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How To Treat a Ladyboy - Hints and Tips

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  • Sorry to burst ya balloon but we don't live in a one-size fits-all world.

    I have had this conversation with several ladyboys, the consensus was they (the gay guys) didn't like them, I never claimed it was an exhaustive poll.

    We have all read about the LBs who like to visit the gay bars, where some like to take one home, obviously they wear their gay credentials with pride.

    I only know what they have told me, I am one who finds the need to label everybody as both impossible & ultimately pointless.

    And of course in telling me what they think, I am left to determine what is truth & what is a convenient LB lie, in other words, most anything that comes out of their mouth.

    It has not escaped my notice that the first to appear on any thread where the question of someone's sexuality arises is my friend the irrepressible Mr Kahuna.

    You're not gay by any chance?      
    Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


    • Sorry mate, I wasn't referring to any question regarding someone's sexuality...

      Only the statement that " guys straight out don't like them."  


      Kahuna The Old Fag
      "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


      • Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh...    
        How could I have used the word "straight" in a sentence about gay guys??      

        Ya got me ya bastard...      
        Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


        • He got you... you bastard.

          PS.. for christ sake don't let Billy69 know DT paid 2000 baht for a short time BJ.... we will never hear the end of it.

          Hey deepthroat.... in Phuket check out J enni and get the sexist full bore looney tunes experience imaginable....

          "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


          • Sorry, who or what is J enni? More information is needed. And Paccy, you're right - I know the cocksucking abilities of ladyboys cannot be determined by a single encounter. I do know that the experience remains to be truly tested and hopefully I'll man up for it before returning to the USA. I've got another 18 days to work it out so no worries mate. Thanks for all the support and advice. The biggest thing for me was that wandering into Star of Light, dropping my trousers and plunking my white ass on the couch was a much simpler and less-stressful way to begin the BJ process than anything else I've ever experienced. And getting blown by a supremely talented thai GG in full view of the rest of the bar was an experience too good to pass up - 5 times in 3 days in fact!

            In answer to your other question - No, Kahuna is not gay, but I hear his boyfriend is!
            Making newbie mistakes since 2009 so you don't have to


            • Deepthroat, you had such anticipation looking forward to this trip, it took months of planning, 100's of posts then 2 days to get there, don't blow it now mate.

              How do the words to the old song go? Live your life without regret...

              I think you need to raise the stakes, you need to get a couple of Phuket's finest & get them back to your room where you all get naked & see what pops up.

              Like so many of us, you found the allure of Thai ladyboys an itch that had to be scratched, but I feel you are approaching this with one arm tied behind your back.

              It is never my style to dictate the behaviour of others but I will in your case, otherwise you will be home before you know it wondering what stopped you.

              Ask Jimbo for his advice as to who are the best performers, I think a girl with the right experience is just what the doctor would order for you right now. Once you have taken the plunge, there will be no stopping you.
              Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


              • Hi Deepthroat.

                That should have read "jenni"
                And here is the Ladyboy in Question. Mad as a cut snake, box of frogs, etc etc.

                But one hell of a ladyboy.

                She can be found at C and D or Soi Crocodile. She freelances.

                Will be in Patts on Tuesday the 3rd, then will ride to Phuket from there via BKK all stops south.

                See you somewhere....

                The delicious jenni....
                Attached Files

                "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                • (pacman @ Feb. 01 2009,15:33) Deepthroat, you had such anticipation looking forward to this trip, it took months of planning, 100's of posts then 2 days to get there, don't blow it now mate.
                  Appropriate choice of words there Pacman!
                  Lost in Space!


                  • (pacman @ Feb. 01 2009,15:33) don't blow it now mate.
                    The king of the double entendre
                    Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                    • yes the answers to deepthroats pre dick-ament lie blowing in the wind,theres only one way and thats to suck it and see


                      • (deepthroat @ Feb. 01 2009,14:27) In answer to your other question - No, Kahuna is not gay, but I hear his boyfriend is!    
                        That's plural...Boyfriends if you please...

                        BTW...I found the greatest new boyfriend last night...after she took off her dress...
                        "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                        • Still playing the field eh Kahuna? You really ought to start thinking about settling down and starting a family.

                          PS: When you back in the Bay??
                          I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


                          • never if he has his way
                            just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


                            • (doug @ Jan. 02 2009,02:42) My advice for the new year is:  Have fun, play safe, and don't be an ass.

                              Oh, and thanks for digging up that "How to fall in love" thread.  That brings back some memories.  You know, that stuff actually applies to this thread as well and there's a good lesson in it for everyone.  

                              I treated that girl like gold.  I bought her lots of presents.  And I even offered her a way out of the bar scene.  But in the end, she picked the bar over me.  

                              Why?  Who knows and who cares. ....
                              Well, what a sobering and absolutely coherent post !  

                              I use the term 'sobering' advisedly as I work my way through the 1 litre Talisker single malt acquired on my way through the airport, and read this thread before I embark upon yet another LOSt adventure in LOS.

                              There seem to be so many levels to this whole 'Disneyland' experience. Take the p4p aspect, add the virtual-internet-fantasy element where 'love' can so easily blossom in a vacuum, factor in the total immaturity of these girls a la the breath-taking logic of the proposition that : 'I can butterfly but you can't cos you are my customer" (check out some teen reality TV for some graphic examples of how that mind-set works...or how about paris Hilton ?) further, consider the out of body experience that foreign travel to this wonderland constitutes...and well gentlemen we have a heady mix and a veritable recipe for disaster. Caution advised

                              As I flick through the 80 channels of satellite TV (no pun intended) on offer at the hotel (in the shadow of the Guess bar no less) I ponder the fact that as Roger Waters has already observed, most of it is shit. Only one or two worthy of attention.

                              Sound familiar ?  

                              Well at least the tourist is King again so let the illusion continue. For all concerned  
                              Putting the boy back into ladies


                              • (electric ladyboyland @ Feb. 07 2009,01:27) Well, what a sobering and absolutely coherent post !  

                                I'm not trying to be a rain cloud on anyone's Disneyland parade, so hopefully nobody sobers up completely .

                                Just remember that it's NOT Disneyland (or rather it is a Disneyland that's just more honest about whoring for your dollars), and you'll be fine.

