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“Thaksin is smarter, better in economics,”

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  • “Thaksin is smarter, better in economics,”

    Former Premier's Party Wins Thai Vote

    ... and kicks Sonthi's corrupt dick in the dirt...

    Thai coup leader says he's worth 2.8 million dollars
    BANGKOK (AFP) €” Thailand's coup leader General Sonthi Boonyaratglin has declared to authorities that he and his two wives have assets totalling 2.8 million

    Gen Sonthi and his wife have Bt95 million
    Nation Multimedia, Thailand -
    Deputy Prime Minister Sonthi Boonyaratglin and his two Muslim wives, Sukanya and Piyada, have a combined networth of about Bt95 million

  • #2
    back to square one for the thais  ( thaksins )ppp in power ,looks like another coup coming up in a couple of years?


    • #3


      • #4
        Being strickly selfish here guys, I hope that the Thai economy goes in the shitter, the Baht takes a beating and my dollar can finally climb back out of the hole it dug it self into. Thailand is in for a very rought time 'cause you just know that the military is not going to go quitely into the good night. In my opinion, the Hi-So Thais, the Military, the Educated Elite in Bangkok all have gotten what they deserve. Good on you Taksin, stick it to them and show them for the fools that they were to have taken you on in the first place.


        • #5
          For anyone who hasn't been following, here is  a brief summary of what has happened in the last year:

          The coup was explained as crucial to save Thailand from the incompetent poor who kept casting their vote for the "wrong" candidates. So they eject the wildly popular Thaksin at the helm who is invincible in elections and indict him and tell everyone he is a bad person, then proclaim his party must be banished because that's bad too, ban over 100 political opposition figures, jail activists, place limits on the media, and burn the constitution and make a new one. Surely that should do it so that a "democratic" vote can now work and the "right" successor should win easily. But then on December 23, 2007 an amazing thing happened. The battered remnants of Thaksin's camp win by a landslide! In the Northeast of Thailand, the blessed successor who was supposed to have won got just 3% of the vote. Chalk one up for the underdog. Now the question is will they be allowed to win or will the people need to be saved from themselves again?


          • #6
            You guys need to read a little more about this boy.  He's a populist, and given the chance, will do away with democracy.  He was well on his way to doing that before the military took him out, with the King's blessing, mind you.
            Thaksin is popular with the poor in the same way Chavez or any other populist is.  He buys their affection and votes.  Chavez does it with oil money, Thaksin does it with his own money that he stole from the country.

            The big problem will be if something happens to the King and his corrupt son is in charge, along with his buddy Thaksin.  Then you'll have another Burma, or such.


            • #7
              Cambodia will be the new Thailand in 10 years...


              • #8
                 Not sure about that SB

                Trouble is with Cambodia, the vast majority of the educated middle class and future business operators were either murdered or died during the Khmer Rouge reign of terror (75-79) and having been there twice at four year intervals, I have not seen any dramatic changes apart form there being many more soi 6 type brothels.
                For instance, the boulevardes of Phnom Penh do not have street lighting and many wealthy Cambodians still carry firearms particularly at night.
                One nightclub doorman asked me to leave my firearm in their reception  


                • #9
                  With the Dec17th co-mingling of a Visa for Thailand and Cambodia I am headed that way again very soon. My dollar is taking a beating until the next coup and I sure as hell don't like wasting my hard earned money. From reading on a lot of other Forums Sianukville might be just the ticket. A beach town that is starting to come into its own and it would seem a good place to maybe open some type of LB Bar. I might, after all the shit with my home is sorted out, buy a condo on the if come. I like getting in on the ground floor of an up and coming place. This place has all the ear markings of what Phuket must have like thirty or more years ago.


                  • #10
                    Meh don't get me started on thaksin........

                    3000 killed in the "war" on drugs with no due process of justice

                    Corruption charges like you wouldn't believe

                    Bars shut at 2pm to "clean up Thailand's image"

                    Idiotic and confusing changes to the visa on entry system

                    Special loans for the poor (and -surprise- the most populous regions) of Thailand ensuring his re-election....

                    The stifling of any media that didn't tow the Thai-rak-Thai party line....

                    That's just of the top of my head...... Thailand was a much better place to be before he got into power (imo - having lived here before during and after....)

