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Ex's engagement stands FIRM

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  • (SamplerDoc @ Aug. 24 2006,11:36) Great News...I am back from my China and Bkk Trip and I have a wife to be in china (a GG) and a wife to be in Bkk (a LB).

    That right I have two girls in two countries willing and almost ready to marry me, one ladboy and one girl. I am very excited that in the near future I will be getting married to one of these great Ladies. Well there is on more that is willing and ready to marry me in the Phillipines but I have not met her in person.

    As for the two lovely ladies I did meet in person...........first one to get the proper visa and passport is off to marry me
    Congrats, sounds like you will be having to make a choice. It can't be just which one gets a visa first, you must have a preference, right?

    Not sure where you live but it sounds like they are desperate to get out of their country, which they are, and it's not a bad thing. I say go for the better looking one, whether the Chinese GG or the LB in Bangkok. Pick the one which you think will adapt best, bitch the least, make the best wife. Have you been married before? Women have strong wills no matter where they are from.


    • Thanks...
      Nope, Never Married before and certainly it feels right to settle down now.

      I do have a preference but only slighty, really.  Goes like this:

      (GG) China is very sweet girl but has low english lang skills and so-so in bed but seems willing. She plays some type of musical instruments in her country and 28 years old.  A Music job.

      (LB) Thailand is also very sweet but in a different way, she has the ability to be very laid back and has medium english lang skills and is good in bed.  She seems to be smarter than one would think but she is only 19 years old.  A bar job.

      (LB) Phillipines is very comical and sweet but has a distinct jealous streak and I have not had her in bed yet.  She speaks the best english by far, very good level indeed and she is 24 years old.  A bar related job.

      I do believe they all come from poor family situations.  I also, think its far easier for the Phil girl to get a visa vs china or thailand.  I think the girl in thailand will have the most problems but she is the one I could see having a long happy life with.  It figures hmmm the girl I love will have the most problems in the legal documents area.
      You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


      • (Mai-Kee @ Aug. 24 2006,06:47) Amazing that this thread is still alive!!!
        Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


        • You are a lucky man!

          I owned her cock for two days. But it is already long time ago and I only keep fantastic memories.

          It is a great girl. And deserves all the best!
          I know FAR MORE THAN YOU DO


          • After all we've discussed on this thread, or on the board for that matter, why do you gents have an interest in marrying former bar-girls? I'm lost...
            I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


            • Because, unless you live in LOS, they are hanging on to a dream.
              seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


              • I'm sure by now Mark Selby's taken Ex back in his African Safari Game Farm where she spends most of her nights riding around on his pet Ape named Rape.


                • To my way of thinking Mark's biggest mistake was posting his very personal relationship with Ex. And for the record, who gives a fuck if she was a bar girl? Oh sure, members of this website are pure as the driven snow and without sin. Give me break you jackoffs. We are perverts and total degenerates to the majority of society no matter how we try to spin our love for LB'S. Rip a guy for taking a chance with one of them, make fun and snide comments that's the cowards way since you have the annonimity of the web to protect you. I can well image your desire to see this relationship fail, it will validate your own inability to have a serious relationship with an LB. You can go right on calling them whores, money grubbing shanks and not worth anything more than a quick cock suck or ass fucking.
                  Bravo to you Mark.


                  • (PogueMahone @ Oct. 07 2006,07:51) To my way of thinking Mark's biggest mistake was posting his very personal relationship with Ex.  And for the record, who gives a fuck if she was a bar girl?  Oh sure, members of this website are pure as the driven snow and without sin.  Give me break you jackoffs.  We are perverts and total degenerates to the majority of society no matter how we try to spin our love for LB'S.  Rip a guy for taking a chance with one of them, make fun and snide comments that's the cowards way since you have the annonimity of the web to protect you.  I can well image your desire to see this relationship fail, it will validate your own inability to have a serious relationship with an LB.  You can go right on calling them whores, money grubbing shanks and not worth anything more than a quick cock suck or ass fucking.
                    Bravo to you Mark.
                    YOU obviously have not read the whole thread. many of the reply's are possative about there future, many state it like it is, and many have wished them well.I for one find you insulting comments annoying
                    .What are you ?a one man mission to save the ladyboy world?? the great protector of the exploited masses of bangkok and pattaya??
                    Give me a break mahone, you are just as bad as those you accuse here,insulting people from the annomity of your pc
                    you piss me off with your nice guy bad guy comments mr pogue mahone
                    just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


                    • (PogueMahone @ Oct. 07 2006,09:51)  Rip a guy for taking a chance with one of them, make fun and snide comments that's the cowards way since you have the annonimity of the web to protect you.  I can well image your desire to see this relationship fail, it will validate your own inability to have a serious relationship with an LB.  You can go right on calling them whores, money grubbing shanks and not worth anything more than a quick cock suck or ass fucking.
                      Bravo to you Mark.
                      from reading the forum, my impression is that most (if not all) posters wished him well but stated their belief (based on their experiences) that it would be very difficult to make it last

                      Despite this, People still seemed to wish him well.

                      I think your remarks are unfair.

                      Also, you have to remember that Mark started the thread himself. What did he expect if not debate? That's the whole point of this forum. I haven't seen him contribute much (if anything) in a long time

                      Like most others here, I would be very happy if it works out well for them but have my doubts (usual concerns such as cultural differences, her background as a bar girl which means her expectations of how people generally interact in society etc, etc, etc). Maybe they will be one of the success stories - it's certainly possible (and as far as I know, they're still together) ... but unlikely
                      No honey, no money!!


                      • We are perverts and total degenerates to the majority of society
                        ....and proud of it!

                        Thanks for the compliment Pogue. I feel that all my hard work is finally being appreciated!
                        Mister Arse


                        • Like so often is there a pros and cons. And not every person is same like the other.  Every guy is different - every lb is different.  
                          I think this is a thing between them both and they have to see about it works or not. Or how often a relationship break between a guy and GG, or how often is there someone not honest to the partner. This problem happen everywere and everytime in the world and not only special in the Asian-lb-scene.
                          Time will tell.
                          Djai jen jen si !


                          • (PogueMahone @ Oct. 07 2006,01:51) To my way of thinking Mark's biggest mistake was posting his very personal relationship with Ex.  And for the record, who gives a fuck if she was a bar girl?  Oh sure, members of this website are pure as the driven snow and without sin.  Give me break you jackoffs.  We are perverts and total degenerates to the majority of society no matter how we try to spin our love for LB'S.  Rip a guy for taking a chance with one of them, make fun and snide comments that's the cowards way since you have the annonimity of the web to protect you.  I can well image your desire to see this relationship fail, it will validate your own inability to have a serious relationship with an LB.  You can go right on calling them whores, money grubbing shanks and not worth anything more than a quick cock suck or ass fucking.
                            Bravo to you Mark.

                            You really have no idea how this thread has progressed. It was started by Mark declaring his love for Ex and their forthcoming marriage. We have discussed in length the pros and cons of such a relationship and it is my opinion that it is totally unfair to take a Thai Ladyboy out of thailand into a culture which she knows nothing about, and no people with which she can bond.

                            It is, I agree, a totally different story if one lives in Thailand and they have their support network, families and friends around them.

                            Good luck to you, your relationship, and your one man quest to protect all the ladyboys, but read before you post, and lose the holier than thou attitude.
                            seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


                            • (PogueMahone @ Oct. 07 2006,06:51) We are perverts and total degenerates to the majority of society no matter how we try to spin our love for LB'S.
                              You speak for yourself there Pogue with reference to being a total degenerate of society.


                              • Agreed!
                                I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!

