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New to the scene & coming to Pattaya?

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  • New to the scene & coming to Pattaya?

    Coming to Pattaya? Welcome to the War Zone...

    Not that you will notice as you arrive in Sodom-by-the-sea, life continues on as per normal. However to the locals we all must have BIG MONEY. And to get some of your money there are many here who will do whatever they have to.

    We may argue that we aren't wealthy tourists but compared to the impoverished state of so many here, we would appear to be as rich as Croesus.

    And we are virtually the sole source of income for the girls in the bars, income that they will fight for. Remember that when you have every girl in Pattaya wanting a piece of you. Their tactics range from being as charming as they can to straight out theft.

    The girls still want to lay a claim on you once they have your attention, or worse, once you have agreed to buy them a drink. But now they can become quite unhinged if they think they are going to miss out some payment. This can vary from them demanding a tip to outright threats made against your life.

    I hasten to add that they don't all behave so badly, & their attitude varies from customer to customer. But they are masters at detecting weakness & they know just who will buckle under psychological pressure. And some of them are now getting real nasty, it was only a matter of time before they cracked.

    If you are the type who feels uncomfortable when asked straight out for a tip, if you lack the resolve to say no & can't wave away an annoying girl or refuse the multiple requests for a drink, then you want to rethink your strategy. Because your holiday will get messy & expensive.

    If your mistakes only cost you money then you can learn from it & move on. However, it is the all-too frequent attacks on farangs by hungry Thais who are at their wits end that I am worried about.

    Stop inadvertently leading the girls on, you think you are being nice, what you are really doing is allowing massive resentment to build.

    Stop being a pushover for drinks, choose which girls you want to buy a drink for, stay in control of your bin, make your intentions clear, explain that you are a butterfly on holiday. The rage that comes from switching girls in a bar is all so unnecessary if it is handled right.

    Don't react to threats, they are often delivered to gauge your fear level. Once they see they have scared you, they move in for the kill.

    But don't be a completely miserable tight-ass. Spread the wealth to the level you can afford. A Jaidee (good hearted man) does more than buy a drink, he buys his own protection. Sitting by yourself refusing any request for a drink or company very quickly gets you a bad reputation. And if things go wrong, no Thai will speak up for you.

    You think you are coming to Pattaya for a nice holiday. To us, you are, but to the girls we are the prize to be fought over & to them, it is war.
    Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.

  • #2
    Follow snick's helpful advice
    Lie about everything

    Lie about your name - even better if you use 2 names in the same bar
    Lie about you hotel - tell them you stay at some real shitpit. Nice hotel=$$$
    Lie about where you are from - America/Europe and they want a visa
    Lie about your age -- I'm always 25 !
    If someone asks for a gift, tell them you'll buy them a car.
    If they say they want to be your girlfriend, say 'Great I need another'
    If they say they love you, say 'right back at you Babe'.

    And don't bother being want them to know you are lying.
    Remember in Thailand its okay to Lie, its just bad to call someone a liar.

    and most important, always smile while you do it.
    "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


    • #3
      (Snick @ Sep. 24 2010,12:14) And don't bother being want them to know you are lying...
      Great thread and wise words here...
      World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.


      • #4

        Use every opportunity you can to say "No". And no need to justify your answer. Just say "No". That's it. Whether chix care to admit it or not, they dig guys who "No" them to their face. It sets you apart from all the other Yes-Men sheeple, and it establishes that you're no pushover. With immediately effect. Powerful shizz. It demonstrates strength, control, manliness and they know that you don't consider them as important as they think they are. All this from a simple two letter word.

        "One drink for me?"

        "Can give me tip?"

        "You like me?"

        "You want see me tomorrow?"

        "You think I beautiful?"

        "Can I drink your sperm?"
        No. Wait .. wat?


        • #5
          (Snick @ Sep. 24 2010,12:14) Follow snick's helpful advice
          Lie about everything
          There is big difference between a Thai lie and a Western lie. A Western lie is bad, but a Thai lie has virtue, it accomplishes something.  It saves face, it diffuses situations, it creates sanook (atmosphere of fun).  If you rank the value of truth in a spectrum of 1 to 10 on what Thai people value, truth is 11 (and I'm not talking about bargirls or LBs, I'm talking about Thai people). This doesn't make them bad people, and they DO NOT need changing and they DO NOT need to learn your fucked-up western values.

          A lie told in Thailand shouldn't even be called a lie, it should be renamed an "accommodating truth".  BTW, any Thai person who says "why you lie?" has been taught that by a stoopid westerner.

          Tell them your name is Somsak, you are from SiSaKet and your job is a farmer, you are on holiday in Pattaya.  Learn the Thai (or Lao) words for this and have even more fun.

          Pacman and Snick are right, take yourself too seriously and you'll have a bad time, or worse.  Leave your view of "how the world should be" at home and enjoy the ride.  

          Finally, you are a guest in their country, don't be a dickhead. Be polite, smile, don't throw money around and don't get blasted and expect a Thai to take care of you.  


          • #6
            My favorite line when the girl asks "Where you from?" has been to say with big smile "I from Isaan - where you from?" Some are confused until I repeat with big smile "I from Isaan - farmer!"
            Making newbie mistakes since 2009 so you don't have to


            • #7
              (pacman @ Sep. 24 2010,12:01) Coming to Pattaya? Welcome to the War Zone...

              This can vary from them demanding a tip to outright threats made against your life.
              A slight tendency to over exaggerate there Paccers , all that lying on your back has left you with too much time on your hands to think  

              I'm no expert on statistics but I doubt anyone of us has been bumped off yet for failure to barfine or buy a lady drink .

              Its 4 months since I've been in Thailand , but last time I was there it was in the middle of curfews and riots so I doubt if its got any quieter , but I'll check it out next time I'm there .

              I have noticed over the years the place becoming less busy , so hence the girls face more pressures and competition to earn , so yes the pressure for drinks and barfines becomes greater but put this down to mild annoyance at worst and look on the bright side that little darling you always lusted after but she was always busy is now more likely to be available , every cloud has a silver lining .

              I have never felt threatened in any situation in a bar (or anywhere else for that matter ) in Thailand , but believe me I have felt threatened dozens of times in my city back home .

              Be relaxed , don't act silly , smile a lot , lie like a Thai , be careful with your money, are all great pieces of advice follow them and you will be alright 99.9 % of the time .

              The other 00.1% you could be unlucky and get jumped and gang raped by a gang of Thai men dressed as women , but those are pretty good odds depending which way you look at them  
              Free your mind and your ass will follow .


              • #8
                    James, I wish I was exaggerating but I have been on the receiving end of just such a threat myself. And I wasn't claiming people were being bumped off, what I wrote was that death threats are being made. They are still not commonplace, fortunately, but they are one tactic that ever-hungry girls are resorting to.

                On a current TR on another forum, someone has written only this week that they were alarmed by the trend to threaten punter's lives in Cascades of all places.

                As for anyone actually being killed I can't really say. I have witnessed two horrendous attacks in the past few months right on WS in the midst of a crowd of people. That either party survived was due far more to good luck than a lack of resolve on the part of the girl. They certainly delivered their stiletto heel into the poor bastard's head as hard as they could.

                I believe that many threats are delivered as part of a softening up process in which the girl can then extract a higher payment. There's nothing like adding a little fear to the equation when an angry girl is demanding everything she can get.

                We've read the warnings, we know to stay calm while smiling all the time. That plays into the Thai way of doing things but I do worry that a farang could finish up a victim. At which time I will feel much better for having written this. As unpopular the idea is that one of our girls could be capable of such an act, it should not be dismissed as fanciful. We will all feel safer once tourists numbers rebound. Until then, be careful.
                Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                • #9
                  Funny enough I have last heard directly to me crazy threats maybe 4 years ago - nothing at all in recent years - however I have a view that says much of this is brought onto people who frankly deserve it. I have not encountered a crazy LB recently exept when I have seen someone verbally or physically abusing her and making her lose face big time. Then the gloves are off and all hell breaks lose. I have seen countless temper tantrums but that is not in the same league.



                  • #10
                    I was threatened by Lichy in Cascades a couple of years ago  ('I kill you, sure') - after refusing her a drink.   'NO' I said. But she didn't seem to respect me for it  .....  

                    So there are exceptions, but I feel that most of those who get a hiding bring it on themselves.  Like Jim, I feel a lot safer in LOS. To avoid getting intense (about anything) is very good advice.


                    • #11
                      I tell the girls my name Somchai, there is always a pause and then huh. I say Somchai I am lukkoon my mama Thai lady long time ago. Then the laughing starts, if you Thai man I am Obama. i say hello Mr. prsident. I never bone a president before.
                      Breaks the ice great and gets everyone friendly


                      • #12
                        I was in Cascades a few weeks ago and threats are being made for drinks and money by certain skanks.. " otherwise boxing".

                        The mamasan did fuck all about it and just shook her head

                        yes, it is getting worse Paccers. Doug also had a problem in there


                        • #13
                          Seems all you want to do here Pacman is dwell on the negative. Sure, bad things can happen to you, but I still think it is much safer here than in any number of large western cities. I'll walk down dimly lit sois going back to my place at 4am and feel safe. I would not feel that way if it were Los Angeles, New York, etc.

                          The stuff like the girls competing for us, and our being virtually their sole source of income, is hardly anything new.

                          I guess after your extended stay, you are feeling more jaded and cynical than before. That is how it appears to me anyway.

                          I don't think it is any more dangerous here than it was 8 yrs ago. If you think it is so fraught with life threatening dangerous conditions, perhaps next holiday consider Disney World.  
                          “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
                          ― Henry Ward Beecher

                          "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


                          • #14
                            I'm a believer in safe sex- never tell them your real name or give out your phone number
                            I couldn't give a shit how long it is until you're next holiday- I live here


                            • #15
                              (EyeMahk @ Sep. 24 2010,13:39)  BTW, any Thai person who says "why you lie?" has been taught that by a stoopid westerner
                              Surely a sign they've been keeping too much of the wrong company  
                              "Can I drink your sperm?"
                              No. Wait .. wat?
                              If I say YES.....

                              No doubt a few horror stories there Paccie, and who hasn't witnessed a 'scene' in Cascades

                              Maybe a trend, or just some extreme apocryphal.. time will tell.

                              I've always found a smile and a bit of cheek and charm serves well. i.e never serious. It's a game for all concerned, after all.

                              Not a bar story, but last time I faced a potentially 'violent' situation that could have turned bad, she called her parents at 4am...threatening me with 'Police' was a long wait and I didn't know how it would turn out...

                              When her parents finally turned up a few hours later...we went on a long family drive, and I paid for if nothing had ever happened  

                              Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage

