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The biggest threat to the USA

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  • #46
    (alan1chef @ Mar. 19 2009,00:20) the whimpy 50% of the electorate who sit on their fat asses

    That's not me, I voted..... and for the proper guy, the only one who can turn this country around now.

    Fox news, all right-wing morons and especially the religious right are the most dangerous thing because people watch 'em and their foolish talking points and THEN go out and vote....for the wrong people! Think how close this country was to having some old senile dude and his hapless cunt of a running mate from fucking Alaska running our country! Fuck, even McCains daughter is coming out now against the right, thank goodness she has finally seen the light.

    right-wingers have defended Prez Cheney before despite the fact he has run this country into the ground in the past 8 years in every way imagineable.....and now they try and pin all the blame on Obama when all he did was inherit this freaking mess and now he's trying to fix it.....and FOX with their bimbo news models and pretty boy Nazi-looking MFERS shooting him down at every turn, praying he gets thrown out in 2012; THAT's really helping our country, eh??

    Deficit when Cheney took office; 0. Deficit when he left office; 1 trillion!

    But that's Obama's fault, right? Also the banking and mortgage crisis, failing economy, 2 wars, no to stem -cell research, allowing torture, no dialogue with Iran, Abu-ghraib, highest unemployment rate in decades, everyone's retirement funds in shambles....all thanks to that fucking madman and his retarded step-child from Texas, one of the most pathetic [and red] states in the whole union.

    12 insurgents killed yesterday in Baghdad and if you tried walking down the street there today you'd get kidnapped and beheaded within a few hours; despite the "Mission accomplished" banner from 2003, does that sould like a safe place to you?

    get real, stop watching right-wing propaganda, support the new Prez and forget the way the Repubs almost ruined this country the past 8 years; their time is over and all they have left now is radio lunatics and classless whores like Ann Coulter to lead them, what a freaking joke.
    Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


    • #47
      The right of free speech and the right to dissent are what make this democracy resilient and strong. The conservatives have Fox News leaning their direction and the liberals have CNN and MSNBC leaning their direction. You condemn Rupert Murdoch....but what about Ted Turner and "Hanoi Jane", Jane Fonda? They lean to the left as much as Murdoch leans to the right. An informed electorate will gather news from both sides and then decide which to support.

      I support President Obama completely...he is our elected leader, however I reserve the right to agree or disagree. My concern is that the electorate has become polarized and apathetic and as such will not fully listen to both sides of the issues, or worse yet...not participate at all. I applaud you for participating JaiDee. Although we may not agree on everything and I am certainly in the minority on this forum, I appreciate and welcome open debate on any issue. It is the essence of a strong democracy.


      • #48
        Regardless how strong any democracy is, they are ultimately self defeating.

        Observe how the public is hi-jacked to vote by both parties offering the electorate the promise of an easy life.

        Over repeated elections, they up the ante to the point where the economy can no longer sustain the tax cuts or the special deals given so freely to those who sell their vote for a palm full of silver.

        The Chinese understand this. They want the best of the capitalist system without giving away control.

        Singapore could never have prospered to be the financial capital it is under democracy, true democracy that is.

        They had the help of the single most efficient & ultimately fairest government in the world - a benevolent dictator.

        Could Lee Kwan Yew ever have imposed his mandatory savings scheme, that guarantees every citizen a home, under a democracy?

        Of course not. Did the Singaporeans complain? Of course not.

        They are both smart & grateful for a system that can't be hi-jacked by self-serving extremists who promise far more than they can deliver.

        The US boasts of their democracy but it has long been subverted by those whose craven desire for power has bankrupted both the ideology & the nations coffers.

        I believe Obama is smart enough to understand this, god give him the strength to do something about it.
        Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


        • #49
          (rossco @ Mar. 17 2009,01:04) Interesting quote at the end of the film "Platoon"

          We were not fighting the Vietnamese - we were fighting ourselves.

          In all wars the key to success is the 'belief' in what you are fighting for.

          What worries me now is the US situation. For 30 + years their economy has been built on consumerism. A wasteful and disposable society. I have never seen any other country that advertises the 2009 model of a car in 2008 - as an example.

          So the real threat to the USA is their own consumerism. That leads to borrowing beyond sustainability etc.

          AIG execs still want bonuses for failing - another problem.
          Like children they EXPECT to get the bonus no matter that they lost money. If it was your own business and you were losing money would you pay yourself a bonus?

          So the US are their own worst enemy economically.

          The biggest Carbon footprint of any nation - but lecture the rest of the world on their detrimental contribution.

          Introspective attitude - ask a US citizen when WW11 started? The actual WW11 start date for Europe was 3 years earlier.

          Why has the US entered any war?

          Now for a trivial pursuit question?

          3 Empires have had the Spread Eagle as their standard/emblem - name them?
          Hi Rossco, I remember you asked the 3 Empire question on a very pleasant evening at a Korean BBQ in Pattaya,  Perth couple and the lovely Lek were in attendance. Most importantly I answered your question in three seconds flat, impressing you greatly (although you tried to mask that fact I think).
          Geez it's great being a clever cnut.

          When I were a lad we had the one thing that money can't buy...poverty


          • #50

            How much US wars of aggression cost YOU!

            Download a PDF of the FY2010 Pie Chart Flyer

            >>Did the Singaporeans complain? Of course not

            They did! Dissent was ruthlessly suppressed!


            • #51
              Reading through the poll results again I note that Mexico is still shading Al Queda.

              This seems to suggest that either the memory of the Alamo dies hard or some BMs have had some dodgy enchillada experiences.

              Fortunately I live in which is the tribal homeland for most of the Taliban, Al Queda, Iranian activists in the western hemisphere.
              You, you and you hold fire - everyone else come with me - attributed to US Marine Recruiting Sargent WW2.

              You, you and you cum on me - everyone else hold fire - attributed to Porn Actor/Director Alexandra in 1992


              • #52
                With the level of violence rising due to the drug trades, I can definitely see how Mexico might be a fairly large threat...

                Seems like not a week goes by that I don't hear of 5 or more dead bodies found due to the cartels.

                And yet the Americans still smoke up and snort anything they come into contact with.


                • #53
                  The US Government
                  You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


                  • #54
                    McDonalds and Kentucky
                    Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                    • #55
                      Al Quaeda walked into a bar, threw a drink in the face of the U.S. and sucker punched him in the nose. Then Al sat back and watched the drunken behemoth rail about swinging punches blindly, hitting friend and foe alike, and bashing himself silly.

                      Terrorists are no threat. How could they be? Fear is the only danger. Fox and Limbaugh are the present day maestros of the art of creating fear and hatred. You have to go all the way back to Hitler and his pals to find anyone close.


                      • #56
                        (harley quinn @ Mar. 21 2009,18:31) Reading through the poll results again I note that Mexico is still shading Al Queda.
                        Montezuma's revenge mate....But nothing that a drink of Kaopektate and tequila won't cure...

                        Mexican food is brilliant stuff...What the chili doesn't burn out, the beans blow out...
                        "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                        • #57
                          Africanised Killer Bees - for too long now, this clear and present danger has been played down by the mainstream media.

                          When will you idiots wake up to the fact that these black and amber fuckers are out to get you!!!
                          No honey, no money!!


                          • #58
                            yes MICK


                            • #59
                              personally speaking the common earth worm is more dangerous,did you know that the common earth worms will turn over 10 tons of soil per year per hectare,a little known fact,but bothersome because if you decided to stand in the same spot for a year you would probably disappear under mounds of earth and never be seen again


                              • #60
                                Thank Robbo - this is exactly what I'm talking about

                                Danger is all around us !!!
                                No honey, no money!!

