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  • #16
    they dont all have the same History. The European Jews founded the place and no wonder they rule the roost.

    Just go to a football match and you will see the ethnic tensions between the Oriental and the European Jews... they dont support the same teams and there is even hatred in some quarters.

    Last year they found a gang uf Russian Jews who were skinheads and had Swastikas and were going around bashing up the Orthordox guys with beards etc. Hard believe but its true and was well documenented in the press.

    Its not that simple.


    • #17
      Yea Israel never did anything for the Ethiopian jews, how the hell did they get to Israel in the first place...oh yea....Israel airlifted them out of Ethopia where the were being persecuted.

      and as Tomcat noted, there are many 'branches' of jews/judism. Some of them I consider as mad as a hatter.

      I googled the birth control story, and could not find any
      coverage of it. Only a lot of sketchy sites, citing the same article of a woman who "believes the Ethiopians are being pressured to take long term birth control" (w/ no proof)
      "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


      • #18
        France24 in my opinion would be serious coverage about it.
        I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

        I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!


        • #19
          Racial prejudice occurs everywhere , its a cold fact of life . Just go to the Sudan and see how they treat each other.

          I think putting the microscope on the Ethiopians is drifting a little and maybe scraping the bottom of the barrel. It also appears that many lied about their ancestry as well to get in... that needs some thinking about


          • #20
            A state/nation based on appartenance to a religion is never a good thing.

            It is even worse than a country with state religion.

            I can never quite decide who is right or wrong in the middle-eastern conflict, but I know there would be less problems if some jews didn't seize the land after the last world war, so Israel wouldn't exist today.

            I also know the muslim nutters (HAMAS/HIZBOLLAH) who support the Palestinians are barbaric and need to be eradicated.
            Not to say the Israeli are angels.

            Finally I believe that if there were no muslim countries around Israel, the Israeli would stay calm and friendly and within their borders without oppressing anyone, while the muslims would probably stay inside their borders too, but they would probably feel the urge to oppress anything that is not muslim (see Lebanon).

            So, since this involves religions on both sides, my choice is just to lean back and watch. Maybe one side will win over the other, probably not. It will go on and on... best not to become involved.


            • #21
              (whore @ Mar. 09 2010,16:45)
              (Snick @ Mar. 09 2010,14:40) You're right Israel should get out of Gaza and let them have their own government

              oh yea....THEY DID THAT

              the result, a civil war in Gaza with Hamas winning and taking over the government (and no elections), and then Hamas shooting missiles into Israel.

              What country on earth can sit back and let itself be the target of continual missile fire ?

              WTF do you thing England would do if France lobbed a missile a day over the channel and occasionally killed someone ?
              A co-author of the Goldstone Gaza report, which accuses both Hamas and Israel of war crimes, claims the Gaza militant group fired only two rockets at Israel prior to last year's winter conflict, according to a new report published by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.

              The report refers to recent remarks made by Desmond Travers, a retired Irish army colonel, who was one of four members of the fact-finding mission to Gaza and Israel.

              Travers rejects the idea that Israel launched the offensive in Gaza on December 27, 2008, as an act of self-defense in response to Hamas rockets. The Jerusalem center report says he bases this idea on a "fact" that he presents that in the month prior to start of the war, only "something like two" rockets that fell on Israel.

              The report quotes an extensive interview with Travers in the Middle East Monitor, in which he also says that Hamas had sought "a continuation of the cease-fire" prior to Israel's offensive in Gaza.

              Travers also rejects Israel Defense Forces photographs as proof that Hamas hid weapons in mosques during the conflict.

              "I do not believe the photographs," Travers said, describing the IDF evidence as "spurious."
              In that winter conflict the ratio of Israeli and Palatinians killed was 110/1. The used overwhelming force and chemical weapons on a dense civilian population with a complete disregard for human life.

              Snick the IRA bombed Britain for years and not once did the british government use chemical weapons or airstrikes on the civilian population Rep of Ireland.
              A certain country in the 1940s used to (depending on the country where an incident took place) kill 10 or 100 civillians for every soldier killed. We allow a country in the 21st Century to conduct similar collective punishment and nobody says a word. For Warsaw Ghetto, insert Gaza. Oops I've just been politically incorrect drawing a comparison.

              Ordinary residents of Gaza (yes the majority of the population ARE ordinary, just like the population of Northern Ireland during the Troubles) exist at the whim of the Israelis, who acknowledge they keep them at a subsistence level. The rocket attacks, which I do not condone, cause relatively little damage but the palestinians continue to use them for propaganda purposes. Unfortunately this falls right into the Israeli's hands, giving them 'justification' to conduct indiscriminate bombing attacks, taking out such high priority terrorist targets as schools, hospitals, libraries, police stations, etc, The best thing the palestinians could do is stop the attacks, which removes Israel's 'right' to retaliate.

              Every time they are criticised the same old 'remember the holocaust' rhetoric is churned out- it's time to move on. Very few of the current population of israel is directly affected by the Holocaust. Iran nuclear reactor-bad. Israel over one hundred nuclear warheads-good. I guess it all depends if the US is your friend or your foe.

              I believe in freedom of religion and do not consider myself anti- Semitic, I am however anti- Israeli whilst they continue with their arrogant attitude towards the rest of the world. They have conducted political assassinations with impunity around the world for about 50 years and its about time they were brought to account for it. The Raid on Entebbe in 1976 ( which was justified) resulted in the death of one commando. His brother- the current Prime Minister of Israel. Yeah, I can really see an accord being reached!!
              I couldn't give a shit how long it is until you're next holiday- I live here


              • #22
                this could be a solution:
                Attached Files


                • #23
                  (Tomcat @ Mar. 09 2010,19:04)
                  I think putting the microscope on the Ethiopians is drifting a little and maybe scraping the bottom of the barrel. It also appears that many lied about their ancestry as well to get in... that needs some thinking about
                  How is it scraping the bottom of the barrel? I think its of great importance if people are talking about Israel. Racism can be found in every country in the world. It can be seen here in Ireland, it can be seen in football in England, it can be seen in all walks of life. But giving black Ethiopian jews controversial birth control drugs to stop them having children. Stopping a woman having children and putting them through pain just because of the colour of their skin is just disgusting.

        ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="445" height="364">
                  I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

                  I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!


                  • #24
                    Childrens lives being destroyed before they are even born. I think the US has had a direct impact on causing this. The same high numbers of birth defects can be seen in Fallujah in Iraq and the Israeli government probably think, well the US can use these weapons so why cant we.

          ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="580" height="360">
                    I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

                    I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!


                    • #25

                      and some palestinian mothers hold their newborn-son in their arms, looking at him proudly and say "you too will die a martyr by exploding your bomb with jews around" and then with a pitch of hope in her voice: "or even in an airplane!"

                      Again, my position is to lean back and wait what happens.
                      If they export their violence in our countries, it will be time to slap them strong.


                      • #26
                        I'd be completely fine with Israel nuking every country around them back into the stone age. Jews are better to have around than Muslims in my estimation.

                        At the end of the day, I'd rather there just be no religious zealots at all, regardless of the religion. But that's just a pipe dream; Israel nuking the M.E. isn't. It's going to happen, and probably in our lifetime.


                        • #27
                          It's a disgrace whats happening to the Palestinians.Theyre living in the largest concentration camp in the world,treated like animals,assaulted and murdered with impunity by the IDF.This is condoned/approved/applauded by the USA who incidentally provides them with $10 billion in money and armaments every year.Their land has been stolen,and they've been living in refugee camps for 60 years.Would'nt you be pissed off if you and your people were being treated this way.?No wonder those planes flew into the twin towers.BTW-Mossad knew all about 9/11 beforehand and kept it to themselves-some friends eh???


                          • #28
                            Religion divides people because every religion thinks they're right and can't see the other side's point of view. It builds walls between people, not bridges.
                            John Lennon had it right. Get rid of religion and then we wouldn't have this mess to contend with.

                            Israel does do shocking things to the Palestinians and they should be called to account. But while you are calling them make sure you call every other society who has committed acts that are inhumane as well.
                            dreaming about LOS again


                            • #29
                              (blonde_havoc @ Mar. 09 2010,21:15) Jews are better to have around than Muslims in my estimation.  

                              At the end of the day, I'd rather there just be no religious zealots at all, regardless of the religion.
                              Please let us know when you plan to hang yourself


                              • #30
                                (fleeing @ Mar. 10 2010,08:26)
                                (blonde_havoc @ Mar. 09 2010,21:15) Jews are better to have around than Muslims in my estimation.  

                                At the end of the day, I'd rather there just be no religious zealots at all, regardless of the religion.
                                Please let us know when you plan to hang yourself  

                                I don't care for any religion, but if I had to choose, I'd pick Jews as the lesser of two evils over Muslims.

