Steady as she goes...
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What's going on with the UK pound?
Live rates at 2009.06.30 05:41:54 UTC
Notice: The THB rate shown below is the international rate. Rates used within Thailand may vary.
1.00 GBP=56.5795 THB
United Kingdom Pounds Thailand Baht
1 GBP = 56.5795 THB 1 THB = 0.0176742 GBP
BestBe lucky,have fun & stay young !
It seems to have settled at 55 for a couple of days...Attached Files
Aug. 6 (Bloomberg) -- Thailand's currency will rise 1.4 percent by year-end, buoyed by stock inflows and a current- account surplus even as policy makers seek to cap gains by allowing more overseas investment, Standard Chartered Plc said.
Thai companies with assets of at least 5 billion baht ($147 million) will be eligible to invest up to $50 million each in stocks and bonds abroad, the central bank said yesterday. Institutional investors will also be allowed to trade derivatives linked to currencies, interest rates, commodities, bond prices and stocks. Transactions with foreign parties are also allowed, the Bank of Thailand said.
The measures will be "marginally negative" for the baht, Standard Chartered currency strategist Thomas Harr wrote in a report today. The baht will strengthen 0.7 percent to 33.75 per dollar by the end of September and 33.50 by year-end, he said.
"The key reasons we are seeing downward pressure on dollar-baht over the last couple of months have been clear signs the economy has bottomed out, and creating a lot of equity inflows," Singapore-based Harr said in an interview today. Thailand is also "running a very significant current account surplus," he said.
The currency traded at 33.98 a dollar as of 12:27 p.m. in Bangkok, little changed from yesterday, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The baht appreciated to 33.88 on July 28, its strongest level since Oct. 1. Standard Chartered is keeping its short-term "neutral" rating on the currency.
Global funds purchased $1.04 billion more Thai equities than they sold so far this year and were net buyers in the last four days. The nation's SET Index of stocks is up 43 percent, eroding a 48 percent loss in 2008.
The current-account surplus dropped to $477 million in June from $1.39 billion in May, according to the Bank of Thailand.Attached Files