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Stretch Your Baht

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  • #61
    (kahuna @ Jun. 21 2010,05:53) I ate there today with a ladyboy...After we ordered I had her ask the waitress about the free somtam...

    As it was apparently explained, they do that to encourage the "Single Ladies Welcome" and not really for ladies or ladyboys with customers...

    I suppose technically a lady or ladyboy you bring in can get free food, but that is not the restaurant's intent...

    BTW...I believe single ladyboys are NOT welcome in Pattaya Beer Garden...Only GGs
    Khun Kahuna is correctomundo on both counts.

    They certainly do not want ladyboy freelancers.

    As far as the free som tam, DC and I were with our teeraks and they seemed to hit it off with the older gay waiter who is a ladyboy of sorts and he invite them to partake of the somtam, so it is kind of a grey area.


    • #62
       or "gay" area as far as the waiter's concerned   
      Your got yer Mother in a whirl
      Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


      • #63
        (PigDogg @ Jun. 21 2010,22:58) so it is kind of a grey area.
        I agree PD...I eat there maybe 3 or 4 times a week...

        I just didn't want BMs thinking that they could barge in and get free food for their ladies or ladyboys...Maybe you can...Maybe you can't...

        But Pattaya Beer Garden is a great place to eat a relaxing afternoon or evening meal...Decent food and prices and very good service...

        And while ladyboy freelancers are not welcome, as your guest, all ladyboys are very welcome and treated with the same courtesy as any other customer...
        "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


        • #64
          (kahuna @ Jun. 22 2010,00:20) And while ladyboy freelancers are not welcome, as your guest, all ladyboys are very welcome and treated with the same courtesy as any other customer...
          Correct , I had a ladyboy come meet me at night time , it was her first time there and she came in alone , the little guy who sits on the stool outside greeted her same as any customer .

          To be fair she was rather conservatively dressed compared to her normal standards

          I love this place late afternoon/ early evening it has a real holiday feel to it and the perfect location , good food , great friendly service and big pitchers of Tiger , a winning combination in my book , great value also .
          Free your mind and your ass will follow .


          • #65
            I'm a bit partial to the Pattaya Beer Garden too

            If at first you don't succeed, Skydiving is not for you !


            • #66
              100 baht Thai and foot massages are now commonplace in the Soi Buckhaou area but I recently saw an 80 baht joint. It is on the L shaped soi that goes from Soi Xcyte to Soi Buckhaou the one with Baby Boom gogo.

              Add a 50 baht tip and everyone is happy.


              • #67
                PBG ranks very highly and when you pay the bin and ponder the scenery, acceptable music levels, food quality and overall prices it reflects perhaps the best Baht-per-hour ratio in Pattaya and you can smoke too (use caution if BigTel is close-by). Even the toilets are excellent, by Thai standards.

                I cannot recall an instance where my LB was refused a free pappaya salad in the PBG, only when supplies were exhausted did she not get any.
                Meum cerebrum nocet


                • #68
                  i agree great place for chilling out
                  i long to live in los  


                  • #69
                    (BigTel @ Jun. 22 2010,15:43) I'm a bit partial to the Pattaya Beer Garden too  

                    Thanks to yourself and Shanksie for introducing me to the place BT.  Love it, so relaxing, whether having a quiet drink alone, with some mates, or more intimate company.  
                    Attached Files
                    I'm a stranger in paradise... All lost in a wonderland. A stranger in paradise...


                    • #70
                      Use the hose. (this is perhaps worthy of a separate thread)

                      I have resisted this for quite awhile except for a splash at the very end.
                      Somehow I thought shit would be flying all over the bathroom.

                      But in Cambodia there was a sign in the bathroonm similar to Rossco^s avatar that requested that one put toilet paper in the nearby bucket.

                      So I figured I would give the hose a try. And I like it, better for my bum and better for my wallet.


                      • #71
                         Can't believe that it's taken PD so long todiscover/convert.  To save a few sheets of toilet paper, he should have clicked on this baht/ass stretcher years ago. Obviously doesn't enjoy anything too forceful 'down below'  

                        BTW, you've gone way down in my estimation as a 'local' !!  


                        • #72
                          So have you TT having commented on this!


                          • #73
                            (PigDogg @ Jun. 27 2010,20:55) Use the hose. (this is perhaps worthy of a separate thread)
                            I like so much that I bought one (as you know PD) to take home and install in my Yank bathroom...

                            Got the idea from none other than TTC...
                            "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                            • #74
                              (kahuna @ Jun. 28 2010,08:09)
                              (PigDogg @ Jun. 27 2010,20:55) Use the hose. (this is perhaps worthy of a separate thread)
                              I like so much that I bought one (as you know PD) to take home and install in my Yank bathroom...
                              Oh man, you should splurge and treat yourself right with a Japanese "smart toilet", as I like to call them. A simple attachment, it's hands-free and you can adjust the water pressure and temperature. You can even make the stream wiggle -- it's a veritable aquatic ass licking! Hell, there's all manner of functions -- even an ass blow dryer.

                              I sometimes while away whole afternoons on the shitter . . .


                              • #75
                                They play tunes too
                                Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage

