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Ex's engagement stands FIRM

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  • Nearly impossible? Well...I guess there are always going to be exceptions to the rule, but I'm in the camp that pretty much thinks once a hoe always a hoe. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.
    So by the same logic would someone once a John be always a John? And if your newly found love ouside of Bangkok (or the "scene") should ever find out your Nana history, she should have every reason to doubt your commitment too.
    The double standards we have on this board is troubling (or I misunderstood everyone?) We are not much better than the "ho" - We commit the same "crimes" with them. Only we are flying thousands of miles to do so. Next time anybody want to cast a stone, he'd better be someone who spends his holiday vististing local zoo with kids.
    The guy has courage to try the impossible and not hesitate to act out how he feels - for that I give him applause.   So what if he fails? One day we are all going to move on to the next life, how are you any smarter just because no women/LB ever break your heart. I'd say if you never get your heart broken, you never really lived.
    Still, man, not smart to reveal yourself (and your girl) though... this mob is not kind  


    • Don't listen to the fools that are explaining the facts of life to you! Anyone who doubts the integrity and soundness of this endeavour has balls the size of bbs!  
      Here is a group of people who fuck girls with dicks and also care about "facts" and "practicality".
      I guess Mark is the only guy with illusions.
      If you do have courage to dream just stay with traditional marriage and GG.


      • So by the same logic would someone once a John be always a John? And if your newly found love ouside of Bangkok (or the "scene") should ever find out your Nana history, she should have every reason to doubt your commitment too.
        I'd go along with that.


        • This is what LBs refer to as "winning the lottery". And serves as yet another example why stupid people should not have too much money.
          Or sour loosers should stay poor.
          I know FAR MORE THAN YOU DO


          • (lostinlos @ Oct. 09 2006,10:30) I guess Mark is the only guy with illusions.
            We are all guys "...with illusions...."  That's what we are here for - ILLUSIONS.

            You don't come to a porno site trying to magically conjure up love.
            "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


            • but marrying them (ladyboy or girl, especially those from 3rd world countries) c'mon guys let's have some STANDARDS please..........
              Third world country? Pathetic western arrogance.......
              I know FAR MORE THAN YOU DO


              • One more comment before I go to sleep....  
                I don't want to use harsh words against ourselves but most of us fly thousands of miles to a foreign land to fullfill our sexual fantacy, which may never be tolerated in the societies we live in, and we really sound rediculous when we all in a sudden pretend to hold a high standard in regard of relationships.
                Many of us fucked up our marriages, and for those who have not YET, why are you here, borrowing words from ziggy, "jacking off to cocks"?
                I for one do not think it would be a failure for Mark if Ex goes to work again in bars next month, hell, I for one do not think it's wrong for anyone to let his girl friend sleep around, if themselves sleep around too. Love and sex can be two different things. And with 50% "straight" marriages end in divorce, even with a legal system supporting them, there is no legitmate ground for us to call a months-long romance with Lb a failure.
                Also, as stated before on this thread, Mark is a wealthy guy. So look at it from this angel: he can afford this fantacy that you see "stubid". Zillions of hill billies would not hesitate to call a rich Californian stubid because he pays 10 dollars for a small piece of tuna in a sushi bar. So Marks bought a house (maybe for Ex), how do we know if he has not done this millions of times because it's only pocket change for him?

                Finally, even we are all anonymous behind our PC, I personally think we should all refrain from harsh criticisms against one another. How do we justify our anger when main stream media cracks jokes about transexuals if we have members here refering to LBs as him/bloke? yes, Mark made himself vulnerable by starting the thread himself, but still, a little common courtesy among the "comrades" would be mighty nice.
                I know FAR MORE THAN YOU DO


                • Now get to bed........
                  ..............and you're not gettig any supper tonight Sonny Jim!!
                  When she walks, she’s like a samba
                  That swings so cool and sways so gentle


                  • (lostinlos @ Oct. 09 2006,14:31)
                    but marrying them (ladyboy or girl, especially those from 3rd world countries) c'mon guys let's have some STANDARDS please..........
                    Third world country? Pathetic western arrogance.......
                    I don't see it that way - it's just a fact. As you get ready for the upcoming office Christmas party, think about who you'd rather have with you at your table:

                    Girl 1: A beautiful college-educated professional woman who is well-spoken, well-traveled, and well-mannered.


                    Girl 2: A beautiful elementary school drop-out who's shagged 1,000+ men during her tenure in the bars who's only trip out of Issan was the rickety bus ride to Nana!

                    I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


                    • (dummy_plug @ Oct. 14 2006,13:09) As you get ready for the upcoming office Christmas party, think about who you'd rather have with you at your table:
                      But who would you rather have in your bed?


                      • (dummy_plug @ Oct. 14 2006,12:09)
                        (lostinlos @ Oct. 09 2006,14:31)
                        but marrying them (ladyboy or girl, especially those from 3rd world countries) c'mon guys let's have some STANDARDS please..........
                        Third world country? Pathetic western arrogance.......
                        I don't see it that way - it's just a fact. As you get ready for the upcoming office Christmas party, think about who you'd rather have with you at your table:

                        Girl 1: A beautiful college-educated professional woman who is well-spoken, well-traveled, and well-mannered.


                        Girl 2: A beautiful elementary school drop-out who's shagged 1,000+ men during her tenure in the bars who's only trip out of Issan was the rickety bus ride to Nana!

               honest! *
                        Things are not that simple.
                        Niether is this entire affair with Mr. Mark.
                        The so-called well traveled and well educated girl # 1 will most likely not want to be seen with you in the company christmas party. She rather be with a New England rich WASP (sorry to play that angle man) elite whose grand grand father founded Sears or something. And this guy'd better not have any history of baging chicks with dicks.
                        And this is not about lowering standards - this is about reconizing, and making peace with who we are. We have a sexuality that the rest of society does not tolerate. Yes, not all LBs are bar girls, but I bet you it's a higher percentage - and it's a near 100 percetage in US. One has to admit, it's a b little more diffcult to resist going down that path. Ditching the bar girls does not make sence, when you and me are just on the other side of the transactions.
                        I for one would say fuck the christmas party and the well educated cunt, I rather having the party of two
                        with my poor girl from Issan.

                        That's honest.

                        When you finally have enough christmas parties, you undertsnad what I am talking about ....


                        • (lostinlos @ Oct. 16 2006,23:48) Things are not that simple.
                          Niether is this entire affair with Mr. Mark.
                          The so-called well traveled and well educated girl # 1 will most likely not want to be seen with you in the company christmas party. She rather be with a New England rich WASP (sorry to play that angle man) elite whose grand grand father founded Sears or something. And this guy'd better not have any history of baging chicks with dicks.
                          And this is not about lowering standards - this is about reconizing, and making peace with who we are. We have a sexuality that the rest of society does not tolerate. Yes, not all LBs are bar girls, but I bet you it's a higher percentage - and it's a near 100 percetage in US. One has to admit, it's a b little more diffcult to resist going down that path. Ditching the bar girls does not make sence, when you and me are just on the other side of the transactions.
                          I for one would say fuck the christmas party and the well educated cunt, I rather having the party of two
                          with my poor girl from Issan.

                          That's honest.

                          When you finally have enough christmas parties, you undertsnad what I am talking about ....

                          I don't work in an office, and I try to live life as to myself be true.
                          I am ever so grateful for this forum to allow us to share our eccentricities.




                          • After so many years of travel, "third world country" does not wash anymore, when it comes to Asia, there culture generally goes back further than ours ( westeners ) they seem to live together better than we do & anyone who considers the LOS to be third world needs to try living in the UK & dealing with its "customer service", service industries, & anything state run & owned its a total farce. Of course asia has its problems but generally they are over come better than we ( westerners ) over come ours.

                            You cannot compare western women to asian & south american women, because there isn't a comparison, except they are both female & they are all in it for the money. However generally Asians & Latina's are better at sex & looking good than western women. Mongers have a higher sexual performance standard than the average bloke in a steady western women relationship. Once the initial sexual frenzy is over ( such as it is ) western women slowly turn off the sex, because thats not what they are there for. If they have decided you are the one for the long haul sex is the very last priority & understanding blokes who can seperate sex & love thats an absolute none starter for a western women, unless of course they are playing away. ( Baring in mind they don't generally marry the person they want to have sex with. )

                            What we in this forum like, LB's, TS, TV's, the western world can't cope with, mainly because its viewed as a threat by women & men, blokes more attractive & better at sex than women, & blokes fancying blokes, all far too risky for the uninciated. Yet in asia & south america its far more acceptable. "Third World" Enlightened World more like.

                            I have Known Ex for years, when she used to be the front girl for a bar on one of the Soi's & she has developed into ( in my opinion ) one of the best looking & most exotic LB's i have ever seen in the LOS. I hope Mark is proud of her, treats her right, & I hope he "parades" her under the noses of the tourist horde & gawping masses, especailly the bitter & twisted, poorly dressed, obnocious, ugly western women & there delusioned & frustrated parteners.

                            Ex might be a "bar girl", who may or may not return to the bar scene, but does that make her any less of a person than some snotty nosed well educated, supposedely well employed girl. It certainly does NOT in my eyes. The only difference in the big scheme of things is that she is a LB, the west couldn't cope, especailly as she looks so good. So in the west it would be more socially acceptable to take the snotty nose chic than Ex. But who is the better in looks, ( possibly in character too ) & in the sack! I leave you to make your own conclusion.

                            Mark may have money in abundance, & i am sure there are those who think he has "bought" Ex,.... house, financial support etc. Well, whats the differrence between that & relationship / marriage with a western women, they are on the take as well, try dropping the bills in there lap for a while & see how long they stay around.

                            I really don't see what all the fuss is about if Ex & Mark are happy, get the happiness while you can, its in short supply! It will run its course, it will work out or not work out, only time will tell. Good luck to them both.

                            You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


                            • Thoughtful and excellent post. Thanks

                              seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


                              • Great post, and this come from a "true" butterfly .

