Isn't it great that your are kind of welcome as a retiree in a country like LOS?
Consider how our own countries (I am talking of EU, especially Germany) treat us like semi-criminals when we want to invite a friend from LOS for a holiday and therefore ask for a visitors visa. No matter if you have money enough and are able to "insure" the state against all odds raising from these so called 3rd world people. Nothing else, and therefore a even greater shame, if you want to marry this person.
For me it is a quantum of solace to know I can go and stay for good in a country like LOS - whenever I want. From now on. Although I have no bad life here this actually keeps me motivated in my job (some more money never ain't bad) and immune against some sickening symptoms in politics, economy and society.
So LOS even makes my day if I am not there.
Consider how our own countries (I am talking of EU, especially Germany) treat us like semi-criminals when we want to invite a friend from LOS for a holiday and therefore ask for a visitors visa. No matter if you have money enough and are able to "insure" the state against all odds raising from these so called 3rd world people. Nothing else, and therefore a even greater shame, if you want to marry this person.
For me it is a quantum of solace to know I can go and stay for good in a country like LOS - whenever I want. From now on. Although I have no bad life here this actually keeps me motivated in my job (some more money never ain't bad) and immune against some sickening symptoms in politics, economy and society.
So LOS even makes my day if I am not there.