Back in the crazy north......Pimp my Ride Issan style!!!
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Twice in the past I have literally felt a bottle whistle past my head (once at the Glastonbury Festival and once outside the Stadio delle Alpi in Turin) so i figured i had used up all my luck in that department so I was very relieved to a third lucky escape in the not so glamorous location of the "High Class" discotheque in Kalasin.
During this trip I saw a few glimpses of a very nasty side to life in the sticks. The MV disco which I checked out last time has been closed for months after a fatal shooting outside. However this ban had just been lifted, I was not too keen on going to this place so soon after the reopening but due to my close encouter with glassware at High Class I didnt really have much choice.Attached FilesWhen she walks, she’s like a samba
That swings so cool and sways so gentle
I headed to MV with a smaller group of 3 LBs, outside the police were very visible but this not reassure me in the slightest, I was warned that there could be trouble so being the only farang in the joint I just tried to keep a low profile, not easy but it is pretty dark in there!
Straight away you could feel a tense atmosphere, it was pretty full and again there were plenty of LBs, we got a table and I ordered some drinks. There was this group of guys only a few yards away who looked the most likely to kick things off, a lot of posturing and staring at another group close by.
I had one eye on this lot and the other on must be the tallest fucking ladyboy in the world. The tallest one I have seen/grappled with previously was Lek from KC3, but this one was a monster, shit she must have been 6 ' 7. not as shapely as our Lek but she was only about 17 so I guess there was plenty of time for that.
I was busy giving myself neckache looking at this amazon when I heard the unmistakable sound of things kicking off, not from the posse next to me but from an even bigger posse of about 10 ladyboys next to them, in the thick of it was an athletic Tee Tee look-alike spitting, well, trading venom with a group of people next to them.
Just as i thought that was as far as things were going to go something was said that pushed her too far, she grabbed a bottle and attacked, with that her entire posse followed her over the edge. I have seen a few scraps in bars before but this was a particularly vicious and bloody assault. This was our cue to leave, we headed to a nearby place for some food. As we sat there some others from the club began to wander in, we were told that several people had been taken to hospital, so i was happy to sink my low quality Leo beer in peace. This was only a warm up to the main reason why i was in issan and that was for one of, if not the biggest ladyboy contests in the area...When she walks, she’s like a samba
That swings so cool and sways so gentle
The closeknit group of young ladyboys which I found so fascinating a few months back has already reached its critical mass and is starting to break up with new ones coming through,Last month I walked into my apartment in Bangkok to find 2 of them sat on my sofa watching the never-ending FTV.
Older ladyboys coming home to visit people seems to accelerate their move to Bangkok (4 of them are now living in the same street there). A lot of the rest, back in Kalasin are now at school leaving age. Objections by some of their parents and dress code restrictions have finally given way and they are growing their hair out, starting to wear skirts and make -up more often.
Two of these trainee ladyboys have never been in any contest of any type at all, and plead with me all morning to pay the 600 Baht fee to enter, many people complained that the resiult was fixed the previous year (No! What? Corruption in LOS? never!) so they fancy their chances as many were expected to stay away in protest. Having seen a couple of hotties who were also entering that morning I thought they were being a bit optimisitic. Still I was really interested to see what they could do with these 2 so I handed over the 1200 Baht. They nearly snatched my hand off and they off down the road on a motorcycle without even a thank you.
Some others who now lived in Bangkok also heard that the numbers were down to around 10, had come back to put down the young. pretenders. In fact all the rumours turned out to be just that and there now around 40 contestants.
Bloody marvellous!When she walks, she’s like a samba
That swings so cool and sways so gentle
Everything is being organised by the local monks, he contest itself is in a feild next to the temple, I didnt expect it to be such a big thing to be honest, but they expect around 1000 people to turn up, after the ladyboy contest (there is also a man contest) there will be live music until dawn, and there are lots of stalls being set up selling food and drink, even a bouncy castle
There will be a high police prescence so im told, there is usually a bit of trouble at these sort of events, and after the bloodbath the previous night this seems even more likely.Attached FilesWhen she walks, she’s like a samba
That swings so cool and sways so gentle
Hi Gunslinger,
Enjoyed your first report on Issan, and the latest installment is also proving to be particularly interesting.
It's great to read a report from somewhere other than Bangkok or Pattaya with a little ladyboy flavour thrown in for good measure.
I must say that given the incidents you describe, I was starting to wonder whether this was infact the North East or actually the Wild West.
Perhaps its just your username that creates that imagery.
KoykaengLadyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !
(gunslinger @ May 08 2007,15:11) Some of these nutters are dancing already and its only 2pm!
Hello Gunslinger,
Despite having been there, seen it, done it, I'm still riveted to your account.
Around Songkran this year we went to see one of Herself's school friends.
That night in her friends village there was a festival at the local temple. In a village with about 30-40 scattered houses the show they put on had about 1000-1200 people attending.
It was apparently one of the better known ones in the area (Mukdaharn) but even so I was surprised at the size of the turn out.
While we were there a group 6 of ladyboys turned up so see Herself's friend. They ranged from femmy boy (we decided actually gay boy) through to one that both of us thought was a girl. She was not a great beauty but was very pretty and was TOTALLY female. Herself decided she was female also. It was only when the girl started asking about sex change operations in Bangkok that Herself realised that she was talking to another transsexual.
Every time we go to Herself's village we seem to end up meeting with more and more ladyboys. You start to realise that most of the prettiest ones end up in Bangkok - but there are some real (unspoilt) gems wondering around in the Issan countryside.
Next time we go flying past Kalasin I'll think about you
RR.Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.
"I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."
Since I've been walking around the village I've been asked to hand over money ( a bit more than the previous trip) by complete strangers, a bit like walking around Manchester really (but at least they try and come up with some sort of story over there to disguise the fact that its for alcohol), its only 20 or 30 Baht here or there so im not tha bothered, I don't know if anyone else who has been up here has been asked the same thing I'd be interested to hear if you were or not.
The ladyboy who I'm with also gets asked for cash, I think its some sort of "You've been to BKK so must have a bit to spare" type of thing. This gets worse as the dat wears on as I will describe later.
Anyway we wander down to the feild to see what's going on..When she walks, she’s like a samba
That swings so cool and sways so gentle
We arrived at this small building, there is a crowd of people watching young ladboys being made up for the contest, as we arrive there is one who has almost finished getting her make up finished, looks a bit strange as its still only the afternoon and and she is sat there with the full make-up and big hair, I sit down and watch with the others, she then turns to me and waves. then everyone turns and looks at me and laughs. It's onlly then I realise it's the the same ladyboy who i had given the money to less than an hour before.
Oh my good God, that a transformation, I honestly didnt recgonise her, from a scrawny looking femboy to some sort beauty queen, not only did she look different but its if she had taken on some sort of innate personality as she paraded around the floor. She marched up and down lloking about six foot tall then came up to me, then with her face about six inches from mine, grinned and said "Now you're scrared of me."
And to be honest, I think she was right.
Then my other young contestant sat down and this time I watched the whole transformation, the people around me knew these ladyboys as they were from the same village and had probably seen many of these events but they seemed just as fascinated by the whole thing as I did, (well either that or they had fuck all else to do).
This place was set up for everything so that any ladyboy could turn up, pay the 500 baht (the other 100 was for the registration) and they could get made up, hire clothes, whatever they needed to enter, everything was done by these 2 ladyboys in their 30's.
As this thing was going to go on until dawn I decided to crah out for couple of hours or I would never last until 2am never mind 6.
My bed was basically a mattress with a mosquito net over it in a sort of half built wooden shack, i'm out in no time. When I wake up its dark apart from a single strip light which has a huge cloud of insects banging their heads against it, its only after a while staring at this light do I notice a huge lizard feasting on the poor captivated swarm.
I can hear the haunting melodies of Issan music coming form the feild then voices in the room whispering. I sit up to see 3 naked ladboys in the room rubbing some sort of skin whitening over their bodies.
One of them turns to me
"It's time" she saysWhen she walks, she’s like a samba
That swings so cool and sways so gentle