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Cocktails & Dreams Bar 2011
Our contributions come from Ivor and Batman today and I thank them very much for allowing me to post their pictures here! Batman went into his archives for some old pictures as well so some of you may recognize where those pictures are from! But in any event here are the lovely girls of Cocktails and Dreams!Attached FilesSeize the day because tomorrow is never promised!
Ooooh Harry.....
Nice try sir but you stuffed that one up.
That gorgeous wallpaper & lilac sofa could only represent the exquisite taste of a certain Portugese barowner & his short-lived but always remembered place, Bar131.
It dominated the ladyboy universe during its brief existence but all too soon its flame was snuffed out by the nefarious activities of certain staff & a distinct inability (or unwillingness) to manage the place as a business by its colourful owner.
Franck, the Portugese partner in the business that is, not his silent partner Pampamsam who finally had to take over the place & move it across the soi to where it now exists as La Bamba.Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.
Cheers Johnny. There's so much more I could tell you if we ever catch up for that promised drink.
The forum archives are rich in detail if you have the time to delve back through them. Some of the trip reports are historical documents. And Franck's own posts are the stuff of legend. Well that may be an exaggeration but they are sure to bring a smile to your dial. His enthusiasm for the subject comes shining through.
And you can walk the hallowed halls of Bar131 yourself, it is still operating as a bar with a couple of local GGs. The sign is still in place, well it was last year when I walked past, & the wallpaper is still intact. I bet that lilac coach is still upstairs as well. Don't let any girl you know sit on it, she will finish up pregnant....Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.
(Harry Lime @ Oct. 16 2011,19:46) Sorry Paccers - Bar 131 was before my first visit to Pattaya, - but I knew you would be Frank.
What you could have said - you knew I would be Frank & Earnest.
Oh blimey...another weak pun...
Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.