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Baht Bus Pickpocket Gang

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  • Baht Bus Pickpocket Gang

    Jumped on a Baht Bus last night around 10pm at the intersection of Soi Buakhow & Soi Diana heading towards South Pattaya Road. Whilst heading along South Pattaya Road, just after passing Tops Supermarket, a group comprising three ladies and a ladyboy boarded the bus. The three ladies sat opposite me, and the ladyboy sat beside me. The ladyboy had short hair, pretty terrible complexion, and infact the entire group looked disheveled and dirty. I recall briefly adjusting my position on the seat as this ladyboy had sat extremely close to me, but didn't really think any further about it.

    When the Baht Bus reached Pattaya Second Road, I pushed the buzzer and disembarked, paying the driver with a 10 Baht coin I had in my pants pocket. I started to walk along Pattaya 2nd Road, with the intention of meeting some folks at Ezy Bar and instinctively reached down to check my wallet that I keep in a buttoned side pocket in my cargo shorts, only to find it was gone.  

    As panic immediately set in, I turned around and sprinted back to the Baht Bus, which was still stationary at the intersection, waiting for the lights to change. I jumped onboard, and yelled at the Ladyboy to give me back my wallet, which she placed on the seat where I'd been sitting, attempting to make out I'd left it there. I picked up the wallet, checked that the contents were intact, and jumped back off.
    The adrenalin rush while all this was unfolding was incredible, and the thought of pursuing things further with police didn't even register until I'd made it to Ezy Bar and had a chance to review what had just unfolded.

    Whilst I can't believe how lucky I was to retrieve my wallet, it's worth noting that all my credit cards & cash reserves were secure in my hotel rooms safety box, so the worst case scenario would have been losing about 4000 Baht, a single debit card, a drivers license and a handful of membership cards.

    Before I started to document this event, I "Googled" Baht Bus Pickpockets, and found a number of relevant articles on the topic. This particular gang is well known to police in Pattaya, and despite being caught on multiple occasions, continue to operate. Have attached a photo I found on the internet which features part of the gang that attempted to steal my wallet.

    In summary, I can only re-iterate the need to be extremely cautious when out and about in Pattaya, and avoid carrying around excessive amounts of cash, and credit cards.

    Finally, don't think it can't happen to you !

    Attached Files
    Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !

  • #2
    Thanks for the revealing post, KK...

    The credit crunch is making people do some pretty desperate things and unless you are familiar with Thailand and confident about being amongst foreigners and strange cultures then my advice is to THINK VERY CAREFULLY about going to these massive crime spots for your holidays.

    You WILL be scammed unless you know exactly what you are doing at all times. If you let your guard down for even a moment they you are doomed.

    Pattaya is NOT Thailand... it is a den of thieves and desperate people.

    Be careful at all times and NEVER let your guard down.

    The police in Pattaya are next to useless and the plastic farang cops are only there to stop you snogging on the beach so you have almost no recourse when you are robbed or scammed.

    Happy holidays!


    • #3
      A gg whore outside mcdonalds in the sukhumvit mongering area ran up to me a couple of nights ago, shoved a hypnotic plastic tit in my face and started fumbling in my pocket. Not the pocket near my todger but my money pocket near my knee. She did it so quick and i think she actually got her hands on the cash but i grabbed her hand and practically had to chuck the bitch up the wall. After that she said "i go with you?" FUCK OFF!!!!


      • #4
        at least she didn't shit on you
        No honey, no money!!


        • #5
          Hey sukhumvitpoler... same thing happened to me about 6 years ago. Same street... same skank? It was an adventure, I can tell you!

          Never pick on a fat bald bastard who is carrying every baht he owns in his pockets!

          On reflection I reacted a bit OTT and it could have backfired on me. But I was lucky. I looked so raging mental that they scarpered!


          • #6
            I want to get one of those taser gun things and start off by testing it on soi dogs and move up to pickpockets, starfish gg's and lb with shitty arses.

            About a month back i found myself at a stall about to purchase one then my gf told me to put it back. Should have tested it on her first!


            • #7
              people that carry "wallets" deserve to get them stolen in pattaya. wear a clip wallet on the inside of your trousers. carry coins in your pocket, only (for the bus). when you need baht in the "bar" take it out in privacy when you piss.
              Here I sit broken hearted, tried to shit but only farted. I am not worthy until I have at least 1,000 posts to my name on the LB Forum.


              • #8
                Wow - Pattaya sounds great

                Should I carry a gun?
                No honey, no money!!


                • #9
                  i walk about with a blob of shit on my dick that seems to scare off the riff raff and soi dogs


                  • #10
                    (bigmick22 @ Apr. 09 2009,18:37) Wow - Pattaya sounds great
                    Doesn´t it. Its a fucking sesspool with the worse scum of the earth hiding/vacationing there.

                    "people that carry "wallets" deserve to get them stolen in pattaya." says everything about this place.
                    "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

                    Jaidee 2009

                    The other white meat


                    • #11
                      (Eazy_Sleazy @ Apr. 09 2009,18:36) people that carry "wallets" deserve to get them stolen in pattaya.   wear a clip wallet on the inside of your trousers.  carry coins in your pocket, only (for the bus).  when you need baht in the "bar" take it out in privacy when you piss.
                      I think you are a little paranoid mate.. things aren't that bad yet.


                      A worthy trip report


                      • #12
                   don't think? Why not be safe than sorry?

                        I have done all Eazy Sleazy suggests & more for years now. It costs nothing!

                        I was pick pocketed by a 4 year old flower seller at 3am in the morning in Phuket over 20 years ago.

                        They never stop trying & telling newcomers to Pattaya that things aren't that bad is giving them hope where none exists.

                        Don't carry a wallet, don't have a large roll of notes sitting in your back pocket, always be alert when they come up to touch you.....

                        One major theft can really put a dampener on your holiday.
                        Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                        • #13

                          to be honest i never rarely take my wallet with me

                          But i happy to keep the cash in my sky rocket and i don't feel that uneasy in los that i need to be put things
                          inside my trousers and only take cash out in the toilet.

                          To each his own.... But remember the golden rule always.. no matter how easy or uptight u maybe about the subject matter

                          Only take what you can afford to loose!


                          A worthy trip report


                          • #14
                            Quick thinking KK!    

                            I've encountered some dodgy characters on baht busses. Somewhat unusual looking dishelved people who get on together and sit closer to you than needed. The people sitting accross from you try to engage u in conversation.


                            • #15
                              (azza33 @ Apr. 09 2009,21:13) and i don't feel that uneasy in los that i...
                              Nor do I.

                              Check my earlier post. Pattaya is NOT Thailand and definitely NOT 'LOS!'.

