(deepthroat @ Mar. 15 2010,10:31) ....... I cannot take the risk of re-awakening my addiction by using any mind or mood altering chemicals, even if only for the therapeutic effect in a controlled situation such as what you've described. Think of it as an allergy - I'm deeply allergic to any chemicals that alter my mood, and I eventually break out can live with that!) and restrict my spiritual journey to anipi ceremony (sweat lodge) and Marillion concerts, both of which bring me in touch with my "higher power".
Yes,as appealing as new experiences are to me,I also have to be ultra careful with what I ingest.What would seriously worry me also in getting into the hallucinogens(again),is that fear of going to a place mentally ,from where I could never return.Remember Pink Floyd's Syd Barrett?One too many acid trips ,or so they say.