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How about chompoo?

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  • #61
    I saw Chompoo in 7 eleven.

    On the shelf, next to the Conditioner....

    Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


    • #62
      Maybe she's seen Elvis too
      Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


      • #63
        nah doubt it, he works in our local chippy


        • #64
          (spare wheel @ Nov. 14 2010,08:28)  nah doubt it, he works in our local chippy
">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385">


          • #65
            (Gobbler @ Nov. 14 2010,12:46) I saw her  on `Mythailadyboy` a couple of weeks ago looking for `friends`!

            About 6 mos ago, after I heard from TTChang that Chompoo was back in Obsessions for a visit every now and then, I popped in there a few times but she was never there.  I went with her about 2003-04 when she and I were both newbies and I wanted to see if our love could be rekindled.   Plus, I've never fucked anyone that was a (US$) millionaire so I wanted to tick that box too.  Alas, my loins will stay burning.  


            • #66
              Spotted a newish pic of her yesterday and she was in Paris.


              • #67
                care to post it?
                World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.


                • #68
                  Seriously..... she's a millionaire(US$)? Is that the divorce profits?

                  Back in the day she may have been the first Thai ladyboy that I recognized by name, she is so hot!


                  • #69
                    I think a Baht millionaire Ek Hefe... I don't see any ladyboy auctioning her anus at the 4-floors in Sing-lah-pore if she has a million USD in the bank.

                    Personally I dont get it: I like the Isaan tan and the webbed feet of the Nth Eastern girls, but each to thier own. I would like to be her pimp though: she seems well versed in the adage about a fool and his money.

                    "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                    • #70
                      Her ex-husband posted a website (now dead) saying that me spent more than $1 million USD on her. He itemized all the expenses. That site is now taken down.

                      But here is Chompoo's response to it:

                      BTW, this is who we are talking about and this is how I would like to remember her: One of the finest sets of hormone titties I've ever had the pleasure to suck.


                      • #71
                        You're a sentimental guy EyeMahk
                        Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


                        • #72
                          My mistake, I thought I remembered it all adding up to about 40,000 USD.

                          So... why isn't she in a village somewhere building a massive mansion and getting fat?

                          "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                          • #73
                            (f0xxee @ Dec. 05 2010,13:33) My mistake, I thought I remembered it all adding up to about 40,000 USD.

                            So... why isn't she in a village somewhere building a massive mansion and getting fat?
                            I did a search of Internet Archives for the site, but it didn't turn up anything.  I should have captured it and saved it, as it struck me as an incredible total.  I am not sure of the exact amount, now that I think about it.  I though it was $1 mil but I might be wrong. And this is the amount he said he spent on her, not just gave to her.

                            As to your second question, I think we can guess ... money gone or she just can't stop making it or both.  


                            • #74

                              You dont mean to tell me it all went on Louis Vuitton knock offs and young thai boys?

                              How irresponsible of her!

                              Actually I dont have a clue where she spent it. Maybe she had a portfolio with Bernie Maddoff.

                              I do remember reading the list of things he had spent and thinking to myself "He cannot be serious!". My overwhelming impression of the whole thing is that she was pretty happy with him and would have stuck in there if he'd not dipped his wick elsewhere.
                              He came across as ... Don't know. Except that he was PM-ing me as a "friend" of the injured party trying to garner my support. He failed.

                              "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                              • #75
                                (f0xxee @ Dec. 05 2010,17:58) My overwhelming impression of the whole thing is that she was pretty happy with him and would have stuck in there if he'd not dipped his wick elsewhere.
                                Funny, I got the impression that she took him for a ride

                                He did come across as slightly obsessed, and his website was a bit OTT, but pain and deception can sometimes bring that out in people.

                                I wasn't there, so can't say for sure. But my sense was that she took what she could and then moved on
                                Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage

