I just returned home today
after another eventful and enjoyable trip to LOS, of which I spent the last 4 nights in Bangkok. During this time I visited most of the bars several times, so thought I would give an insight from my perspective to what is going on in these particularly quiet times.
The following is MY OPINION and viewed over a short period of time, so should not be taken as perfect indicator as to day to day events.
Also I only barfined two girls, the latter for 3 nights, and neither would allow pictures in the room, so my appologies for this.
And so on with the report, and no better place to start than
1) Guess Bar - despite it's flaws still my favourite bar in BKK. However what I am about to say will probably be contraversial, and some will either disagree or be rather disappointed. I spent a lot of time in Guess Bar, several hours every night, between jaunts to Nana. What I witnessed from my time there, and also from some long conversations with some of the more established staff is quite surprising, especially considering the many positive comments made by Mardhi in recent threads.
Nothing has changed for the better in Guess, in fact IMO it has gone downhill slightly following the " makeover". The facts are, Ex has brought nothing to the bar, except possibly a little bit of ill feeling. The staff are still playing pool as before, and still laying about the sofas as before. 'Mamasan' Ex, and remember I witnessed this personally 4 nights running, arrives at the bar at around 10.30pm, sits outside drinking bottles of beer with her Pattaya crew, then fucks off ( to where, I don't know) before midnight, not to return until 10.30p.m the next night. She seems to do nothing for the bar, and has zero interaction with customers. There is a bit of hostility between the original crew and the Pattaya imports, although I don't beleieve this will last as the Pattaya girls can be quite clearly heard stating they dont like, and they go back Pattaya soon!!
Gong looks tired - really tired and is in dire need of a long holiday. There is a huge rip in the cloth of the pool table which needs replaced badly, not the worst offense in the world, but a lot of BM's enjoy playing pool there, and this is very shoddy. Despite a minor makeover, the loos still stink, but more to the point, the corridor to get to the loos really stinks.
But the saddest thing of all is that Jay has becaome a bit of a laughing stock with her own staff. One customer came in and asked her whereabouts, and two of the staff laughed saying maybe she come next week, maybe next month. It pains me to have to say this as I am very fond of Jay, but those are the facts my friends, and until Jay or someone else gets a grip on things, I fear they may get worse.
On a positive note, there seems to be relatively steady influx of customers, and the girls are still friendly in a non pushy manner.
2) Obsessions - By far the busiest bar in BKK the nights I was there, mainly due to a large number of Japanese tourists. Perhaps it was because of this, or maybe I was just unlucky, but on all 3 occasions I called in for a few beers, every ladyboy in the place was the Japanese look LB, and i believe ( some of the BKK residents can correct me if I am wrong) the others have been moved to Cascades.
3) Temptations - Dire, seriously dire. Went in twice, couldn't wait to leave -'nuff said.
4) Cascades - Still the best talent around,although lower in numbers than I have ever seen. Probably due to an extremely bad low season a lot of girls have possibly gone home, or simply don't bother going to work. Went in all 4 nights, and a distinct lack of customers each time I went in. On the bright side the girls are hungry, and to try to intice customers have become a lot naughtier than I remember while sharing a drink with you
. First night there I called over Odette and Leo to sit with Ladydrinks were bought, and before you could say "what your name" both had guided my hands to their exposed and upright ladyboy regions
A few drinks and pleasant time was had, and I decided to BF Leo with no drama from Odette. (does anybody have a pic of Leo??) Good performance back in da loom from lovely Leo, and her promise of I can do everything was certainly fulfilled with enthusiasm. Next night was very much a repeat of the first night only this time with June/Judy. She told me I not have customer for 5 days, really horny need to come. I didn't believe her but alas after about two minutes the poor little mare shot her jizz all over my jeans. Just as well they were an old pair
. I decided not to BF her but did give her a nice tip for her troubles, and again she seemed happy enough and there was no drama. On a sidenote, on another thread it has been mentioned that some customers felt intimidated and threatened in Cascades. Although at no point did I feel this way, one truly annoying thing is the service staff constantly pestering fo tips in a slightly aggressive manner, even if all they have done is return your change!! Beware and be firmly polite and tell them no!
5) Casanova - Best viewed with a wingman for backup. Again not aggressive but they do surround you like a flock of wolves the moment you set foot in the bar, yikes. Not a patch talentwise on Cascades, but not too bad. Another bar that both times I went in I was the only customer.
6)And finally - Patpong. What can I say about Patpong. Last time I was in Patpong was about two years ago with Kliome and Jimslim, and I couldn't wait to get out of the place. Before I continue, you may recall I mentioned at the start of the topic that I was with only two girls while in BKK. After Leo I spent my following three nights with guess bar lovely, and thoroughly enjoyed my time with her. As she was a former KC3 girl, I thought why not give the place a second chance with an expert tour guide.
Even with a reputed and reasonably well known Thai guide, this place is still a fucking in your face, rip-off shithole, imo. I am always up for giving somewhere a second chance, but on this occasion I am sorry I did, as my second impression is worse than my first. I can see why my guide reflected on the place as a one time only stop. She reckoned there is very little return custom in Patpong bars because of the intimidating attitude in all the establishments, and quoted this as one of the main resons she got out of there. If you are BKK newbie or are unfamiliar with Patpong, take my advice and give it a miss. Much better to be seen and had at Nana.
My overall view on BKK is that it is still a must stop on any trip, although usually a few days is plenty. In general BKK is crying out bigtime for high season to come, but that can be said about anywhere in LOS at the minute.
Despite some of my negative comments, Guess Bar is still my favourite, and my first and last stop for a few beers. There is no finer array of fine looking ladyboys anywhere in the world than Cascades, and for a late night beverage, the street stalls are liteered with ladyboys, ranging in looks and size, but mind how you go with some of these jokers.

The following is MY OPINION and viewed over a short period of time, so should not be taken as perfect indicator as to day to day events.
Also I only barfined two girls, the latter for 3 nights, and neither would allow pictures in the room, so my appologies for this.
And so on with the report, and no better place to start than
1) Guess Bar - despite it's flaws still my favourite bar in BKK. However what I am about to say will probably be contraversial, and some will either disagree or be rather disappointed. I spent a lot of time in Guess Bar, several hours every night, between jaunts to Nana. What I witnessed from my time there, and also from some long conversations with some of the more established staff is quite surprising, especially considering the many positive comments made by Mardhi in recent threads.
Nothing has changed for the better in Guess, in fact IMO it has gone downhill slightly following the " makeover". The facts are, Ex has brought nothing to the bar, except possibly a little bit of ill feeling. The staff are still playing pool as before, and still laying about the sofas as before. 'Mamasan' Ex, and remember I witnessed this personally 4 nights running, arrives at the bar at around 10.30pm, sits outside drinking bottles of beer with her Pattaya crew, then fucks off ( to where, I don't know) before midnight, not to return until 10.30p.m the next night. She seems to do nothing for the bar, and has zero interaction with customers. There is a bit of hostility between the original crew and the Pattaya imports, although I don't beleieve this will last as the Pattaya girls can be quite clearly heard stating they dont like, and they go back Pattaya soon!!
Gong looks tired - really tired and is in dire need of a long holiday. There is a huge rip in the cloth of the pool table which needs replaced badly, not the worst offense in the world, but a lot of BM's enjoy playing pool there, and this is very shoddy. Despite a minor makeover, the loos still stink, but more to the point, the corridor to get to the loos really stinks.
But the saddest thing of all is that Jay has becaome a bit of a laughing stock with her own staff. One customer came in and asked her whereabouts, and two of the staff laughed saying maybe she come next week, maybe next month. It pains me to have to say this as I am very fond of Jay, but those are the facts my friends, and until Jay or someone else gets a grip on things, I fear they may get worse.
On a positive note, there seems to be relatively steady influx of customers, and the girls are still friendly in a non pushy manner.
2) Obsessions - By far the busiest bar in BKK the nights I was there, mainly due to a large number of Japanese tourists. Perhaps it was because of this, or maybe I was just unlucky, but on all 3 occasions I called in for a few beers, every ladyboy in the place was the Japanese look LB, and i believe ( some of the BKK residents can correct me if I am wrong) the others have been moved to Cascades.
3) Temptations - Dire, seriously dire. Went in twice, couldn't wait to leave -'nuff said.
4) Cascades - Still the best talent around,although lower in numbers than I have ever seen. Probably due to an extremely bad low season a lot of girls have possibly gone home, or simply don't bother going to work. Went in all 4 nights, and a distinct lack of customers each time I went in. On the bright side the girls are hungry, and to try to intice customers have become a lot naughtier than I remember while sharing a drink with you

5) Casanova - Best viewed with a wingman for backup. Again not aggressive but they do surround you like a flock of wolves the moment you set foot in the bar, yikes. Not a patch talentwise on Cascades, but not too bad. Another bar that both times I went in I was the only customer.
6)And finally - Patpong. What can I say about Patpong. Last time I was in Patpong was about two years ago with Kliome and Jimslim, and I couldn't wait to get out of the place. Before I continue, you may recall I mentioned at the start of the topic that I was with only two girls while in BKK. After Leo I spent my following three nights with guess bar lovely, and thoroughly enjoyed my time with her. As she was a former KC3 girl, I thought why not give the place a second chance with an expert tour guide.
Even with a reputed and reasonably well known Thai guide, this place is still a fucking in your face, rip-off shithole, imo. I am always up for giving somewhere a second chance, but on this occasion I am sorry I did, as my second impression is worse than my first. I can see why my guide reflected on the place as a one time only stop. She reckoned there is very little return custom in Patpong bars because of the intimidating attitude in all the establishments, and quoted this as one of the main resons she got out of there. If you are BKK newbie or are unfamiliar with Patpong, take my advice and give it a miss. Much better to be seen and had at Nana.
My overall view on BKK is that it is still a must stop on any trip, although usually a few days is plenty. In general BKK is crying out bigtime for high season to come, but that can be said about anywhere in LOS at the minute.
Despite some of my negative comments, Guess Bar is still my favourite, and my first and last stop for a few beers. There is no finer array of fine looking ladyboys anywhere in the world than Cascades, and for a late night beverage, the street stalls are liteered with ladyboys, ranging in looks and size, but mind how you go with some of these jokers.