(kahuna @ Mar. 23 2009,09:07) ...There is usually no hot water guys and an Asian squat toilet...Most new guys would be in shock...and not just from the cold water splashed on their balls and cock...And for the newbie it can be considerably more damgerous then a short-time room...
That said, the apartments of most of the girls I've been with have been nicer than my own place, so maybe we just go for a different type of girl.
I like a bit of class (Stogie would call it "boring predictability, but it's the same thing) in my girls, and I'm pretty good at sniffing that out.
Most of my narrow escapes happened when I was still a wet-behind-the-ears newbie, and now that I'm a seasoned veteran, I rarely get caught in a sticky situation. From your comments, it seems like you've got the knack as well. I think any long-timer eventually develops an aversion to "drama", even the enjoyable kind, because it's just so tiresome.
But you're right, a newbie might be better off bringing girls back to his nice safe hotel room until he gets his sea legs and learns how to weed out the freaks.
(Stogie @ Mar. 23 2009,07:10) Doug's answers do seem more extreme but then, he's got a mountain of shit to climb out of if he's caught with his pants down, than most of us.
Which leads me to this point:
(kahuna @ Mar. 23 2009,07:10) I don't think my "front" is extreme...But I do find Doug's to be very extreme...
In any "normal" society, a guy who openly played around with numerous transsexual prostitutes would be shunned. I'm not saying it's right. I'm just stating a fact. And you know it.
You're on the fringe of the fringe and yet you don't even realize it. You think you're "front" isn't extreme, but that's only relative to THIS FORUM. Here, you're "normal", but "out there", you're a freak and pervert. Period.
Now, some guys are lucky enough to be able to say, "fuck it, I don't care what people think, I'm going to do whatever the fuck I want with my life." And they do. But make no mistake about it. They suffer consequences, even if they don't realize it or care about it, there is a COST to this lifestyle.
Some of us would like to avoid paying that cost. Get it?
Heck, why do you think so many guys come halfway around the world to pay for sex? When you factor in the cost of the plane ticket and hotel room the sex is not THAT much cheaper than what you could find back home (although admittedly the girls are MUCH hotter than the fat hairy drag queens back home).
They come for the illusion of anonymity and the thrill of doing something extremely naughty (propositioning prostitutes and hanging around with prostitutes) in public. How many times have you seen some old fart with a shit-eating grin sitting on the Skytrain with his arm wrapped around two skankily-dress tranny whores? He's totally getting a kick out of that, and you know it.
So here, on these forums and in PARTS of Thailand, we are "normal" and your view is NOT extreme.
But "out there", in Normal-People-Land (ie. Reality)... a guy who wants to keep his tranny-whoring ways on the down-low? That's pretty "normal", actually (not the tranny-whoring, but the desire to conceal it).
(PigDogg @ Mar. 23 2009,07:10) Ladyboys who work in beer bars that are mostly gg tend to be low key types who just want to blend in.
But if it means finding a couple of nice, low-key feminine ladyboys, I'd definitely put up with the extraneous tourist-bleeding bullshit for a little while.