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How would you DO it?

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  • How would you DO it?

    This actually derives from the "leaping to death"-thread and I am wondering.
    Apart from how you would spend your last hours, days or weeks, and your last money or run up a considerable debt on yr credit cards, if it ever came to it, what form of suicide would you choose?

    I heard that slitting yr wrists - unless you do it wrong which is often the case - while sitting in a bathtub filled with warm water, is like falling asleep. Sounds good apart from the actual slitting part.

    How about injecting air into one of your blood veins - is that a painful one?

    Taking sleeping pills might go wrong ...

    Drowning oneself? Would that even work if one knows how to swim?

    Hanging, putting a gun in one's mouth, ...

    Just curious.

    I might try sleeping pills and certainly OD on them.

    Remains the choice of place. I like it discrete.

  • #2
    Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


    • #3
      Things that bad, Chinaman?
      seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


      • #4
        (katoeylover @ Jun. 20 2010,18:40) Things that bad, Chinaman?
        Not really, but I like to be prepared


        • #5
          If anyone is planning to do this... can I watch?
          World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.


          • #6
            (Bumpa STIKKA @ Jun. 20 2010,18:46) If anyone is planning to do this... can I watch?
            Would u help 2?


            • #7
              Um gents...
              I had a fellow with problems caused by government sponsored chemical poisoning top himself in my spare room in Vietnam in Nov. 2007. he used valium and vodka and fuck knows what ever pills.
              Besides being a tragic waste its fucking selfish and not particularly nice to come home from a hard day at the ofice too.
              I had to kick his door in and found him on the floor. All the blood had drained to his extremities (low side) and he had obviously pissed, shit and vomited as he was dying. He was lying on 5 pages of suicide notes that were heartbreaking and covered in slime.
              Being Vietnam there was 30 police arrive most of them looking at me as though i had killed him. They were totally unsympathetic putting their cigarettes out in his juices.
              When one of them started push his body around in the slime with the sole of his boot things got nasty and i had to leave... I wanted to kill the prick.
              Lastly: Guess who had to come back and mop and clean and burn?

              So my advice:

              Suicide is selfish, weak and gutless and only painless for the practitioner. It changed me as a person and not for the better.
              Do it alone, preferably where no poor bastard has to find you while walking fido or coming home from work. Tie a rock to your fucking ankle with a padlock, throw the key away and jump off a boat.
              Dont do it in Asia as your death will be the most undignified thing you have ever achieved in your now complete life.

              I would choose to be smothered in very large breasts thanks.

              "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


              • #8
                People should have the right to die. Have an anestesiologist put you under followed by a lethal injection.


                • #9
                  100% agreed. It still bothers me that it's anyone elses business than yours.

                  "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                  • #10

                    Ugh foxxee. I can't imagine how that was for you. Sadly I used to be there. I struggled with it for over a decade even though I looked totally normal to everyone. I don't mean little depression, I mean severe. No meds, prescriptions worked.

                    Just glad I came to my senses even though it took me years to get out of my depression. And no I won't do it anymore.

                    Maybe I sound insensitive but its not the case at all. I do care!  But if I had to live my whole life based on how everyone might be sensitive to me.. I would not be living my life as I want it. So you can accept me and my flaws as I am or you can't.


                    • #11
                      (PigDogg @ Jun. 20 2010,19:15) People should have the right to die.  Have an anestesiologist put you under followed by a lethal injection.
                      I agree to that right but I think that being able to do it proves that "right". What you are talking about is the right to have it done or do it under certain circumstances and this is where it gets complicated.

                      Where would the line be drawn? There is certainly a difference between a girl just having broken up with her boyfriend and seriously considering suicide as life does not make sense any longer and a terminally ill person depending on drugs for pain and knowing that things will never ever improve.

                      If society looked at suicide as something people could choose freely and even get help with it, I can just see those ads in the paper - Want to kill yourself? We'll assist you all the way - no pain, no remains to be dealt with, no paperwork - no questions asked. Just show up between ... and ... or call for an appointment.

                      But still no suggestions on the HOW-part


                      • #12
                        The Cleopatra way is the best. Go out in style in a way that's remembered for 2000 years.

                        Maybe I sound insensitive but its not the case at all. I do care!  But if I had to live my whole life based on how everyone might be sensitive to me.. I would not be living my life as I want it. So you can accept me and my flaws as I am or you can't.


                        • #13
                          No suicide is perfect, and if someone was stupid to do it, at least do everyone a big favour, and tell your love ones, so they don't spend the next few years not being able to sleep, eat or enjoy themselves, cause they blame themselves for what a person does.

                          I agree that suicide is a selfish, horrid way to go, i tried it when i was 18, i tried to hang myself, i was stupid then. My brother took pills once and me and our local doctor had to get him to a A+E and watch him getting his stomach pumped out.

                          I think if someone was going to be stupid in killing themselves, jump in front of a train that's travelling fast along its tracks, therefore you won't have to worry about who finds your messed up remains, cause most of your body parts will be spread out over a big distance.

                          for me, if i was going to die, i think i will wait until i get to LOS first, i do want to meet up with a great bunch of Bm's and there are still a love bunch of lb's for me to get my hands on.
                          i love t-girls


                          • #14
                            (Jake_Sully @ Jun. 20 2010,20:07)    

                            Ugh foxxee. I can't imagine how that was for you. Sadly I used to be there. I struggled with it for over a decade even though I looked totally normal to everyone. I don't mean little depression, I mean severe. No meds, prescriptions worked.

                            Just glad I came to my senses even though it took me ears to get out of my depression. And no I won't do it anymore.
                            Hi Jake I am very sorry to hear that and understand how no one could know about your inner torment.

                            Rob was a guy I met when I had been in Vietnam about 6 months. I had a big house with spare rooms, and as he was an ex-serviceman down on his luck (waiting for a full disability pension) I decided he could stay over the xmas period 2007 rent free to keep an eye on things while I was in BKK.

                            ( Sorry I had my dates wrong in my previous post, he moved in Nov 2007 and topped himself January 2008)

                            I had no inlking of what Rob's issues were until after he died.

                            He was an Aircraft Fitter working in the Aussie Air Force on F1-11's which needed their fuel tanks desealed and resealed with chemicals for both processes.

                            Rob was one of the last survivors from the toxicity of the chemicals.

                            There are longer articles written when Rob committted suicided. Some clever cunting fucking lawyer for the government wrote advising the gov't that if they fought the action by the ex air fitters long enough then the fitters would die from thier poisoning and payouts to the remaining family would be significantly reduced.

                            Got to love my (ex) government.

                            Articles are attached below. Rob Solomons was his name. His mate Frank Cooper was at death's door as well last time I saw him.
                            When cleaning up Robs personal effects i found probably 20 packs of valium, Tramadol, over 50 packs of cialis, Xanax, anti-depressants and all sorts of other drugs he needed just to face each day.


                            Read Albert Durden's (USAF) story to find out what they went through: the chemicals breaking down their body fat so they sweated yellow ooze and stank so bad they had to sleep, eat and exist in isolation.


                            And Aussie Government HANSARD from just June, 6 months after Rob's suicide.


                            I haven't thought about this for a while... But in honesty I am not unhappy to have it resurface in my memory.

                            It reminds me of a good guy who got well and truly fucked over by the government he swore to protect.

                            "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                            • #15

                              I hear you. I'm so sorry to hear about him. No one really cares about a person's inner torment. It really does cumulative psychological damage. The only way I rescued myself was, I realized, other people won't live up to my expectations and so I stopped depending on other people to make me happy.

                              And the government fucks all of us at every turn.. and I think the US government is not far behind anyone if it its behind anyone at all. Its a pity all he had to go through all that and you had to see the ugly end of his journey.

                              Maybe I sound insensitive but its not the case at all. I do care!  But if I had to live my whole life based on how everyone might be sensitive to me.. I would not be living my life as I want it. So you can accept me and my flaws as I am or you can't.

