they dont all have the same History. The European Jews founded the place and no wonder they rule the roost.
Just go to a football match and you will see the ethnic tensions between the Oriental and the European Jews... they dont support the same teams and there is even hatred in some quarters.
Last year they found a gang uf Russian Jews who were skinheads and had Swastikas and were going around bashing up the Orthordox guys with beards etc. Hard believe but its true and was well documenented in the press.
Its not that simple.
Just go to a football match and you will see the ethnic tensions between the Oriental and the European Jews... they dont support the same teams and there is even hatred in some quarters.
Last year they found a gang uf Russian Jews who were skinheads and had Swastikas and were going around bashing up the Orthordox guys with beards etc. Hard believe but its true and was well documenented in the press.
Its not that simple.