(halla @ Mar. 24 2009,18:19)
You hit the nail on that one. I've only been in there 2 of 3 times and the girls were bored and complained about no customers. When I said that I can see many guys in here, they all replied that it was just some cunts who hang out there and would never give them any business. *
They said some guys even bring outside ladyboys into Guess. Not so popular *
(TTChang @ Mar. 24 2009,09:49) The girls (with a few notable exceptions ... Tam and Jasmine particularly) seem totally disinterested in greeting the regulars. I presume because we are not often barfining we are like wallpaper to them.
They said some guys even bring outside ladyboys into Guess. Not so popular *
Perhaps by identifying this attitute that does exist, brings a positive change for those who want to bring an outside ladyboy.
Its the only "ladyboy bar" that I brought my girlfriend and because she got offended by the boss of all people, I won't be taking another because of that, which is my choice.