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How To Treat a Ladyboy - Hints and Tips

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  • Wow, what a GREAT post! And not only a great post, you reference Amused To Death, one of my favorite albums of all time (a sadly overlooked masterwork right up there with some of his best stuff with the Floyd).

    This seems like a fair place to capitulate and tell you all that I'm beginning to think that you ladyboy lovers might be on to something here. Before my trip the idea of a hot sexy beautiful ladyboy was exciting, but the fact that she had a cock seemed an inconvenience. It certainly wasn't an "added attraction", it was something to be ignored, and a few of you were more than annoyed at my attitude and suggested why don't I just stick with GG's or come to grips with my latent homo tendencies, etc. Anyway, now I'm beginning to see that there's some added dimension here that I had no clue could exist. It's like the hottest sexiest babe in the world has this thing where she SQUIRTS when she comes, and before you've seen her squirt, it sounds sorta, well.... gross I guess, or at least not really like something that's sexy. But then your fucking her and she's screaming and climaxing and then SQUIRT - she squirts - and you get to visually verify that yup, she really did just fucking cum. Knowing that this hot gorgeous creature had an orgasm thanks in great part to me - now, that's what it's all about. Am I right? Well, I'm finally beginning to see that this is sorta like that. It's not a dude's cock - it's the Ladyboy GSpot Orgasm Squirt.

    Thai TV - now there's an interesting experience. After getting a nice little shade of lobsterish from too much sun in Phuket, I decided to spend most of a day in either shade or indoors, and found myself again tackling the tv in the corner of the room. Despite having 70 channels at my disposal, only BBC World News (which was like watching with rabbit ears from 3 counties away) held any interest, as the rest of the 69 channels consisted of:

    1. Fox News - fuzzy and hard to see, but even it were crystal clear I wouldn't watch their bogus "news" if it were the last channel on Earth.
    2. The thai equivalent of The 700 Club with Tami Fai Bakerloosongthiptew
    3. The Crap Cartoon Network - nothing but McGilla Gorilla, Top Cat, and Huckleberry Hound cartoons in english.
    4. Thai soap operas (12 channels)
    5. The All Jackie Chan All the Time movie channel (seemed to be 3 or 4 different channels of this)
    6. The 24 hour Sword and Sworcery channel
    7. Cricket Cricket Cricket!
    8. The House of Saud channel - nothing but Saudi music videos (er... interesting to say the least) and long, silent shots of rows of Saudi Princes sitting in rows of chairs doing nothing.

    The only bright spot was the Aljazeera network in English. Having heard the name so often it was surprising to find that it wasn't an obvious font of propaganda as I'd expected (I expected Fox News equivalent for terrorists) but seemed to be an actual balanced news channel, sort of the middle-eastern equivalent of CNN. Maybe I tuned in at the wrong time and they'll have bombmaking for dummies on next hour.
    Making newbie mistakes since 2009 so you don't have to


    • (deepthroat @ Feb. 07 2009,02:13) you reference Amused To Death, one of my favorite albums of all time (a sadly overlooked masterwork right up there with some of his best stuff with the Floyd).
      Absolutely spot on. How many people realise that for all intents and purposes and not to belittle the other (mostly musical) contributions, Roger Waters was Pink Floyd. After he left, they were basically a covers band and released an album or two of trite Floydish waffle... (sorry Davo )

      I digress...

      Haha there is the squirt factor. For me at least a lb has to really be a chick with a dick. Some I have known I have always thought of as girls as it was just natural for them. In electric ladyboyland all the chicks are hot, and they're all packing  

      For doug   I think your comments are a pretty accurate assessment and do no more or less than offer a little perspective and proportion.  

      Soi 4 looks quiet..tally ho  
      Putting the boy back into ladies


      • How to Treat a Ladyboy ?

        When she asks for a 12" inch dick;
        Fuck her Twice and punch her in the face.

        And with that I'm Out'a here. Goodnight Folks. Gotta work tommaro.
        My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


        • I don't get it Mirimark - I guess that's supposed to be funny, but maybe something was lost in the translation.

          Don't quite your day job just yet laddie.
          Making newbie mistakes since 2009 so you don't have to


          • Actually, miramark, t was kinda funny.  

            Like the one, how do you get Martha Stewart to scream twice? .... Fuck her in the ass then wipe your dick on the curtains.


            • (EyeMahk @ Feb. 07 2009,03:19) how do you get Martha Stewart to scream twice? .... Fuck her in the ass then wipe your dick on the curtains.
              That's one of my favorites!


              • The only bright spot was the Aljazeera network in English. Having heard the name so often it was surprising to find that it wasn't an obvious font of propaganda as I'd expected...
                Al Jazeera is easily the best news channel in the world by a long long long way.

                Fox is the funniest, BBC is the most boring and CNN is just crap!


                • Here's my favorite bad joke: Have you heard the hot pickup line in the ladyboy bars? "May I push your stool in for you?" (*rimshot*)
                  Making newbie mistakes since 2009 so you don't have to


                  • Like the one, how do you get Martha Stewart to scream twice?
                    Thanks for sharing.  
                    "I don´t know what to do. Losing sleep. Kicked from a chatroom on a board about worshipping young transsexual prostitutes.
                    I´ve my fair share of disapointments and hardtimes in my life, but this....."


                    • Or,

                      How do you fit 4 ladyboys on a barstool?

                      Turn it upside down....

                      "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                      • (deepthroat @ Feb. 07 2009,16:29) I don't get it Mirimark - I guess that's supposed to be funny, but maybe something was lost in the translation.
                        Not the translation, something was lost in the telling - the way I heard it was:

                        My girlfriend asked me to give her 9 inches & make her blead. So I fucked her twice & punched her in the nose.

                        It wasn't that great the first time I heard it, less so when half the info is missing.
                        Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                        • (Stogie @ Feb. 07 2009,20:30) Al Jazeera is easily the best news channel in the world by a long long long way.

                          Fox is the funniest,  BBC is the most boring and CNN is just crap!
                          I must second this endorsement for Al Jazeera, a quality news channel that I found myself constantly turning to for the most informative, non-biased commentaries I have seen on any channel anywhere.

                          Any notion that this is a pro-Islamic propaganda TV station was soon disproved by program after program of probing interviews, hard hitting news reports that gave praise where it was due.

                          The number of times they attacked stupid Mid-East Government policies & endorsed the view of "the enemy" was bewildering at first, but then they could be just as negative to Western ideas that were counter-productive to the common good.

                          Simply the lone voice of reason & logic operating in the world today.

                          As for that disgraceful load of nonsense coming out of Fox - I am ashamed that the owner is a fellow countryman.
                          Fair & balanced my arse...        A pox on the lot of 'em...      
                          Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                          • thanks for the topic, but i feel if you act just normal it will be nice


                            • Comment

                              • (rakany69 @ Mar. 20 2009,12:22) thanks for the topic, but i feel if you act just normal it will be nice
                                I think it is highly unlikely you have been to Thailand or have ever met a ladyboy. You will probably change your mind once that happens.

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