I need to rant!!
The current government in Australia are socialist scum.
They are wrecking this once decent country and pricing us out of existence.
Now we have a carbon tax to go on top of a mining tax to go on top of marginal tax increases
Not to mention the government debt that didn't exist 4 years ago that puts further burden on people.
I just don't get what sort of dumb cunt would ever have voted this lot into government and whats worse we are stuck for another 2 years before we can get rid of them and even then the greens effectively have the power in the senate to block any measures introduced after the Liberals win the next election.
This is not democracy - it's a sick joke!!
If the current prime minister and a few others were assassinated, i would be actually be happy - a sad thing to say - i know.
I can't wait for the day i move to Thailand and get away from this shit ... but after today... it will take a little longer as a little more of my livelihood was stripped away by these communists.
Hope you are enjoying your day.
The current government in Australia are socialist scum.
They are wrecking this once decent country and pricing us out of existence.
Now we have a carbon tax to go on top of a mining tax to go on top of marginal tax increases

I just don't get what sort of dumb cunt would ever have voted this lot into government and whats worse we are stuck for another 2 years before we can get rid of them and even then the greens effectively have the power in the senate to block any measures introduced after the Liberals win the next election.

This is not democracy - it's a sick joke!!
If the current prime minister and a few others were assassinated, i would be actually be happy - a sad thing to say - i know.
I can't wait for the day i move to Thailand and get away from this shit ... but after today... it will take a little longer as a little more of my livelihood was stripped away by these communists.
Hope you are enjoying your day.