CNN is running a special this week about childhood obesity in America and if it can be stopped. I think it's too late, really; if you just walk around the malls in any US city you will see that the majority of kids are now either just plain fat or downright obese; whereas 20, 30 years ago the fatter kids were a definite minority.
It's out of control here, and I am no exception being at least 25 pounds more than I should be. But hell, I am a geezer now and gravity is taking hold and ain't getting better anytime soon so I am pretty much a lost cause. But kids? 10, 12, 16 years old.....all, or at least MOST, somewhere between 5 and 50 pounds overweight? Unacceptable. And again, I think it's too late; whole generations of people have gotten fat now, their kids are fat and soon THEIR kids will be fat. Our mixture of bad, fatty food choices, drinks that are loaded up with sugar and other crap combined with 5 or 6 hours per day laying around watching TV or glued to their fucking computers ain't helping these children any either.
Seeing attractive, slim people gets harder and harder every day now and is at the worst point it's ever been; a perfect time for myself [and anyone else who is ready] to become an ex-pat as soon as possible. Not only are females who are still slim unavailable, but the longer we live in America the longer we have to help pay the health and medical bills for people who can't put down the Taco Bell or Reese's Cups.
A friend from Holland was telling me about his visit to the USA recently; when I asked his impressions the very first thing he said was "I couldn't believe how fat the people were''. Not "I loved New York and San Francisco'' or "I thought the grand canyon was just awesome'' but more like ''your people are obese MFER's and I couldn't miss it right out of the gate''. Way cool.
It's out of control here, and I am no exception being at least 25 pounds more than I should be. But hell, I am a geezer now and gravity is taking hold and ain't getting better anytime soon so I am pretty much a lost cause. But kids? 10, 12, 16 years old.....all, or at least MOST, somewhere between 5 and 50 pounds overweight? Unacceptable. And again, I think it's too late; whole generations of people have gotten fat now, their kids are fat and soon THEIR kids will be fat. Our mixture of bad, fatty food choices, drinks that are loaded up with sugar and other crap combined with 5 or 6 hours per day laying around watching TV or glued to their fucking computers ain't helping these children any either.
Seeing attractive, slim people gets harder and harder every day now and is at the worst point it's ever been; a perfect time for myself [and anyone else who is ready] to become an ex-pat as soon as possible. Not only are females who are still slim unavailable, but the longer we live in America the longer we have to help pay the health and medical bills for people who can't put down the Taco Bell or Reese's Cups.
A friend from Holland was telling me about his visit to the USA recently; when I asked his impressions the very first thing he said was "I couldn't believe how fat the people were''. Not "I loved New York and San Francisco'' or "I thought the grand canyon was just awesome'' but more like ''your people are obese MFER's and I couldn't miss it right out of the gate''. Way cool.