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Totalitarian Democracy?
The Crackdown on Israeli Dissidents Totalitarian Democracy?
By CONN HALLINAN March 9, 2010
[The highlights from the article]
A heavy-handed crack down on Israeli dissidents is drawing sharp criticism by human rights organizations and at least a mild judicial slap on the wrist for the government of Benjamin Netanyahu. The authorities are targeting such groups as B'Tselem, New Israel Fund (NIF), the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI), as well as foreign activists in the occupied West Bank.
"There is an attempt to silence and crack down on dissent," B'Tselem spokeswoman Sarit Michaeli told the Tobias Buck of the Financial Times. "Since [the Gaza war], the political climate in Israel has become extremely polarized. And this polarization has reached a level where anyone who is critical is presented as a traitor."
The Netanyanu government has endorsed a bill that, if passed, will apply onerous registration conditions on NGOs and subject violators to up to a year in prison.
"These are classic McCarthy techniques, portraying our organizations as enemies of the state and suggesting we are aiding Hamas and terror groups," ACRI head Hagai Elad told the Nazareth-based journalist Jonathan Cook.
Israeli human rights lawyer Omar Schatz says the arrests are, "all about fixing the mirror, not fixing the reflection Israelis see in the mirror."
The attempt to smother any challenge to the Netanyahu government is a reaction to the worldwide criticism Israel is harvesting in the aftermath of the Gaza War. Tel Aviv's continued refusal to allow any reconstruction of the more than 3500 homes destroyed in the Israeli invasion drew a letter signed by 53 U.S. Congress members calling for an end to the "de facto collective punishment of the Palestinian residents of the Gaza Strip."
A new law makes it a crime for Palestinians to observe "Nakba," or "Catastrophe," Day commemorating the loss of their land when Israel was created in 1948.
According to human rights groups, the polarization is a serious threat to freedom of speech. A recent poll found that 57 percent of Israelis think "national security" is more important than human rights. The country, says Tel Aviv University politics professor and author Amal Jamal, is headed toward what he calls a "totalitarian democracy."
(blonde_havoc @ Mar. 10 2010,08:30)(fleeing @ Mar. 10 2010,08:26)(blonde_havoc @ Mar. 09 2010,21:15) Jews are better to have around than Muslims in my estimation.
At the end of the day, I'd rather there just be no religious zealots at all, regardless of the religion.
I don't care for any religion, but if I had to choose, I'd pick Jews as the lesser of two evils over Muslims.
Prior to one great act of adultery (you jews and mussies can argue this, but shagging the hired help cannot be described any other way) they were the same same dirt farmers shagging sheep and living on dirt sandwitches.
It all begins when dirty old Abraham who is about 900 by this time can't get Sarah in the puddin' club and dumps his goo in the serving girl Hagar (As in "the horrible"). God, sez its ok. Proving for once and all that god is NOT a woman.
Then Old beardy, because he loves nothing better than creating angst and shite in the lives of his "chosen few" gives Abraham the OT version of a little blue pill, or Sarah a few rabbit drugs and hey presto! Issac is born, and he is the newest in line to be fucked over by the big guy upstairs...
BUT.... Hagar also has a belly full of paws and claws. She gives birth to Ishmael, and the whole dumb fucking argument for the last 8000 years has been over who is the direct decentdent of Abraham (or Ibrahim if you are a mussie.) Jews from Issac, Mussies from Ismael.
Ishmael born first but a bastard son... Issac born second but his the earth by primogenature?
Fucked if I know. If the cunts still can't work out they fell from the same evil, bitter, big-nosed tree 8000 years ago I don't think the LBF will find an answer any time soon.
So Blondie, you prefer the jews over the mussies? Why?
They are cut from the same cloth, camel shagging shit bags who are arguing about what is really fuck all. The Quoran and the OT are not so different.
Bomb the lot of them and pick box C: Buddhism.
A new bumper sticker: "Buddhists: not as fucked up as the big 3"f0xxee
"Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."
(f0xxee @ Mar. 10 2010,11:40) So Blondie, you prefer the jews over the mussies? Why?
They are cut from the same cloth, camel shagging shit bags who are arguing about what is really fuck all. The Quoran and the OT are not so different.
Bomb the lot of them and pick box C: Buddhism.
A new bumper sticker: "Buddhists: not as fucked up as the big 3"
As for why I'd pick Jews over Muslims... well I just happen to find Jews the lesser of two "evils" when it comes to religion. If I had my way, no one would be religious. But of course that's impossible.
(blonde_havoc @ Mar. 10 2010,11:57)(f0xxee @ Mar. 10 2010,11:40) So Blondie, you prefer the jews over the mussies? Why?
They are cut from the same cloth, camel shagging shit bags who are arguing about what is really fuck all. The Quoran and the OT are not so different.
Bomb the lot of them and pick box C: Buddhism.
A new bumper sticker: "Buddhists: not as fucked up as the big 3"
As for why I'd pick Jews over Muslims... well I just happen to find Jews the lesser of two "evils" when it comes to religion. If I had my way, no one would be religious. But of course that's impossible.
I think it might also be a matter of where you done grew up:
In Australia we have a large jewish poulation, in a similar manner to the states. Their food has become our food (as in the States) and we are used to their devil may care use of hair trimming implements and their funny head wear.
Most of us WASPY types (although I was raised a catholic but in Australia it is much the same) don't see jews socially often: they do thier jewwy thing and we do our waspy or wascy thing. The only jews we know intimately are on Sienfeld and other shows based around jewish sitcoms, where all jews are stereotypical, but nice harmless fun.
Where as arabs are only ever seen as buggering Lawrence of Arabia or Billy Hayes in Midnight run. (Ok they were Turks, but to an Aussie in the 70's it was same same.There were minarets in the movie.)
I think the perception of yids not being as bad as sand-niggers stems from familiarity, not from any true sense of knowing that particular blight on the human race.f0xxee
"Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."
(f0xxee @ Mar. 10 2010,12:15)(blonde_havoc @ Mar. 10 2010,11:57)(f0xxee @ Mar. 10 2010,11:40) So Blondie, you prefer the jews over the mussies? Why?
They are cut from the same cloth, camel shagging shit bags who are arguing about what is really fuck all. The Quoran and the OT are not so different.
Bomb the lot of them and pick box C: Buddhism.
A new bumper sticker: "Buddhists: not as fucked up as the big 3"
As for why I'd pick Jews over Muslims... well I just happen to find Jews the lesser of two "evils" when it comes to religion. If I had my way, no one would be religious. But of course that's impossible.
I think it might also be a matter of where you done grew up:
In Australia we have a large jewish poulation, in a similar manner to the states. Their food has become our food (as in the States) and we are used to their devil may care use of hair trimming implements and their funny head wear.
Most of us WASPY types (although I was raised a catholic but in Australia it is much the same) don't see jews socially often: they do thier jewwy thing and we do our waspy or wascy thing. The only jews we know intimately are on Sienfeld and other shows based around jewish sitcoms, where all jews are stereotypical, but nice harmless fun.
Where as arabs are only ever seen as buggering Lawrence of Arabia or Billy Hayes in Midnight run. (Ok they were Turks, but to an Aussie in the 70's it was same same.There were minarets in the movie.)
I think the perception of yids not being as bad as sand-niggers stems from familiarity, not from any true sense of knowing that particular blight on the human race.
The reason is that they are less violent.
- traditionalists don't whack modernists the same as chiites whack sunnites
- jews don't incinerate the living body of their morally offending sisters in the open street or burn their faces with acid
- jews, when living abroad, respect the laws of the country they live in
- they don't try to interfere with other's traditions
I think the above differences are already enough to prefer them over the islam lot.
By the way, I too think that Buddhism wins hands down, especially Theravada Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism
Last I heard there weren't any Israelites trying to bomb me or roam the streets of England in gangs stealing and being a fucking nuisance.
They can do what the hell they like to who they like in their own countries.
If the Palestinians want to improve their lives then put down the guns and start acting like humans and not savages.
Who the hell is anyone here on this forum to tell anyone what is right and wrong about a culture or country that is FUCK ALL to do with them.
World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.
(Bumpa STIKKA @ Mar. 10 2010,14:10) Last I heard there weren't any Israelites trying to bomb me or roam the streets of England in gangs stealing and being a fucking nuisance.
They can do what the hell they like to who they like in their own countries.
If the Palestinians want to improve their lives then put down the guns and start acting like humans and not savages.
Who the hell is anyone here on this forum to tell anyone what is right and wrong about a culture or country that is FUCK ALL to do with them.
Go the Jews...
.... Of course if you Poms hadn't caved in in 1947 to zionist terrorists and given Palestine to the jews in the first place, this would be a moot point.
Go the Pallies!
(Actually I don't give a fuck but someone has to back the underdogs)f0xxee
"Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."
To the winner goes the spoils foxee
I'd pick a Jew over a Muslim any day as well- having said that I've never had a direct issue with a Muslim ever... Well except for the pakinstani cunt who believed we need world war 3 to remove the infidels
Vote 1 Rum, Sodomy and the Lash! (Working up the courage for the last one.)
Agreed with you re: Victorian Values. If we in the west had either stayed the fuck out or gone in boots and all most of the last 50 years or so would not have come to pass. WE have become weak willed appeasers, trying to please everyone like the parish vicar rather than the parish plod.
Shame on us.f0xxee
"Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."
(f0xxee @ Mar. 10 2010,14:28) (Actually I don't give a fuck but someone has to back the underdogs)
Not me mate, the only mats I sit on are for eating on.
As you may have read earlier I reckon both camps arguing about who came out of the womb first for several thousand years beggars belief, and I have no time for the leadership of any of them. Include Fundamental Christians in this lot too.
As for the poor old Joe/Habib Camel-shagger in the street, I have met jews and I have met muslims growing up in Malaysia and feel no personal animosity to either tribe. They are us: going about their business, doing the do.
Having said that, Israel is the new Germany (how ironic), in as much as it is the battle field in a new not-so-cold war between fundamentalists, be they mussies or christ fans.
I will stick with the more gentle study of Buddhist philosophy (note I did not mention religion) and hang my hat in a small village on the border of Laos and forget the poison from the big 3 religions, all of which have enslaved the poor and working masses for centuries with their dogma.
Sometimes self delusion and denial is also self defence.f0xxee
"Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."
I would go along with a majority of what foxxee says.an important difference between the 2 semitic cousins is that the israelis have this homeland now that they have been defending since 1948+will carry on doing it,whatever it takes.the mossies have their homelands too,but have infiltrated the rest of the world,won't embrace their hosts values,resulting in descrimination,+ then(because they are victimised) want to cause carnage in these countries which have afforded them more liberties than they could ever have in
their homelands.
the mind boggles at what could be achieved in israel/palestine if the people there would honestly embrace true peace,freeing up all those resources bogged down in war practices.
talk about a pipe dreambenjy