of that "enslavement" is funded by a constant stream of horny punters walking into the bars. We may not be the "masters" in these girls lives, but we certainly FUND the masters.
So don't sit there and tell me I'm disgusting when you aren't all that far removed from participating in very same scene. How many girls have you barfined in your day? Are you honestly going to try to convince me that there weren't people in the lives of some of those girls who were "manipulating" and "enslaving" them? Hah! Next you'll be trying to tell me that there's no drug use in Nana plaza and that Thai ladyboys never gamble!
You may think that you're Mr. Holier-than-Thou, because you believe you've never "enslaved" or "manipulated" a girl, but if you've ever had P4P sex, then it's practically guaranteed that you PAID someone to manipulate and enslave at least some of those girls into working the P4P scene.
Be it a lazy boyfriend, an influential ladyboy-mama, a drug-dealer, or a bookie, there is quite often someone in these girls lives who keeps pressure on them to remain in the P4P scene (or to start in it). Anytime you participate in it, you're tacitly endorsing the actions of those people (because your money goes into their pocket!).
So, yeah, call me a disgusting fuck for "manipulating and twisting a young girl's mind", fine. At least I do the deed myself, with no middleman involved. You, on the other hand, pay someone else to do the deed for you, and then claim that your hands are washed clean of any stain.
You're bullshitting yourself if you think you're somehow above me because you don't get your hands dirty in the nasty business that goes on behind the P4P scene. The scene wouldn't even exist if guys like you weren't paying for it, so don't get all high-and-mighty on me.
And you're also bullshitting yourself if you think your "true love" wouldn't pick up a little extra on the side if the opportunity presented itself. I'm currently FUCKING a girl who's boyfriend thinks exactly the same thing. So don't kid yourself, bub.
Once a girl steps into the P4P scene, she can always "retire", but she'll always be one step away from going right back to it. The money is just too easy and the temptation is always there.
I've no doubt in my mind that if your girl was flying solo in the discos one night and she happened to come across a guy like me... well.... you'd probably never find out about it anyway, so no sense in bursting your little bubble.
Suffice to say that your magical relationship--that gives you such a sense of superiority over us poor fuckers in the trenches--is just a bad day away from being yet another train-wreck horror story.
I'm not interested in train wrecks, especially in MY life. So I'm going to do my best to keep things "on the down-lo" and if that means I have to manipulate some "poor innocent young girl" (yeah, sure she is), then I certainly will do it. Because what I really want is no-strings-attached sex on the side.
Hey, wait a minute, that's exactly what we all want, right guys?