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  • Israel

    Israel is always in the press and always for the wrong reasons. Someone recently called me a "Zionist" because of some of my views and I have to admit, I didnt even really know what Zionist even meant until I looked it up. Since looking that up I have read alot of articles about Zionism and Israels treatment of the Palestinians. Quite recently we seen the scandal about the Hamas leader being assassinated in Dubai, supposedly and more than likely by Mossad agents using false passports from a number of countries including Ireland and the UK. The Israeli governments response is, they neither confirm nor deny any involvement, which in my opinion translates to, we dont care what you think, we do what we want. EU foreign ministers drafted a letter to send to the Israeli government over the use of EU passports, which in my opinion will be put through the shredder after it arrives in Tel Aviv.

    To pick out an arguement about Israel its seems like shooting fish in a barrel. You have the inhuman treatment of the Palestinians from the now 1000th day blockade of the Gaza strip. The use of chemical weapons on civilians resulting in record high amounts birth defects of new born children in Gaza. You have the blatant murder an American and British human rights workers and a journalist in Gaza in recent years. Which was documented in the BBC program "Killing is easy" which since its airing has been taken of the BBC website and is not listed anymore supposedly because of pressure from the Israeli government. The family of a British journalist murdered got a check in the post for $12,000 from the Israeli government which actually bounced when they tried to cash it.

    A write up about "killing is easy"

    The Israeli government show a complete lack of respect for human life and so do alot of the Israeli citizens themselves. My father lived in Tel Aviv before I was born and he has always claimed, that Israel feels they are allowed do these things because of the holocaust and other western governments wont intervene because of the same reason. Its also worth pointing out the one of the biggest critics of Israel is Hajo Meyer, an 85-year old survivor of Auschwitz.

    Some Irish members will remember years ago when Irish retail workers went on strike because they refused to handle goods from South Africa during Apartheid. They same thing is happening now in Israel and no one seems to care.">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="445" height="364">
    I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

    I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!

  • #2
    It's difficult to criticize Israel, because if you do you get labeled as anti-semitic, right of the bat. This is just a cheap ploy to keep people from pointing out some of their more egregious atrocities.
    Israel is a client state of the U.S. They are Uncle Sam's enforcer in the region and they've got major nukes. They pretty much a have a license to do whatever the fuck they want to whomever they want.
    Holocaust, blah, blah, blah. Yes, it was horrible but they're not the only ones to have endured a holocaust. How many millions died as a result of the slave trade, imperialism and the colonization of the Americas? Surely those were holocausts as well.

    I've been hearing about unrest, problems, crisis and tragedies in the Middle East my whole fucking life. It's a CLUSTER-FUCK OF EPIC PROPORTIONS that's never going to get better, at least not in my lifetime.
    "Bankin' off of the northeast wind
    Salin' on a summer breeze
    And skippin' over the ocean, like a stone."
    -Harry Nilsson


    • #3
      Uh Tommy, I had always thought that a Zionist was one who supported a homeland for the Jews. Just checked wiki and it seems that still holds true.

      So, your prior views must have shown some support for the Jews having a homeland in Israel, correct ? Hence, you were called a Zionist.

      But now thats obviously changed ?

      Life is short. Live it well.


      • #4
        It was my views towards Iran that made this person call me a Zionist.

        I think thats very true what Strocube said about if people criticize Israels crimes they will get labelled as being anti-semitic.
        I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

        I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!


        • #5
          The Elephant in the room finally awakes!

          You won't see criticism of Israel on US websites or main stream media, or any Murdock publication, but you will in Israeli media and websites

          "Anti-Semitism" is welded like a cloak of invisibility where the gullible "west" choose to see and hear no evil in the name of the holocaust. Seems we learned nothing from history.

          Check out the extensive writings of "Uri Avnery" +Gush Shalom Israeli peace block

          The Decline of the Israeli Right and the Increasing Desperation of the 'Anti-Semitism' Charge

          Israel and Its Neighbors
          Leveling the Playing Field

          By MICHAEL NEUMANN February 22, 2010

          How Much Military Aid to Israel... Do You Provide?

          Between 2009-2018, the United States is scheduled to give Israel--the
          largest recipient of U.S. aid--*$30 billion in military aid*. Through
          its illegal 42-year military occupation of the Palestinian West Bank,
          East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip, Israel misuses U.S. weapons in violation
          of U.S. law to *kill and injure Palestinian civilians*, destroy
          Palestinian civilian infrastructure, blockade the Gaza Strip, and build
          illegal settlements in West Bank and East Jerusalem.

          How much of this total will your community provide? *Is this a good use
          of your tax dollars?* What else could your taxes be used for in your
          community? Find out on the interactive map below.

          NOTE: The map below displays data at the state level. To change the map
          to see your county data instead, click the button marked "US Regions"
          and select "Counties".

          Curious about how we came up with these numbers? Read about our
          methodology by clicking here

          No Wonder Israel is Able to Invest in R&D!
          Questioning the "Special Relationship" with Israel

          By STEPHANIE WESTBROOK February 15, 2010

          Israel and American Foreign Policy

          A March of Folly
          Only Shrinks Can Explain Israel's Behavior

          By GIDEON LEVY January 14, 2010

          amongst many more.....


          • #6

            It was only a matter of time


            A worthy trip report


            • #7
              You're right Israel should get out of Gaza and let them have their own government

              oh yea....THEY DID THAT

              the result, a civil war in Gaza with Hamas winning and taking over the government (and no elections), and then Hamas shooting missiles into Israel.

              What country on earth can sit back and let itself be the target of continual missile fire ?

              WTF do you thing England would do if France lobbed a missile a day over the channel and occasionally killed someone ?
              "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


              • #8
                Shhh Snick... You are using logic & reason - it really spoils a few who love to carry on.

                Personally I'm glad Israel is the bunch of fucksticks in the me something to think about!  


                A worthy trip report


                • #9
                  I say use all their oil, borrow the money back from them and when it all dries up... Forget to pay back those loans


                  A worthy trip report


                  • #10
                    (whore @ Mar. 09 2010,05:29) The Israeli government show a complete lack of respect for human life
                    Im sure we can find a few others in that Category in the last 100 years. Practically every country can have this tag attached including the Western democratic ones and i doubt if one needs to cite examples

                    The Arabs are hardly angels in this respect are they , or perhaps im missing something


                    • #11
                      Yep you are missing something. Perhaps that cloak of invisibility is obscuring your vision. The more brutal and disproportionate the oppressor the more the 'Great Satan' supports it. Israel, Egypt, Saudis. The list is long and tiresome. Don't mention "democracy"; it's enough to gag a maggot!


                      • #12
                        (Snick @ Mar. 09 2010,14:40) You're right Israel should get out of Gaza and let them have their own government

                        oh yea....THEY DID THAT

                        the result, a civil war in Gaza with Hamas winning and taking over the government (and no elections), and then Hamas shooting missiles into Israel.

                        What country on earth can sit back and let itself be the target of continual missile fire ?

                        WTF do you thing England would do if France lobbed a missile a day over the channel and occasionally killed someone ?
                        A co-author of the Goldstone Gaza report, which accuses both Hamas and Israel of war crimes, claims the Gaza militant group fired only two rockets at Israel prior to last year's winter conflict, according to a new report published by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.

                        The report refers to recent remarks made by Desmond Travers, a retired Irish army colonel, who was one of four members of the fact-finding mission to Gaza and Israel.

                        Travers rejects the idea that Israel launched the offensive in Gaza on December 27, 2008, as an act of self-defense in response to Hamas rockets. The Jerusalem center report says he bases this idea on a "fact" that he presents that in the month prior to start of the war, only "something like two" rockets that fell on Israel.

                        The report quotes an extensive interview with Travers in the Middle East Monitor, in which he also says that Hamas had sought "a continuation of the cease-fire" prior to Israel's offensive in Gaza.

                        Travers also rejects Israel Defense Forces photographs as proof that Hamas hid weapons in mosques during the conflict.

                        "I do not believe the photographs," Travers said, describing the IDF evidence as "spurious."
                        In that winter conflict the ratio of Israeli and Palatinians killed was 110/1. The used overwhelming force and chemical weapons on a dense civilian population with a complete disregard for human life.

                        Snick the IRA bombed Britain for years and not once did the british government use chemical weapons or airstrikes on the civilian population Rep of Ireland.
                        I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

                        I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!


                        • #13
                          (Torurot @ Mar. 09 2010,16:39) The more brutal and disproportionate the oppressor the more the 'Great Satan' supports it. Israel, Egypt, Saudis.  The list is long and tiresome. Don't mention "democracy"; it's enough to gag a maggot!  
                          May i ask your background... ??


                          A worthy trip report


                          • #14
                            (whore @ Mar. 09 2010,16:45) In that winter conflict the ratio of Israeli and Palatinians killed was 110/1. The used overwhelming force and chemical weapons on a dense civilian population with a complete disregard for human life.
                            In Wars there are casualties, civillians always get hammerd dont they.
                            These conflicts are minor compared to the old days...this was hardly the battle of Austerlitz was it .


                            • #15
                              Its more than just wars and Palastinians being killed by the Israeli government.

                              Israel is full of jewish Ethiopians and they treat them like second class citizens. They dont let them into nightclubs. I even seen a report on France24 that Israeli doctors give the Ethiopian woman birth control injections that last from anywhere between 6 months to forever just to get the black jewish population down.

                              Am I the only one here who thinks taking away the right for a woman to have a child because of the colour of her skin is pure evil?
                              I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

                              I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!

