(pacman @ Jun. 23 2012,14:51) So what starts out as an arrangement of convenience CAN turn into something much better. It takes patience & money but it is nice to consider that there is hope, all we need do is find the right girl.

Agreed. (We have been agreeing a lot lately. This has to stop!)
I think it's fair to say Paccie, this is age related for all men. Once we get into our late 40's early 50's we are kidding ourselves that there will be a massive romantic conflagration leading to romantic blissful love.
I honestly don't believe it (romantic love )can happen given such age difference (50yr old man/25 year old LB). It seems to me great romantic love requires firstly youth, and secondly a common generation.
While many of us (he said putting his hand up) have fooled ourselves into believing that we are madly in love, and so are our young partners, you only have to read the stories of heartache/heartbreak on this forum to see its pretty much universally one way traffic for the oldies: we fall in love with girls half our age and get our asses handed to us: its the younger guys who break the ladyboy hearts.
But what you have said is true: With my ex there was no thunderbolts. No chorus of angels singing. But by the end of 2 years I truly loved her (and she loved me) more profoundly than I have experienced before. It was never butterflies in the stomach. But it was pretty fucking wonderful.
I loved my best friend and she loved me.