The Really bad part is the woman tells me I can only apply Tourist Visa good for 60 days and only get a 2 entry one at most. I asked her name she asked why....I told her because I got different info before. You all know TIT Crap, yes even here

I explained I wanted multi entry visa and that I had one year off work and would be in and out of LOS, because they asked. They told me can not have it because I am not working there just vacation so need tourist visa. She further explains I need a criminal background check, Job Offer from a school on letter and some other crap, I tuned out at that point.

I get transfered to a guy now, because she will not give her name or clear info but tells me a "name" after 4 times asking.
The Guy Says about the same things but adds "you maybe can get 2 or 3 entry tourist visa but no a multi entry visa non immg"....etc.
Then he adds maybe his boss will say okay but maybe not, and adds the line "this is not my problem goodbye"...click. I stopped driving came back and Here I am begging for help.
I want to scream cry and jump into the river.....
The Flight and my ride and all those plans are now delayed

I really need help.
Thanks in Advance
