Originally posted by (ziggystardust @ Sep. 21 2005,23:49)
As an extension to that thought, though...
It's a generalization but I think ladyboys have a stronger yearning for true love and are less pragmatic about the consequences when things go wrong, than GGs are.
The very feminine trait of believing in fairytales is strong throughout the many ladyboys I have been lucky (or not) to talk to. I believe this is also true to a certain extent amongst the bargirls and LBs who 'work.'
In my (albeit limited) experience, ladyboys fantasize about true love affairs with farangs from a VERY young age. Dating Thais is never an option. On the other hand, GGs often discover the financial prudence of securing a Farang, or drift into relationships with them after sour experiences with Thai guys.
(Generalizations, chaps and there are numerous exceptions to these statements! Also; I don't include working gals in these comments.)