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How To Treat a Ladyboy - Hints and Tips

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  • #76
    Hmm.. maybe I should write a book on this topic and self-publish it on


    • #77
      (newwriter @ Jan. 02 2009,17:06) I've written this before but I can't agree with other BM's views on Private Dancer. I think it's poorly written trash designed only  to titillate and offering little or no insight whatsoever.

      So there.
      quite right poor trash fiction. as for how to treat a hooker,treat her well,you like the look of her ,she turns you on and she is going to let you fcuk her,and you will pay for the pleasure.SO there for try and make it pleasant and fun, fun is the key in thailand, if she laughs, and ishappy she will perform better for you.
      Guys who think by treating them hard and mean (keenio)are doing it right only kidding themselfs.
      Doug hats off mate great posts love the posts
      just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


      • #78
        Here's another tip:

        Which gender pronoun should you use?  "he", "she", "it"?

        "she", of course.

        This may seem like common sense, but a lot of guys get really caught up in the whole "dude-looks-like-a-lady" thing and/or they insist on using the male pronoun because "he's really a guy".

        My take on the whole "label" issue is that people should be allowed to define themselves and "label" themselves any way they like.  That, to me, is a basic human right that's right up there with privacy, life, and security.

        In fact, we often talk about the right to "self-determination", but most of the time we're referring to a person's freedom to make their own life-choices (job, marriage, home).

        But what's more essential than self-image?

        If someone wants to assign themselves a label, however inaccurate, who are we to judge?

        This gets into the whole "gay" vs. "straight" debate too, but I think the whole issue can be resolved with a little common courtesy.

        For example, I consider myself a "straight man" (not bisexual).  Simply because I know myself and how my head is wired, and so I feel I'm the most qualified to assign myself an orientation.  Now some guys would say, "no way man, you let boys fuck you in the ass, that makes you gay (or at least bi)."

        No, it doesn't.

        I enjoy a lot of things, and I certainly have a soft-spot (or maybe even a fetish) for ladyboys, but I stop short of emotional involvement with them or publicly displaying my lifestyle.   I'm also 100% NOT into dudes at all.  Gay porn does nothing for me, and hairy men flirting with me at the fitness center give me the heebee-jeebees.

        Will I suck dick or take it up the ass from a ladyboy?  Sure, but that's more in the spirit of "you only live once, so what the hell?" rather than some desire to have "man sex".

        Masculinity is a huge turn-off for me and that's why I'm always posting to complain about aggressive Amazons.  I'm just not into the "man-in-a-dress" scene.  But other guys are, so who am I to say which of us has it "better"?

        If one of my friends started dating some genetic girl and he was totally infatuated with her, but to me, she was ugly as a soi dog, do you think I'd say to him (in front of her): "Dude, your girlfriend is a MUTT".  No way!  I'd probably get a sock in the jaw.

        My point is that even though the girl might be objectively very ugly, maybe my friend sees something in her or maybe he really likes her personality (that actually happens, you know).  Who am I to judge?  But if I point out the OBVIOUS truth that she's butt-ugly, is anyone going to thank me for it?

        No, of course not.

        Which brings us back to the whole "label" issue.  You can, of course, insist that people stick to the "proper" definitions and approved labels, but is anyone going to thank you for being a pedantic prick??  No.

        So if a ladyboy insists that she's a "straight female", why correct her?  Is it really, really IMPORTANT that she stick to the FACTS??  Do you feel a perverse desire to "rub her face in it, and make her see 'reality'?"

        If so, go join Cliff Claven and Frasier at the end of the bar.  Loser.

        It all comes down to a bit of common courtesy.  Nobody likes the "truth" (try telling your girlfriend she looks like she's gaining weight and see how much she appreciates your honesty).  And courtesy isn't about brutal honesty.

        So if I say I'm a "straight" man, but by YOUR definition, I'm not.  Who cares?  Since when does everyone have to conform to your world view?  And likewise, if a ladyboy wants to be seen and treated like a girl, who are you to point out to everyone passing by, "dude, that's really a dude".

        Insisting that someone fit into your categories is denying them their right to label themselves.

        Even on these forums I see guys insisting on using words like "s/he" when they talk about ladyboys, as if they want to emphasis the fact that they're talking about someone who "isn't really a girl".

        Isn't a "real girl"?

        I think a lot of ladyboys would disagree with that sentiment.  And while you are, of course, technically right when you insist that she's "Not really a girl", you're also being an ass.  So why do it?  Did someone nominate you as the world defender of gender-definitions?  Is it your job to be High-Poobaa of the Truth Brigade?

        If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it's a duck.  And if it's REALLY a chicken, who cares?  Let the chicken have it's fun.

        Likewise, if she walks and talks and acts and thinks like a girl.  SHE is a girl.  And if she's really packing a twig and berries, who cares?  It's HER label for HERSELF, so why not be a gentleman and use it?

        The reason I brought this up is because I was sitting in a restaurant on Sukhumvit next to two guys and they were looking out the window at all the ladyboys walking by.  The kept going on and on about how "that's really a dude" and "that GUY is such a fag."  When it was painfully obvious to me that the only reason they kept dis'ing on the ladyboys outside was so they could have an excuse to keep looking!

        I had half a mind to lean over and say to them, "Oh just go fuck one of them already, it won't make you 'gay' if you don't want it to."

        I think that's the reason a lot of guys obsess on things like "gay vs. straight", or "ladyboy are not REAL girls", or "he, she, s/he, it", etc...  They just want an excuse to keep talking about it.  They're clearly uncomfortable with their own attraction to ladyboys and they worry how that effects their own self-label and how they categorize themselves, and so they obsess on the "proper" labels for ladyboys and they spend a lot of energy parsing up sex acts into "gay" and "straight" actions (as if recieving a blowjob from "a dude" is OK, but giving a blowjob will suddenly "gay-ify" you).

        And like those two guys sitting in that restaurant obsessively talking about it (rather than DOING IT), if you're spending a lot of energy on such trivial issues, then you're forgetting why you're here:  To Have FUN!

        That doesn't mean we can't relish the differences that make ladyboys "girls with something extra".  It just means that you shouldn't forget your manners.  For instance, I actually get off on the "I'm fucking a boy" thing when I'm with a ladyboy, but the important factor here is that I keep it to myself.  That's MY fetish, and I shouldn't expect her to share it.

        So if you're getting off on having "gay sex", try to understand that she might be getting off on having "straight sex" and if you start telling her what a "good boy" she is, it might actually be a turn off for her.


        • #79
          What a great thread to swing us into 2009!

          I can really empathise with Doug's advice about gifts - my pounds worth (about half a Euro by now I expect!) is just that. If you go with a girl ST or LT and you have a great time give her extra Baht: as one girl once told me "you lose a lot of money selling jewels!" If you have got to know her then by all means give her something you know she really wants - just reconcile yourself to the fact that this will be in the Thai version of "Uncles" by the time the undercarriage on your homebound flight is up.

          Being with P4P ladyboys is fun, its a relationship that runs on baht and bullshit - that goes for both sides of the equation. So what? she gets paid, you get fucked and if you both treat it as a bit of a laugh you have a great time.

          That being said, anything you do tends to improve if you put a bit of effort into it and P4P is no different. I quite enjoy chatting the girls up and getting the craic going because all of us at a very deep level want to feel valued and working girls are no different. I don't like being treated badly and would rather be told that I am a hansum guy by a lying hooker than that I am middle aged fat bloke by anyone imbued with deep honesty.

          Yes it is a Disney Ride and its all the better if you are able to avoid being Goofy.

          Just occured to me - is the handbook for Disney employees called "Pluto's Republic"? Please yourselves
          You, you and you hold fire - everyone else come with me - attributed to US Marine Recruiting Sargent WW2.

          You, you and you cum on me - everyone else hold fire - attributed to Porn Actor/Director Alexandra in 1992


          • #80
            (doug @ Jan. 08 2009,18:57) For example, I consider myself a "straight man" (not bisexual).  Simply because I know myself and how my head is wired, and so I feel I'm the most qualified to assign myself an orientation.  Now some guys would say, "no way man, you let boys fuck you in the ass, that makes you gay (or at least bi)."

            No, it doesn't.
            I didn´t think you doug would write this nonsense.

            Ok,i´ll try your theory on my straight jock friends, see what they say about "you let boys fuck you in the ass".
            "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

            Jaidee 2009

            The other white meat


            • #81
              Perhaps it's the language barrier, but you seem to have missed his point Sev7en
              Making newbie mistakes since 2009 so you don't have to


              • #82
                What language barrier?

                I gotta admit I missed his point as well...
                "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                • #83
                  Ok. I read it again. I still can´t get around if you get fucked in the ass or suck cock you are gay. Sorry to burst your bubble, deepthroat.
                  "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

                  Jaidee 2009

                  The other white meat


                  • #84
                    You're not bursting my bubble Sev7en. I can't work out how you could misunderstand this unless you're for whatever reason TRYING to put misstatements into Doug's mouth. He was clear in saying that taking a guy's tickle stick up the ass or sucking a meat whistle does NOT make one gay unless that person decides that they are. If you tell me you're gay because you do that, that's your choice. I definitely wouldn't try to change your mind. But if you told me that you happen to like the occasional pork sword in the bum or the womb ferret in your mouth, but you are straight, I'll go along with that too.

                    Easy concept to understand.

                    As I've said myself many times, I don't fancy a vomiting cobra in my ass or my mouth, but I recognize that in many dude's eyes, I'm just as "gay" as the guys that do. So it's easy for me to recognize that what Doug says is right on the mark. If I consider myself straight and others wouldn't (because I'd like to get my pee-staff sucked by a ladyboy) then how can I rightfully claim to know what is straight and what is guy other than however the person self-identifies?

                    If you still can't work it out talk to a senior BM, I'm just a noobie here. Me thinks you're just trying to take the wind out of Doug's sails for personal reasons myself.
                    Making newbie mistakes since 2009 so you don't have to


                    • #85
                      I don´t know, i´m confused and maybe gay.  
                      Hopefully kahuna can set us straight.
                      "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

                      Jaidee 2009

                      The other white meat


                      • #86
                        For Sev7en...

                        If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it's a duck. And if it's REALLY a chicken, who cares? Let the chicken have it's fun...
                        Don't be so uptight and judgmental, man... You are missing the point of the entire debate.


                        • #87
                          That´s what i say.
                          Who cares. This debate is old and boring anyways, been done many times.
                          "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

                          Jaidee 2009

                          The other white meat


                          • #88
                            Gay guys fuck and suck ladyboys
                            Bi guys fuck and suck ladyboys
                            Straight guys fuck and suck ladyboys

                            If you suck a LB's cock would you suck any cock lb or not?

                            I'm a straight man like many others here
                            Butterfly number 1


                            • #89
                              As everywhere else in life...follow the golden'll never go wrong.
                              John Smith


                              • #90
                                chanel bags and jimmy choos the best way to treat your lb's.
                                You Can Take Taneisha Out Of The Party, But You Can't Take The Party Out Of Taneisha  

