Good thing I have my Canadian passport. That’s going to be the only thing that allows me to go anywhere now that my US passport stinks like three day old fish.
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Returning to Paradise
Originally posted by Escierto View PostGood thing I have my Canadian passport. That’s going to be the only thing that allows me to go anywhere now that my US passport stinks like three day old fish.
The USA has done an enormous amount of testing compared to any country.
However all anyone can talk about is cases, they don't want to talk about deaths.
Plus the stats coming from the testing are fucked right up, people are getting tested multiple times. Still you can see the USA death rate is leveled off, no one wants to talk about that. China and the media are the ones slagging the USA. Reality is that the USA has one of the best responses in the world period. Plus many Governors don't want to do the best for their people, they just want to play politics.
I'm not clear how one covid death overshadows deaths from so many other ways. Somehow a covid death is worst than any other by 5 or 10 times. Oh, you died of Cancer? Oh well, at least it wasn't Covid.....
It wouldn't surprise me if China has people spreading the virus on purpose in the USA, in fact I'm sure they do.
You know China has the worst case and death tolls but they are being protected by everyone.
China has been caught flooding social media with hundreds of thousands of posts advocating more full shut downs in the USA.
Canada is the same they just talk about positive cases, not deaths and nobody will tell you the ages of the people dying.
One case is an outbreak. The situation gets more ridiculous by the day.
The virus is no more deadly generally than the flu which is obvious not but admitted by anyone.
It is more deadly to some older people and those with pre-existing conditions.
Some people want you to be locked down forever, and it doesn't really work.
The curve is flattened plain and simple.
Also don't blame anyone but China for this whole thing.
I'm not clear how the blame has shifted to the USA.
Here i am doing some diplomacy for the USA, they don't seem quite as impressed...
Oh those bikes go round n round.. that be neat to see. What was the event concert thing for , do you remember?
I am cleaning storage room out and its making me travel around in my past, which I thought was cool at the time but know I realize how much better the . future can be . It was like a whole other life I lived. But I digress...
Having coffee this morning and looking back a Thailand photos got me " home-away-from-home- sick"
Coffee every morning on a hot ( or hot and wet) sundeck sometimes after a thunderstorm. Off to breakfast with my sometimes entourage or meet up with crag and co. and plan out the day, or next few hours .
Some memories...
1. Nuy in the morning having OJ on the balcony at VT6
2. My last breakfast with Woody before I jet off to Phuket
3.Burried in LBs at Why Not Bkk. Created a big hangover !
4.Pattaya Beer Garden
5.The snapshot of 2018 LBWVB schedule
6.RibShak has Moosehead on special !!!!
7. Pina Colada in Phuket
8. Nuy, it turns out, is a Rough Riders fan!
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Attached FilesLast edited by flamingofarmer; 07-19-2020, 09:05 PM.
Originally posted by flamingofarmer View PostOh those bikes go round n round.. that be neat to see. What was the event concert thing for , do you remember?[/RIGHT]
I think the concert was official for Red Cross or something. There seemed to be an awful lot of government offices set up at this market.
Maybe people can get their shopping, entertainment and official business done at the same time.
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Here's some old pics from Nana.
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More from Nana Area 2009
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Here is how you partied at Check-In Bar in 2010
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Originally posted by flamingofarmer View PostOh those bikes go round n round.. that be neat to see. What was the event concert thing for , do you remember?
I am cleaning storage room out and its making me travel around in my past, which I thought was cool at the time but know I realize how much better the . future can be . It was like a whole other life I lived. But I digress...
Having coffee this morning and looking back a Thailand photos got me " home-away-from-home- sick"
Coffee every morning on a hot ( or hot and wet) sundeck sometimes after a thunderstorm. Off to breakfast with my sometimes entourage or meet up with crag and co. and plan out the day, or next few hours .
Some memories...
1. Nuy in the morning having OJ on the balcony at VT6
2. My last breakfast with Woody before I jet off to Phuket
3.Burried in LBs at Why Not Bkk. Created a big hangover !
4.Pattaya Beer Garden
5.The snapshot of 2018 LBWVB schedule
6.RibShak has Moosehead on special !!!!
7. Pina Colada in Phuket
8. Nuy, it turns out, is a Rough Riders fan!
They no longer had Penang Gai on the menu but they made it for us anyway.
Hmmm, not sure how Nuy got my hat....
Boy, Crag and Flamingo were the luckiest guys in Thailand during the earlier years. If I could go back in time I would have joined the USAF and requested medical post in Utapao Air Base. No combat duty. Just treat Malaria or old world diseases and prevent them. Have a team of cute nuses to communicate with the natives. If small med problem I can fix. If not bring them back to base where the doctors can treat them. I watch and learn. Eventually I would have used the GI Bill to pursue a medical or veterinary degree. Or maybe worked with my uncle who headed the UN FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization) for Asia. He was based in Bangkok when I visited him in 1972. I didn't realize that he was extremely popular in a of SE Asia. Like Santa Claus bringing in the best rice seeds for Thailand's soil and climate. Brought experts who engineered Agronomy and agricultural output with plant disease research, correct fertilizer, and such to stave off starvation and insure economic success.
You guys were lucky to be at the right place at the right time. Ladyboy-wise. Patience the vaccine will come.
My pics are from 2018 but I've been a visitor to the Kingdom only since '14. Crag is my sensei and I the grasshopper san.
Read today that visa extensions to 26sept now so everyone can breathe easy if trapped behind the borders and airports etc.
...Kinda feeling this years a bust but maybe next year I can swing the trip if the gods smile upon my life.
My friends back there tell me its very difficult now and even with the openings, obviously there's not allot of foot traffic without tourism. Aum says My Bar 3 is dead dead dead . Doing shows for crickets and street animals.