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Your first sexual attraction to Ladyboys?
(Naang Faa @ Mar. 19 2008,20:32)
Almost all Ass "operations" are done step by step...
She could have as many as five ops....
she keeps talking about friends that have had five ass ops as if it were a badge of honourNo honey, no money!!
Going back to the topic, I just wanted to add my two bahts worth.
The first time I felt the LB force was one night in the early 1990s. I was watching Newsnight on BBC2. Not a promising start, I agree! But they had this report about how the French police were cracking down on an 'epidemic' of LB hookers in the Bois de Boulogne, on the outskirts of Paris.
It showed some of these girls as they were getting busted. They were sexy as hell. Most of them were Brazilian. One of them was a little blonde honey dressed in nothing but a fur coat and high heels. She flashed at the camera as they were leading her to the police van. I got an instant hard on and thought "I have to have one of them".
Maybe it was always there, latently. Maybe it was because of the point I'd reached, sexually, in my own life.
I'd been married twice, was divorced by then. And I don't want to beat my own drum, but I'd always done OK for women. I was no Don Juan, I didn't habitually go to pulling joints and I admit I didn't have the balls to chat women up wherever I ran into them, like at a bus stop or in the street.
But I usually felt fairly confident that there was a shag just around the corner - and there usually was. Office romances, parties, the lady in the sandwich bar near work (oh yes, the lady in the sandwich bar near work), waitresses and barmaids, friends of friends, neighbours (I've shagged load of my neighbours), girls here and there. It was OK. Not a cricket score of shags, but no complaints.
But I was in my early 40s and maybe regular vanilla sex was just getting really fucking boring.
I'd had a couple of gay experiences in my teens and I hadn't liked them. I'd never been rumped up the arse, always the opposite, some guy had wanted to suck me off. One of them was really famous and it wasn't generally known that he was gay. It still isn't - you'd be stunned if I told you who it was! I only went to bed with him because I was so flattered and in awe of him, and just a kid, and I didn't know how to say no. But I'd never been able to relax and never came in any of these gay encounters. In fact I hated them.
When I saw the thing on Newsnight I was living in Brighton - apparently, the biggest gay community in Europe. Gays are all around the place and in my opinion, are a very civilising influence on it. I knew quite a lot of them and it occurred to me that many of them were gay mostly because they just couldn't handle living with women - especially farang women.
So - getting sick of regular sex. But didn't want to be gay. So what next?
Enter the blonde Brazilian hooker, flashing her silicon tits and pixellated cock at me on Newsnight. Woof woof! Wag wag! Yes please!
Fast forward a couple of years and I went on a wild wild WILD trip to Madrid with a load of really good Spanish friends that I'd made in London. Loads to drink, tons and tons of drugs, partying around the clock for 72 hours (including going to the Real vs Atletico Madrid match, which was surreal.) At some point - actually it was about midday on a miserable January Sunday and we'd been clubbing for over 24 hours solid - the guys I was with said, let's go the club where all the ladyboys go.
We got in this place with really glamorous ladyboys everywhere, and three absolute stunners dancing on stage (I can still see them now). Pounding trance beat. Strobe lights. I went right up near the stage to stare at the stunners. They started sinuously crooking their fingers at me, inviting me up on stage with them. One of them started to make that gesture, which I recognise instantly now, that says blowjob. Oh my God! I didn't know where to turn. Every way I did turn, I got turned on by these half women half men, looking at me like they either wanted to either murder me or fuck me, or both.
Looking back on it, I think one of the reasons my Spanish friends wanted to go there (although they may well have had their own personal agenda) was because they sensed that I might go for ladyboys. But whenever I got talking to a ladyboy - and that happened a lot over the course of a couple of hours - I'd look around and see a load of the crew grinning at me. I couldn't go on with it. I'd lose too much face. When we left the club, all the others laughing and ribbing me at how daring I'd been with these scary alien creatures, I accepted their applause and cracked a few jokes. But my balls were navy blue with lust.
Fast forward a few years more to the late 90s. (Sorry if this is boring, but this is after all the academia section!)
The internet has arrived and I'm getting acquainted with Lbs through it. Most of them are very chunky wrestler Americans who have often undergone some horrednously botched cosmetic surgery. But still, the combination of giant tits, thick red lips, underwear, stilettos and a stonking hard on is doing it for me.
On these sites, I'm seeing the occasional pic of a Thai LB. I've had some amazing times and great fun with Thai P4P girls in London - that's another story. And I've had a brief relationship with a Thai girl who worked in Selfridges in London and was one of the horniest women I've ever known. So when a mate of mine from London tells me that a group of lads are thinking of a trip to Thailand and do I fancy joining them, he doesn't even have to ask.
We get to BKK, I take one look around and I go apeshit. While the others are going to the wats, I'm going to the massage parlours. We're going to Nana and Patpong, I'm leaving after 30 minutes while the others are still rubbernecking. I'm walking out with the best two I can spot on stage, shagging them, getting rid of them, then calling a taxi and going to Soi Cowboy. It was amazing and I couldn't do it now. Age does catch up on you!
After three or so days, we went to Ko Samui and chilled out. Me too. Then one night, the others had all got too pissed from a session of drinking round the pool at the hotel all day, so I went up to Lamai (the nearest town) on my own.
I went into a tiny little beer bar and fell instantly in love with the barmaid. Tall, beautiful, elegant and witty. We chatted for hours, started touching and holding hands across the bar. I asked her what she was doing once the bars closed. "Listen," she said. "There's something you ought to know..."
We spent the remainder of the holiday together. The guys I was with never realised for a moment that she had a cock that I was sucking every night. She even came with us to the airport.
A few years after, I was out drinking with the exact same group of guys, and I told them that she wasn't a she. None of them believed me and to this day, they think I'm winding them up.
Thanks for reading.
Back when the internet was newish - in the early '90's - I saw a picture of a Thai ladyboy that turned my ideas about sexual attraction upside down! For a long time the idea of sex with a ladyboy was just a masturbatory fantasy, but a couple of years ago I finally took the plunge!
So, my first attraction to ladyboys would have been in my mid-thirties or so, but by first experience wasn't until my mid-forties.
I'd guessing my interests developed in my late 20's.
I'd have to say i have evolved since then.
Initially i was into the Brazilian girls (first visual exposure and easiest to find on web at the time) but over time my desires shifted into the asian realm.
Nowadays, i am only really attracted to asian shemales. I find the Brazilian ladies to be a little too stocky for my liking. I prefer to petiteness that one associates with asian ladyboys.
Of course with both these are generalisations...
And i have caught myself checking out the Brazilian sites from time to time