(robbo @ Feb. 09 2009,19:38) ....think of what the average worker in thailand is earning compared to these in p4p,sometimes some nights they make more money in a day than the everage thai does in a month!.....if you want to go and pay baht 3000 plus then up to you but i dont see any need to.
There seems to be a tendency on the part of a some around here to call anyone who questions the prices, methods, or practices of these hookers a cheap charlie/fuck

Of course there are cheap fucks around, but let's not get all PC about it just cos the dollar is worth this or the baht is worth that.
Get some perspective as Looker rightly reminds us and realise that some of these workers are taking the piss whenever and wherever they can. To argue that 1000 baht to us is not much is a fair point but only goes so far. It shouldn't extend to subsidising or condoning certain behaviour out of some misplaced sense of guilt. What they earn in Thailand they spend in Thailand. So any economic comparisons/disparities between Thailand and the West work both ways.
