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Teacher jailed for calling a teddy bear Muhammad

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  • #31
    They should behead the teddy!


    • #32
      String up that cotton cunt... How dare he smile benignly as all around the world Muslims suffer and the teddy gloats unflinchingly. Make the teddy suffer and let not the teddy have unto him three score and ten virgins to sooth his soul...

      I love the ragheads... in fact I love everyone with an IQ of 12... Long live the raghead!!!

      Please don't hurt me your silliness... Please don't chop off my head to prove that your God is a loving caring God!!!

      Fucking stupid ragheads!


      • #33
        she does not look too clever and remember she is from liverpool
        Attached Files


        • #34
          (allstar88 @ Dec. 02 2007,09:10) she does not look too clever and remember she is from liverpool

          She probably stole the teddy off a kiddy on the plane anyway (not to imply that all Scousers are theiving sods)

          Off with her hands I say!

          I've made kathylc  


          • #35
            (terryw @ Dec. 02 2007,00:47) The UK government spends a huge amount of taxpayers money on nuclear weapons to give our country a false sense of self-importance.
            Actually i ilke the idea that.... " if you dare to launch one at us then your Capital and the bunker where you reside will be the worlds largest ashtray within 30 minutes".

            These type of thoughts usually sober the mind of those loonies in power with an itchy finger on the Doomsday button. Within 10 years we will be within range of North Korea assuming they advance technically.


            • #36
              (Tomcat @ Dec. 02 2007,16:11) Within 10 years we will be within range of North Korea assuming they advance technically.
              I think it will be less than that tbh, what with Pakistan swapping designs with them (alledgedly).

              NK did detonate a test bomb late last year but it was suspected to be only partially successful.

              Lets just hope Isreal, Iran, and Syria don't get hold of them.

              Maybe we should send them Peace Teddies for Christmas?

              I've made kathylc  


              • #37
                9am Monday - Teacher pardoned by Sudanese President, and should be on her way home today.

                seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


                • #38

                  Why dont you take her in....she might be looking for nice respectable gentleman to spend the next 30 years with.

                  her face fits your avatar box quite nicely..
                  Attached Files


                  • #39
                    Please cover that face up with a burka! That face is a disgrace to the human race!


                    • #40
                      They interviewed the twit on the news this morning and I thought why are you wasting coverage time on such a moron. You are in a country were the collective IQ is 12 thanks Stogie and your naming a teddy After the Prophet.


                      • #41
                        (rayton @ Nov. 30 2007,20:15) i've just named my cock Mohammed
                        That's a great idea! I think I'll change the name of my butthole from Jesus to Mohammed.
                        So the next day after a spicy meal I'll say something like "dude, those chillies really inflamemed my Mohammed", or "man, it's getting really fuzzy down there, I think Mohammed needs a shave."
                        "Bankin' off of the northeast wind
                        Salin' on a summer breeze
                        And skippin' over the ocean, like a stone."
                        -Harry Nilsson


                        • #42
                          (moe666 @ Dec. 04 2007,20:14) You are in a country were the collective IQ is 12
                          As opposed to Britain, where half of the population get their opinions given to them by Rupert Murdoch.

                          Yes, I agree that many followers of Islam take things to the extreme by anybody's standards, but it wasn't so long ago that we used to burn people for being Witches, that's if they didn't drown 'proving' their innocence.

                          Give them 300 years and they may catch up.

                          I've made kathylc  


                          • #43
                            Their are still a few around who would still burn witches and my god what would they do to a ladyboy lover.

                            To the rack with you I say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                            • #44
                              Well a couple of things. The teddy was not named by the teacher but the students. The complaint was issued by one upset parent. The same thing happens here when one parent objects to teaching evolution or genuine sex education. The school board kow tows to this one wack job.
                              Islam is basicly a 15th century cult. It will not change or evolve in anyway. Most every aspect if Islam is based on control virtualy identical to any other mind control cult. There is no way it will ever be anything but what it is.
                              The only solution is to marginalize it and not respond to the demands they make. This of course requires some balls on the part of govts. and citizens. So fat chance.
                              If the civilized world just weened themselves of the oil we could basicly tell them to eat sand and have no dealings with them.
                              Oh by the way Monkey, Isreal has had nukes for decades, and ways to deliver them. I doubt very much that if push came to shove they wouldnt use them.


                              • #45
                                Fuck a rag head and feed em pork skins. Tis much better IMHO to be a LB fucker than a goat/ camel fucker. I belive its onlyb a matter of time until Israel nukes one of them muslim countries they have for a neighbor........its only inevitable.

