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Ladyboys and their Thai Boyfriends

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  • Ladyboys and their Thai Boyfriends

    Dont you just love it when you hear of a ladyboy paying her thai boyfriend 25000 baht per month to say they love them? These unfortunate simple minded ladyboys need to find their own feet. There are no pimps in Thailand but in iieu of it we have non employed or even barboys handlling the finances of these lbs without a clue. i have heard of more than one lb who hands over her fucking and sucking money every month to her thai BF

  • #2
    Your got yer Mother in a whirl
    Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


    • #3
      well i guess thats what makes the World go round and round and round In my HE most girls are more then capable of looking after them selfs.


      • #4
         That's been my experience also. Not saying it doesn't happen, but I've never seen any evidence of it. (Although I have heard of people talking about it happening!)

        My own personal endeavours in this circus have lead me to believe that most ladyboys couldn't afford to support a boyfriend! They can barely make the rent on time! Then again there are more and more lbs driving nice new cars and buying condos and the like!


        • #5

          Agree, most are but only on short time. Not many of them plan ahead more then a few weeks. When they grow old
          (and tin this business they are considered old early) mostly there will be nothing left.

          But, perhaps that is typical Thai.

          The lucky ones (like anny from Obsessions) get out with Farang boyfriend. Most.................?


          • #6
            Plenty on here already about the so-called thai boyfriend. I believe some of the girls do have boyfriends and to some it is a connection to a real world away from the bars, and for this they are prepared to pay.

            I guess its similar to the farang who sends money from abroad.
            seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!

