(Lefty @ Jun. 06 2010,06:51) You can't move and no one there speaks a word of English.
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Pattaya: It's raining men...
(Chinaman @ Jun. 19 2010,20:21) Just wondering, could it be that those balcony banisters are too low for farang people? I am serious ...
Yes, there are arguements that can turn to murder and yes there are deadbeats who jump cause their money runs out BUT the railings are too damn low and IMO are part of the problem.
(Lefty @ Jun. 05 2010,20:51) Would it be worse to fall/be pushed/jump off an 8th story balcony and not die, but have every bone in your body broken, and be put in a full body cast and have to live that way in Banglamung Hospital for the next 20 yrs?I would rather be dead.
Hmmmm. So does Pattaya specialize in low balcony rails, or does it specialize in persons who test out thier personal high centres of gravity by leaning against them?f0xxee
"Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."
(f0xxee @ Jun. 20 2010,18:02) Hmmmm. So does Pattaya specialize in low balcony rails, or does it specialize in persons who test out thier personal high centres of gravity by leaning against them?
I found it interesting that it only once said "jumped", all others "fell". Of course these papers might not have been too accurate in their choice of words indicating the real cause.
Find it hard to believe that so many choose jumping to their death the most favorable choice. Aren't there less drastic methods?
Would the standardization of having bathrooms equipped with bathtubs lead to more wrist slitting? Could be a less messy and more discrete way to go ...
(Chinaman @ Jun. 20 2010,18:27) Find it hard to believe that so many choose jumping to their death the most favorable choice. Aren't there less drastic methods?You would think so wouldn't you?
Mind you it tends to be one of the methods that is generally fuck-up proof. Not a cry for help as much as sincere and terminal self criticism.
I agree Balcony rails do seem low in Thailand. I seem to remember the building code in Aus was 900mm from floor to the bottom of the actual rail from memory.
Maybe they just don't report the jumpers/fallers/ and flyers with the same passion in Phuket or BKK.f0xxee
"Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."