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Returning to Paradise

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  • Returning to Paradise

    So it seems post lockdown "schemes"as Thais would describe them as, are afoot. Here are a couple of article's from the Pattaya One,
    One ,Why Thailand isn't reopening to international tourists yet is about opening "tourism bubbles" where travel from mutually agreeable post covid stats agree to allow there peeps to mutually travel to from , ...TAT (the tourism authority of Thailand) said "
    ..... We have studied a possibility of offering special long-stay packages in isolated and closed areas where health monitoring can be easily controlled” for example, Koh Pha Ngan and Koh Samui. This will be beneficial for both tourists and local residents, since this is almost a kind of quarantine."..And even then, he says, there will likely be restrictions on who can visit and where they can go... so i am thinking the may have to geo track tourist and use a tracking app and rely on tourists/ businesses to comply ...perhaps using QR code scanning or something ( disclaimer: I am no expert here)..I think South Korea did this (simular) to there populace during the outbreak, and still.
    Next one is about a new Certification program with a 2 year renewal date. About how long it might take to get every one to forget about it...
    The idea , of course, is to be a rating system where if you have it ( the approval) they will come ( the tourists). The scheme here is the get as many hotspots approved include bars restaurants hotels etc as quickly as possible so tourist are confident of their "safety" .
    Oh man , I don't think heck In Bar would get a pass...last time i was there , the shit sewer smell was so bad in the back toilet area,it curled my nose

    Intrested to here what members take is on these.. its possible the last 1/4 may be the opening point of travel according to predictions.

  • #2
    Nobody will come if there is a bunch of ridiculous rules.
    I'm not going until i can do what I want, I am not going there to be tracked or quarantined.
    That would just be a waste of time. I can be tracked and controlled in Canada.

    This just isn't any where near as serious as originally predicted and Thailand has hardly had any impact.

    At some point people have to live with this thing.
    The fear is 20 times worse than the virus.


    • #3
      How does this work....

      "Employees must keep at least 1-meter distance, while the venues should be well ventilated and disinfected frequently.
      These measures will serve as guidelines for spas and massage parlours in Phuket"

      Long distance massage?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Crag Rockheart View Post
        Nobody will come if there is a bunch of ridiculous rules.
        I'm not going until i can do what I want, I am not going there to be tracked or quarantined.
        That would just be a waste of time. I can be tracked and controlled in Canada.

        This just isn't any where near as serious as originally predicted and Thailand has hardly had any impact.

        At some point people have to live with this thing.
        The fear is 20 times worse than the virus.
        What the TAT said is nonsensical. Once a tourist is in an area deemed open, what's to prevent further travel? Its not sounding enjoyable and free for spontaneous travel.


        • #5
          They recently determined the virus does not spread much on surfaces, so all this disinfecting is not even worthwhile.
          At one point I think they said it could live on surfaces for 3 weeks.

          Half the bars and restaurants in Thailand are already open air. Plus it is so hot and humid there the virus cannot travel as far in the air.

          Who wants a massage if it going to be all weird.

          The new happy ending is you jerk yourself off and pay the masseuse.


          • #6
            Originally posted by flamingofarmer View Post

            What the TAT said is nonsensical. Once a tourist is in an area deemed open, what's to prevent further travel? Its not sounding enjoyable and free for spontaneous travel.
            If you get sent to some island you could just hire a speed boat to get to Pattaya or Bangkok.
            Just like in Hangover 3.
            I've still never actually seen a speed boat like this on that river.



            • #7
              Lol. Boats Name is Perfect Life.


              • #8
                Originally posted by flamingofarmer View Post
                Lol. Boats Name is Perfect Life.
                Yes that is Mr. Chow's boat.
                At the beginning Chow came and picked them up in the Perfect Life and took them to Bangkok.



                • #9
                  I actually should smoke a couple and watch those movies. Ed Helms is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. He plays the most annoying characters in all his roles: mostly why i never watched them.


                  • #10
                    Complete end to lockdown july 1st

                    Complete end to lockdown on July 1 The government has set July 1 for the lift of all business and activity lockdowns ordered earlier


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by flamingofarmer View Post
                      I actually should smoke a couple and watch those movies. Ed Helms is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. He plays the most annoying characters in all his roles: mostly why i never watched them.
                      The first Hangover is a masterpiece, all the characters are great, it is a much watch. They steal Mike Tyson's tiger.
                      Ed Helms is the total fuck up in each movie, and gets fucked by Yasmin Lee in the second one. So he is perfectly cast as an annoying jerk.
                      The movies get progressively worse and the second one in Bangkok is interesting because of the familiar sights and ladyboys

                      Maybe you can smoke a couple in Thailand soon.

                      Cannabis tourism in Thailand – high time for medical marijuana-inspired travel
                      • Officials hope to launch medical marijuana tourism in the Southeast Asian nation to attract ‘qualityâ' visitors
                      • Estimates suggest the nascent industry could bring in as much as US$687 million by 2024

                      Thailand actually is planning to become the world's number one supplier of Marijuana.
                      They can grow it at a fraction of the price it costs in Canada to grow.



                      • #12
                        Rules, distanciations of 1 meter, 6 feet, 2 meters. Every country managed to give their original version of the COV SARS2 and the way to avoid it. Personally, I trust mainly what prof Kim Woo-joo says. Thank you Rxpharm for posting Asian boss's videos. Today, my travel agency tried to sell me BS; BS were either a trip staying in my country. They pretended they guaranteed the quality of social distanciation. Then, the girl said she would probably sell me a flight to Vietnam or Thailand for October or November but prices should be higher. She said we have to be optimistic.
                        I am optimistic. If a second wave comes, I will have enough masks and hydro alcoholic gel to feel quiet. It's not pessimistic to anticipate a second wave next Autumn. Real pessimists will cry they hadn't been warned.

                        For this year, I have to make a cross on many months of work. I could still travel on my savings (since I don't spend so much money) but I already got used to the idea I will make a cross on a trip to SE Asia. Life is still long as long as I take care. Vaccines should arrive in March next year and we'll start over like before.


                        • #13
                          It certainly is pessimistic to assume a second wave. Who cares this whole thing is way over blown and exaggerated.
                          Any second wave would be less severe they say anyway. preparing for the worst is anyone's perogative.

                          If you are over 60 there may be higher risk. Any person has every right to hide out as long as they see fit.
                          If the second wave kills me, who the hell cares.
                          At least i am living. And nobody has the right to call me a murderer, but they will.


                          • #14
                            Not a positive spin, sorry to say.. but devils advocate side of the story maybe?

                            Go-go bars gone as coronavirus hits Bangkok's sex district. The black leather party masks that performers May and Som wear for their


                            • #15
                              They make it sound so horrible. The say "Corona Cases Surged" nothing ever surged in Thailand, what a bunch of bullshit.
                              I don't understand why people want this to be 10 times worse that it actually is.

                              The AIDS epidemic in Thailand was way worse than this. They didn't close any bars then that I know of.
                              HIV was nearly fatal to everyone back then. Covid is barely fatal to anyone.
                              Even in North America HIV was a huge problem back then.

                              The other problem we have is China is trying to exert control over Thailand and all of Asia.
                              They are already doing this by offering free high speed rail and other infrastructure to Thailand.
                              If China rules Thailand it will never be the same. Hong Kong will soon be part of mainland China.
                              They are threatening Australia. At least they won't be able to bully India.
                              China won't keep the bars open i'm sure. They would probably crack down on ladyboys too.

                              Paradise may not have long to live.

