(alan1chef @ Mar. 19 2009,00:20) the whimpy 50% of the electorate who sit on their fat asses
That's not me, I voted..... and for the proper guy, the only one who can turn this country around now.
Fox news, all right-wing morons and especially the religious right are the most dangerous thing because people watch 'em and their foolish talking points and THEN go out and vote....for the wrong people! Think how close this country was to having some old senile dude and his hapless cunt of a running mate from fucking Alaska running our country! Fuck, even McCains daughter is coming out now against the right, thank goodness she has finally seen the light.
right-wingers have defended Prez Cheney before despite the fact he has run this country into the ground in the past 8 years in every way imagineable.....and now they try and pin all the blame on Obama when all he did was inherit this freaking mess and now he's trying to fix it.....and FOX with their bimbo news models and pretty boy Nazi-looking MFERS shooting him down at every turn, praying he gets thrown out in 2012; THAT's really helping our country, eh??
Deficit when Cheney took office; 0. Deficit when he left office; 1 trillion!
But that's Obama's fault, right? Also the banking and mortgage crisis, failing economy, 2 wars, no to stem -cell research, allowing torture, no dialogue with Iran, Abu-ghraib, highest unemployment rate in decades, everyone's retirement funds in shambles....all thanks to that fucking madman and his retarded step-child from Texas, one of the most pathetic [and red] states in the whole union.
12 insurgents killed yesterday in Baghdad and if you tried walking down the street there today you'd get kidnapped and beheaded within a few hours; despite the "Mission accomplished" banner from 2003, does that sould like a safe place to you?
get real, stop watching right-wing propaganda, support the new Prez and forget the way the Repubs almost ruined this country the past 8 years; their time is over and all they have left now is radio lunatics and classless whores like Ann Coulter to lead them, what a freaking joke.