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Cocktails & Dreams Bar 2011

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  • Not that Johnny isnt doing a great job, Big question, Why cant Jimbo still post?


    • Jimbo wrote:

      Tuesday Night

      A good lively night, with the arrival of a few friends and a couple of BMs, helping to make for the party atmoshere. And it was a shame i got the sweats and had to leave so early, but here's a few pics:

      Kitty and Nuoy's rear!

      Kitty and Lily!

      Fon and Kitty's rear!
      Attached Files
      Seize the day because tomorrow is never promised!


      • Nook Sunita Nuoy on the stage!

        Nadia, a newbie!

        Kitty and Nuoy!

        Seize the day because tomorrow is never promised!


        • Kitty and Lily!

          Noon and Jiji

          Seize the day because tomorrow is never promised!


          • Sunita

            Nuoy's rear
            Seize the day because tomorrow is never promised!


            • (Torurot @ Sep. 13 2011,22:09)
              (johnnydiver @ Sep. 12 2011,23:00)

              Jimbo wrote:

              With so much anti-bar rhetoric appearing on this forum, on Karl's thread, and elsewhere, i'm hoping the vast majority of you are still interested in seeing the bar pictures? I'm assuming you don't all think we're just publicity-seeking vultures? Make your opinions known - don't let the forum-alphas put you off!
              Jimbo,  I don't know where you are seeing all this "anti-bar rhetoric".  Sure you are not confusing this with another forum or another city??   Your bar pictures of your own bar (Cocktails & Dreams) have always been welcomed and obviously if you look at the number who view this thread VERY popular.  In months I don't recall ANY criticism of it at all.

              For those of us who are regular posters there is probably a limit to how many "great photo's" comments you want to see, but I for one enjoy seeing Patong and I especially enjoy the "out & about" ones you post of Soi Croc and other areas along with C&D (OF COURSE).    You are realistic enough to show pictures from other bars etc as any of us who have been to Patong know you are not the only bar in town, but clearly the most LB friendly with a great show.     It HAS TO BE great advertising for you.  Keep it up!!

              Only criticism I can dream up is "where are the kitten photos"!!!    

              Any individual bar thread is open for valid criticism but I'm not seeing much of it.  
              As you've obviously gathered, the "anti-bar rhetoric" was on another forum. Some of the "old hands" had a go at Karl for daring to fire one of his girls for non-payment of barfine. That sparked a whole range of debates, which by and large, was good-natured, but one or two couldn't resist having a go at Karl, and indeed, all barowners.

              Thanks for your comments Torurot, and sad to report, all the kittens died, as the mother couldn't/wouldn't feed them. I did my best as surrogate mother, but alas i can't produce kitten-milk, and one by one they perished. Very distressing

              My thanks to johnnydiver for helping me out by posting on this forum. Its nice to have friends


              • Jimbo wrote:

                Weds Night

                Well, at least i made it through cabaret last night, before my grotty flu, got the better of me. I'm going to rigidly stay off the acohol tonight, as the bug seems to bite after a couple of jack/Sprites.
                Difficult though, when there's a bunch of friendly BMs around.

                Met tourist last night, another affable Italian gentleman. And my thanks to Mooz, who had already gone when i arrived, but who left me a tasty gift. Thanks, and i hope we catch up tonight.

                Ming May Patricia

                Colorful cabaret
                Attached Files
                Seize the day because tomorrow is never promised!


                • Some more colorful cabaret

                  A comedy act
                  Attached Files
                  Seize the day because tomorrow is never promised!


                  • Jimbo, sorry to hear about the kitties!  And since you made it through cabaret last night without ill effects I have no doubt that you are on the road to recovery!  Now as I am a Doctor I recommend the following prescription:

                    Another round of my soon to be famous flu fighting elixir and a hot bath to sweat out all of the rest of the toxins followed by a good brisk rub down from your favorite nurse!   Get well quick my friend!  All the best!
                    Seize the day because tomorrow is never promised!


                    • Trousersnake wrote"
                      I think Kitty still looks great. She probably still gives some of the younger girls a run for their money!

                      Jimbo wrote:
                      She does, trousersnake - here she is, showing off a new pair of shoes, bought by a generous customer yesterday.

                      Surely, the way to an LBs heart is to buy her a pair of sexy high heels?
                      Attached Files
                      Seize the day because tomorrow is never promised!


                      • The BiB raided Bangla last night, targeting certain bars for drugs. As a result half the soi crocodile contingent finished their evening at the police station, MoneyNight and Moulin Rouge Bars (both opposite C & Ds) were forced to close as their staff were arrested en masse, Tai Pan was also targeted.
                        We had been tipped off (well thats why we pay them, for God's sake!) and those that might have been tested positive were conveniently on a night off.

                        Soi Bangla was closed early at 2.30, which quite suited me as i was still suffering the effects of flu.

                        Here are some alluring Lady Gagas. Mind you a turtle looks alluring to me today, as i haven't had sex for 8 straight days! I'm feeling much better today, and i'm raring to let someone feel the full force of Little Britain!
                        Attached Files
                        Seize the day because tomorrow is never promised!


                        • A couple more Gaga's
                          Attached Files
                          Seize the day because tomorrow is never promised!


                          • Jimbo wrote:

                            Friday Night

                            On my way to Pan Yaap restaurant on the Kamala Road, i passed what looked like a bit of an "incident", with lots of Thais gathered round in a huddle, and the police arriving.

                            In the restaurant we celebrated Tata's birthday
                            Attached Files
                            Seize the day because tomorrow is never promised!


                            • Paan Yaap restaurant

                              Almost 2 hours later we tried to return to Patong, only to find the road blockaded by tuk-tuks and motorbikes, and a mob confronting a line of police.

                              It turned out someone had attempted to rape a maid from a nearby hotel. When she resisted, he stabbed her. The mob quickly apprehended the guy and wanted instant justice.

                              You can tell by the smiles how the little fuckers enjoy a good blockade. All started by the red/yellow shirt fiasco?

                              I decided to turn round and make a 20 mile detour rather than wait around for them to lift their blockade. NingNong, in her car, waited. We arrived at the bar at the same time. But at least i felt i was going somewhere, rather than just sat there getting frustrated.
                              Attached Files
                              Seize the day because tomorrow is never promised!


                              • Some more of the mob!

                                I was the worse for wear, and flu, so retired early, with only one "girl" shot. I'll try and make up for it tonight.

                                Nadia and her Tattoos
                                Attached Files
                                Seize the day because tomorrow is never promised!

