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Loving Long Term with Ladyboys. Possible?

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  • #31
    A good "FRIEND" IMO is better than the Romantic variety. Whoever you choose to live or spend ,ost your time with better be your Best Friend.


    • #32
      (f0xxee @ Jun. 16 2012,09:54) Forget Romantic Love. Bollocks. It's nothing more than your DNA looking to squirt in the dirt.
      I had to come back & read this again. It is a universal truth but never have I seen it so eloquently put.

      Nice work JF. Now start that book, your audience awaits.
      Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


      • #33
        Romantic love is the fireworks bursting, but generally burns itself out quickly.

        The idea of a platonic relationship - as better - well longer lasting is ok, but still needs some sort of intimacy (periodically - not daily ).

        Anyway, back to my ex-gf. She captured my attention by not doing the usual bar girl tactics - plus the fact she was gorgeous and petite (about 5'2" , 42 kg, and wisely chose small implants - just enough to give her nice curves, but not enough to suggest likely "lb")

        I saw her a couple of more times, and then she disappeared for about 8 months. I connected with her again later in 2000 - and found out she tried her luck in the Macau casinos - but passing herself off as a gg. She earned a lot more money then, enough to pay off her house in Udon Thani (about 2.5 million baht).

        She told me she wanted to get out of the bar scene, and wanted to study - however in order to do that she asked me to help her out. Of course this sounds exactly like the classic sponsorship scam - however, I decided to take a chance as I felt she was sincere.

        Was this going to end in disaster?

        To be continued . . .

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        • #34
          Keep going RxP, I am agog!
          I love a mini-series.....

          "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


          • #35
            If she REALLY was going to use your sponsorship for education, I would see it as a) An investment, (for both of you). I'm sure it would have been "easy" to check on this. B) An act of altruism... If you can afford it why not.

            Relative to western education, the cost is relatively little, the value relatively high.

            Better than "sponsorship" for what.... nothing much.


            • #36
              WOW, back here in the states they just started a remake of " DALLAS". I think I rather pay attnetion to this series.


              • #37
                It is no different in the west to in the far east, most women marry a man that can provide for them...............full stop.
                If your Brad Pitt & stacking shelf's in Tesco's then your get plenty of sex, but only a dope will be willing to marry you.

                A couple of years back,in one of the national papers, they did a survey, asking young girls what they were looking for in a man/potential husband & this is how it went.

                He had to be earning at least £50,000.( but preferably £100,000) £24,000 is the national average.
                Own a 3 Bedroom semi detached house
                Drive either a Mercedes or BMW

                Asked if would they settle for someone less attractive, but a bigger wage earner, nearly all said they would.

                As I say, matters where the woman is from, at the end of the day, love has little to do with it, it all about the $$$$$$$&#036 ;
                Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


                • #38
                  It is.


                  • #39
                    (Lorren @ Jun. 22 2012,20:29) It is.

                    There you go: everything we have concluded in 20,000 words encapsulated by Lorren in two!

                    Well played Ma'am!

                    "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                    • #40
                      (pacman @ Jun. 16 2012,21:04)
                      (f0xxee @ Jun. 16 2012,09:54) Forget Romantic Love. Bollocks. It's nothing more than your DNA looking to squirt in the dirt.
                      I had to come back & read this again. It is a universal truth but never have I seen it so eloquently put.

                      Nice work JF. Now start that book, your audience awaits.
                      Cheers Paccie.

                      Still waiting for that happy ending though.. Not the sort you get at Miss Wristy's Relaxation Parlour either.

                      "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                      • #41
                        (f0xxee @ Jun. 11 2012,13:37) As as wise (and cynical/misogynistic) friend of mine once famously asked; "How can you trust something that bleeds 4 days a month and won't fuckin' die?"
                        I was crying with laughter with this !! soooo true.

                        I do agree about LTR I have had several long distance, and even had one visit me here for 3 months that was the longest lasting relationship of 3.5 years.

                        I prefer a relationship than the one night stand, but still looking for the right one if there is such a thing, my bank account seems to be of prime interest to those i talk to.

                        I am mid 50's and now unemployed (as of last week) so considering my options of finding another crappy job or selling up and moving to either Thailand or Philippines, my experience of travel is all Philippines, but it is becoming more expensive every trip.

                        Like many, I would need to have an income / interest there. This represents the real difficiult part, what do you do ? I could live off what equity I have in my house after the bank takes there share but that seems stupid as what do you do when the money runs out ?

                        Yes the benefits of this forum is the intelligent comments.

                        LB relationships are like any relationship you have to work at it, although the jealously they have is bloody annoying.

                        Ps: the LB in the avatar was my first ! Many years ago


                        • #42
                          (bugeye29 @ Jun. 23 2012,00:09) I do agree about LTR I have had several long distance, and even had one visit me here for 3 months that was the longest lasting relationship of 3.5 years.

                          I prefer a relationship than the one night stand, but still looking for the right one if there is such a thing, my bank account seems to be of prime interest to those i talk to.

                          Like many, I would need to have an income / interest there. This represents the real difficiult part, what do you do ? I could live off what equity I have in my house after the bank takes there share but that seems stupid as what do you do when the money runs out ?

                          LB relationships are like any relationship you have to work at it, although the jealously they have is bloody annoying.
                          Hey there Bugeye,

                          Yes the money thing.... no money? no honey...

                          But I must say the Thai girls seem a little more realistic about their wants and needs.

                          Filipinas, even if they come from living in cardboard cottages seem to expect you to fork out a western allowance for them...and want the maid and the rest. I have had them turn their nose up at an allowance that my ex wife would have found acceptable, and she was the quintessential Australian Materialistic Whore. Its not only about survival, but unfortunately status too: They want to be the tall poppy in the field.

                          Also, the Pinays seem to have trouble with the mathematics of the situation: if they could earn 1000 Singapore dollars a day on the circuit, that means that if they settle with you their allowance should be 1000$ Sing a day with you too, right?.... Uh no actually. As I explained to them, short term rentals are always more expensive than long term leases. What you pay overnight for a hotel you would not consider paying yearly on a condo.

                          Thais tend (of course my opinion only, based on throwing money like confetti at both species) tend to be more content with security and some sort of interaction with their families. But are more (in my opinion) jealous. They also seem less likely to believe that us Falangs have an Orchard full of money trees we shake daily for our income.

                          As for selling up and settling out the equity on your house and moving here?

                          You are only in your mid 50's... why not battle on through one more job and see if you can pay your house out. Not sure where in Aus you live, but given the rental market these days, if you could own the house outright and rent it, the rent per month would almost cover your living here.

                          Lets face it: the ideal catch for a ladyboy of either race would be a mid 30's man who looks like Brad Pitt (I wonder if he knows how often he gets named on this forum? Good thing he's a nice chap) has the income of Warren Buffet, the morals of Mother Theresa and preferably only came to visit for 2 weeks a year, and arrived in a Cadbury's truck.

                          Well tough shit ladies. Youse take what you can get in this life. We do.

                          Just a thought.


                          "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                          • #43
                            It is an inconvenient truth that to keep a girlfriend we have to be her primary source of income. It makes a mockery of the idea they love us when in fact, it is more a case of us buying their time.

                            I have always maintained that the love lasts as long as the money does. Which does rather diminish the idea that they ever loved us in the first place. Of course the whole concept of romance & marrying for love is a more recent phenomenon in historic terms. Not in theory but in practice. And one doesn't need look far today to see evidence of girls marrying Mr Extremely-Wealthy rather than Mr Very-Good-Looking. Or Brad Pitt as Foxxee refers to him. Who happens to be rich as well, another reason to dislike the man...

                            But I am not a total cynic & I am aware of how LTRs based on need can turn into "love" on both sides. One of the nice things about the P4P scene in LOS is that most of the girls are from poor rural backgrounds just seeking a better life. They are not hardened prostitutes, at least not for the first few years of their career. And so many of them have standards, they have morals, often better than their customers (we can thank Buddhism for much of that) & they can recognise that living with a decent guy is better than having to compete for drunken trash looking for cheap sex.

                            Not that any of the fine members of this board fall into that category but you know what I mean.

                            So what starts out as an arrangement of convenience CAN turn into something much better. It takes patience & money but it is nice to consider that there is hope, all we need do is find the right girl.
                            Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                            • #44
                              (TEXASMAC @ Jun. 16 2012,13:56) A good "FRIEND" IMO is better than the Romantic variety. Whoever you choose to live or spend ,ost your time with better be your Best Friend.
                              doesn't work.


                              • #45

                                Why don't you expand on your theorems a little more, rather than just post 2 word replies without qualification or rationale supporting them?

                                This has been a reasonably decent thread. If you have  nothing of value to ad, be a good little girl and just go look at the pretty pictures.

                                I doubt if you have lived long enough to have lived for any length of time in both platonic and romantic relationships and to note the differences.

                                If you read all of Tex's posts on this matter in this thread you might see he has certainly earned the right to have his opinion. For you to simply ad a contradiction without any substance is, in my opinion, being disrespectful. Perhaps even make a bit more effort and write "In your opinion".

                                I doubt you are old or wise enough to know how to poor piss out of a boot with the instructions printed on the heel.

                                "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."

