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  • #61
    ever since Anny lefft...
    get her and her 15 twin sisters back and Stringfellows will RULE......

    joob joob
    Attached Files


    • #62
      First one I ever went with- more fun than a barrel of monkeys
      I couldn't give a shit how long it is until you're next holiday- I live here


      • #63
        (Ozzie @ Mar. 03 2009,22:14) I saw one girl who I though looked the nicest and asked her to sit down and the waitress appeared in front of us before I had even asked her name and told me I had to buy her a drink  

        I basically ignored the waitresses demands and she stood in front of my table whilst I talked to the girl whose name I know found out to be Nut.

        JMHO...again...this is not unusual behavior by the waitress for any GoGo in Pattaya.

        You ask a girl to sit with you and you are hit up by a waitress for a l/d.  

        That's the job of a waitress in a GoGo. Hope you didn't get her fired.


        • #64
          (shrimpsoup @ Mar. 10 2009,07:13) JMHO...again...this is not unusual behavior by the waitress for any GoGo in Pattaya.

          You ask a girl to sit with you and you are hit up by a waitress for a l/d.  

          That's the job of a waitress in a GoGo. Hope you didn't get her fired.
          I don't disagree about being asked for a drink if I ask someone to sit down but I do not agree with the standover bully tactics and approach used by these waitresses. I will decide who I want to buy a drink for and when.

          No I did not get her fired as the directive is almost certainly coming from the owner so why would he fire her for following his instructions.


          • #65
            never been hassled for ladydrinks there, but when may is around (not bf'ed or in spore) i have a harder time keep her dick away from my drink or mouth.
            actually, it's the only lb bar/gogo i've been to in los where most of the girls are more than eager to
            flash their stuff, incl casa.
            it's quite cheap too, 1300 for room/bf/ladyboy if i remember right


            • #66
              (olekunde @ Mar. 11 2009,00:50) never been hassled for ladydrinks there,
              You'd be the only one never to be hassled for lady drinks. Even the guys who sing the praises of the place admit the pressure for drinks is very high and the waitress and many of the girls constantly hassle.


              • #67
                Yup... I agree with Ozzie. That's a highly dubious statement to make.

                It happens to me less now than it used to because they all know I'm more interested in my nose hairs than barfining any of them but it took years of me saying "No!" before they got the message!


                • #68
                  Why the curiosity with your nose hairs?

                  And more curiously, do they interest you most insitu or after removal?

                  "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                  • #69
                        I don't think he really meant it!

                    You can be a perverse bastard sometimes, & I mean that in the nicest possible way....
                    Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                    • #70
                      Thank you paccie,

                      I resemble that.

                      Sorry I haven't seen you in the chatroom Sport, I have three laptops and a Desktop and all are conflicted and screwing each other up.

                      PS: Have been happily involved with the one and only Vietnamese LB anyone here has ever met. She has a fish box but is dead sexy.

                      She is on her way back from BKK equipped with new bolt ons (gone for the 500cc back breakers) and will return home to Casa Fox this afternoon. Meanwhile dear little Beer from Pattaya (who has unselfishly looked after me while Miss VN was getting engorged) is on the the way to the Airport and home to LOS....

                      Clits that pass in the night .....

                      Hope to catch up soon, my VN sojourn is about over.

                      "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                      • #71

                        How did my life come to this?      Banned from Stringfellows & now, no holiday in Vung Tau...      
                        Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                        • #72
                          Sorry Paccie,

                          Blame the greed of some of the locals... However I might have pulled of a small coup and have rented the resturaunt (its losing money) above my favorite bar to turn it into foxxee's fuck pad MkII. I will know for sure this afternoon. if so I will still move to LOS but keep FFP MkII on as a service to friends. (And me on rotation.)

                          Basically I had seven months to run on my lease and they gave me two weeks notice on Monday. I have a contract but am a falang. I fought it. The local mafia got involved... yada yada yada. I am sleeping with two pool cues and a diving knife under my bed. Enough said.

                          And you have been banned from Stringfellows? AGAIN? or the ongoing saga about your alledged drug comments?

                          Its a harsh world you are in at the moment my friend....


                          "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                          • #73
                                 No foxxee, not again....

                            I just haven't returned since the little misunderstanding in September. I am hoping they won't remember me,

                            however if they recall the incident & deny me access, then who's loss is it?

                            My world won't seem so harsh if you would be so kind to leave the key under the mat in Vung Tau, with directions to the best bars & restaurants.

                            FYI I like single malt whisky, fine Australian cabernets, Russian vodka & Gordons gin. Throw in some Czech beer too thanks...        

                            Fine cigars are no longer important in my life but if you would be so kind to include with the above, a box of hand rolled Cubans, I'll see what I can do.

                            Cheers mate, I'm feeling better already...      
                            Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                            • #74
                              (pacman @ Mar. 11 2009,20:10) I am hoping they won't remember me
                              Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                              • #75
                                (jimslim @ Mar. 11 2009,07:12)
                                (pacman @ Mar. 11 2009,20:10) I am hoping they won't remember me
                                Pacie, When u walk in they'll be singing:

                                Unforgettable, that's what you are
                                Unforgettable though near or far
                                Like a song of love that clings to me
                                How the thought of you does things to me
                                Never before has someone been more

                                Unforgettable in every way
                                And forever more, that's how you'll stay

