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The biggest threat to the USA
(robbo @ Mar. 23 2009,03:38) personally speaking the common earth worm is more dangerous,did you know that the common earth worms will turn over 10 tons of soil per year per hectare
I think you/we have taken this thread to new depths..."It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards." --- Anon
I selected Mexico due to the increasing drug related gang activity that seems to be spreading accross the country. That seems to me to be the closest and immediate threat in my opinion. I live in North Carolina and 20 years ago I did not know what a Mexican looked like except from what Hollywood presented us. Now they are everywhere. Most of them are great people and I have nothing against them, but it is just as easy for the drug gangs to come in and mix in with the rest and believe me they are.
Can the US Industry Barons actually count?
Initially GM & Chrysler with Ford required 17 Billion USD from the Taxpayer - US citizens to 'bale' out their histrical incompetence.
Today GM & Chrysler 'need' an additional 21.6 Billion. That equates to 150 USD per head in the US
(US Billion is 100xMillion and population is around 300 million))
I just find that all incredulous. Imagine negotiating your salary with your employer - you agree 1,000 a week.
1 month later you go back and say "er uhm, do you think you can make that 2,270 USD a week".
I hope they fire most of the board of both GN and Chrysler for misrepresentation of their fiscal abilities.
Even with the bale out will they now actually produce cars that the customers actually want or will they continue on like Ostriches with heads in the sand.
I still believe that with the Global melt down, or not, these industrial giants knew they were already in the shit - the meltdown has just made it easier to reveal their incompetence.
yep,as did all the bankers, traders,politicians,ceo,s they were all on the take big big time the fact that things were goin down the pan made no difference,they could continue to line their pockets with mega bucks,when it all went shit then they could retire.this is the hard truth.bailing all the fuckers out has just made the problem worse.it will in no way have a telling impact on recovery,not cost effective.
slumps ,recessions have a way of there own and own course.
meanwhile in the next 5 years on we all will be paying the price for this massive borrowing and spending by government................meaning an extended slump yet higher taxes ,possibly worse to come.
the fuckin idiots in this world should have been sacked on spot banks, all major banks left to go bust(they did bust anyway) bought outright by goverment at knockdown price and sold off when recovered.
the world needed stabilising regrouping a step back take a loss take the hits and regrow. what we get though is money being thrown around in the hope it lands in the right place....................ISNT THAT IN PART WHAT CAUSED ALL THIS.robbo
(robbo @ Mar. 27 2009,14:10) and i wouldnt worry about mexico,the rate at which headless mexican bodies are being found roadside,in 10 years there will be no one left to decapitate.
Who is the joker who voted for Venezuala? That's funny.“When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
― Henry Ward Beecher
"Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer