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Getting Newhalfs in Japan

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  • #76
    MIRAN 美蘭 is a Japanese ladyboy or NewHalf as they are called in Japan. She speaks perfect English, beautiful w/slim body, great attitude, huge eyes and nice boobs and also, reads & understands English very well and has appeared in many porn videos.

    Hope the link works but it may not work outside of Japan since I could not upload the mp4 file as an attachment

    Since Dec 2018, Miran works at the NewHalf-NewHalf Shemale Club (N-N) in Tokyo's Ueno district N-N and her schedule for the week is posted at the bottom. Her body reflects her hard workouts and I enjoyed several workouts with her over the 2018 holidays at the N-N always left with a great big smile.

    SYSTEM The N-N system is explained in English at which describes their services and prices for the basic course and option toppings. There is an additional ¥1,000 nomination fee added when you select/nominate someone in advance which did not get posted to the English page and they will try to get this fixed. The mamasan at N-N works M-F and she speaks some English. On weekends, an elderly man replaces mamasan and he speaks no English. Also, many foreigners make advance bookings and do not show which does not reflect well on foreigners.

    ACCESS N-N will give directions to your taxi driver but Japan prepaid sims card sold at the airport for ST use are usually data only without voice so check your sims card if you can make calls in Japan. The N-N website shows subway/train lines and exits to get to there, but also use google maps and the Tokyo Subway app N-N is located near 4 subway/train stations, and videos on bottom of the Japanese homepage tab, click on English just above the videos icons to the right and the videos will change to English to walk you to their front door. Tokyo is the #1 largest city in the world, and I found the subway intimidating and complex at first, but I now use it all the time since it is very efficient, cheap, and reliable.

    ¥¥¥ MONEY Use you debit card to easily get yen from any 7/11 Seven Bank ATM machine, or Family Mart or Lawson convenience store ATM. N-N prefers cash and will charge you +15% if you use a credit card which must have been issued in Japan.

    Attached Files


    • #77
      I have read this thread carefully since Joeaf posted his last comments. Thanks a lot for your post, Joeaf.
      Since too many webpages were out of service, I checked them all and I made further searches to be able to have an updated list. Here it is :

      Tokyo (unable to read the address) (In Sendai too. Address not in the page. You must call them up before arriving to be guided on telephone)

      more recent webpages :

      Cabaret: (caution : it's more expensive than going to a shop) (unknown location)



      (In Tokyo too. Address not in the page. You must call them up before arriving to be guided on telephone)


      If you go to another city, you are likely to find a "shop" in the city using google carefully.
      All the websites are in Japanese. I copied and pasted URLs in Google Chrome to obtain a translation. However, more than the half of writings and above all titles are in gtaphic files (pics), so I couldn't understand very well.

      In most of the websites, I found similar menus :
      Top = for the homepage
      System = for the prices
      Cast = this is the list of Newhalves working for the agency
      Schedule = gives the schedules of newhalves or lists the newhalves available in the few days.
      Events = lists the coupons that can/could be used by customers to get a discount.
      DVD = used to sell DVDs in which gurls performed
      Enquete = (inquiry) used to have feedbacks from customers
      Q&A = FAQ
      Blog = further advertisement for each performer
      Reservation = to make an online reservation (not every website)
      Recruit =used to recruit performers or commercial/administrative staff
      Contact = to send them mails only

      Here are my comments and questions since I am not an expert.

      price system
      I saw mainly 2 kinds of price systems.

      In a few shops, they offer a "trial course" and a "regular course". The difference between them is not translatable, so I am not sure of what it means. According to she-mail2, the basic course is doesn't allow any fuck, while the regular course allows topping, bottoming or mutual fucking.
      I other shops, they offer a "basic course" and options. The easiest to understand IMHO was newhalf-nh .
      In other shops, they have nomination fees. I haven't understood what it means. It seems to be an administration fee. In one of the shops, they make customers pay for an annual feel (JPY 3,000.00). I don't know if this is the same.
      In this shop, they have a fee of JPY 5,000.00. I couldn't translate it and have no idea of what it means.

      I would appreciate an experienced customers to give an idea of the price actually paid for a normal ST (60 or 90 minutes) all fees included.

      In most of the shops, not to say all the shops, having a shower before playing is mandatory. This is not shocking. In one of the shops, it seems that they explain that before playing and after playing showers are included in the time.
      In other shops, they say it is prohibited to ask what the performer doesn't want to do. I fear in some cases that they can refuse bottoming (unless I haven't understood).
      I haven't understood either what is "scouting" (that is prohibited).

      Cast and schedule
      If I got it well, customers are incented to reserve long before meeting (and pay reservations upfront), that seems to involve that gurls might not be available when visiting the shop. It seems that in some case, the shop will refuse to give the address if contacted by a customer who is in the neighborhood and doesn't speak Japanese on the phone.
      I also noticed that a few shops have a long list of performers but only a few ones available in the next few days.

      Any comment or further explanation will be welcome.


      • #78
        Originally posted by P&G View Post

        price system
        ... The easiest to understand IMHO was newhalf-nh .

        In other shops, they have nomination fees. I haven't understood what it means. It seems to be an administration fee. In one of the shops, they make customers pay for an annual feel (JPY 3,000.00). I don't know if this is the same.
        In this shop, they have a fee of JPY 5,000.00. I couldn't translate it and have no idea of what it means.

        I would appreciate an experienced customers to give an idea of the price actually paid for a normal ST (60 or 90 minutes) all fees included.
        At NewHalf-NewHalf (N-N), they have a ¥1,000 nomination fee but it got omitted from the English page, but it is on the Japanese page. At N-N, the nomination fee is an extra fee for selecting/nominating someone in advance and charged each time you make a booking. The N-N price I paid for Miran in Dec 2018 was ¥25,000 for 90 minutes, basic course=¥22,000 + anal ¥2,000 + ¥1,000 nomination fee. The options are not guaranteed, so if the NewHalf cannot cum, they will not charge you this fee.

        Google translation from Japanese => English per N-N Japanese page
        指名料 (1名につき) ¥1,000 => Nomination fee (per person) ¥1,000


        • #79
          Thanks again for your answer.
           25,000 is not really expensive for 90' with a star like Miran although it can't be compared to Thai prices. If I compare with European prices, it's more or less in the average (I paid the same price to meet Om in Germany).
          If I had to choose another newhalf, maybe I would find the price expensive. How did it go with Miran ? Did she behave differently from the Miran in the videos ?


          • #80
            Aug 14, 2021 Update on the Tokyo Shemale Club (TSC) where Miran works

            I found this English version of the TSC website which I could access from the USA directly and you do not need a Japan VPN as I previously posted on 4/17/2021 in a different thread on this website. Please click on the link for more detailed info on the NewHalfs working at TSC since I omitted a lot to shorten this post. Hopefully, this info may be useful when foreign visitors are permitted to enter Japan after Covid.

            TOP = Today’s schedule, Ranking, Review (Japanese only, need to use google translate)

            Photos of 31 companions with Class (Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze), Name, Age Height, Weight with sorting capabilities as of 8/14/2021. Additional info and options could be searched/selected by clicking on the + sign.
            + Type: Cross-dresser or Shemale
            + Operation: no text (??) Post Op (No balls) Post Op (Both)
            + Characteristic: Short, slender, huge tits, large penis, no pubic hair, anal play (you’re on top) Anal play (You’re on bottom), Anal play (Versatile), Strap-on dildo, Frottage, Countryside delivery, International Customers OK, English speaking staff, Nonsmoker, Ejaculation Lover, Online dating
            + Additional Options: Icecube Blowjob, Frist Blowjob, Soda Blowjob, Waterplay, Rimming, Ejaculation, Cosplay, Sadistic t-girl, Sex-crazy t-girl, Make up, Recording video (No Face)
            + 3P Variations: 2 Shemale with you, 2 male with Shemale
            + Massage Course: Therapist, Naked Massage, Accompanied Shower, Handjob, Testicle Massage, Prostrate Massage

            SYSTEM (Health and Refresh Courses)
            Health Course…………Yen => USD ¥/$ =110.31 @ Jul-2021
            Platinum class……… ¥24k…¥30k…¥34k…………$218…$272…$308
            Gold class……………¥20k…¥26k…¥30k…………$181…$236…$272 Miran=Gold class as of 8/14/2021
            Silver class…………..¥18k…¥23k…¥28k…………$163…$209…$254
            Bronze class…………¥16k…¥19k…¥22k…………$145…$172…$199

            Health Course Play Options: for ¥2000 course, ¥3000 course, ¥4000 course with options and description on website.

            Refresh Course: I have not figured out what is the Refresh Course, maybe massage?
            Basic Fee: see website for details
            Additional Options: see website for details

            RESERVE: Your name, phone number email, date, companion choice #1, #2, #3, Course time, desired meeting place, anal play, additional options, others.

            SCHEDULE: weekly schedule of available companions

            HOW TO: Detailed instructions on how to make a reservation w/store hrs, extra fee options, outcalls, delivery fee, cancellation, forbidden acts, etc.

            ACCESS: Instructions + map on how to get to their 2 locations in Ueno & Shinjuku.

            CONTACT: Form for your name, email, telephone and message


            • #81
              Since i go to Tokyo and Osaka this year i was curious to know,where you can find NewHalfs there


              • #82
                Here is a some links to Japanese New Half Ladyboy sites and clubs I found.on X

                新宿デリヘルの『club Dolce』では、全てのお客様に安心してご利用頂けるよう、レディの容姿はもちろん、マナーやコミュニケーション、性格、身だしなみ、そしてプレイの内容にいたるまで、 ハイレベルなサービスをご提供できるように心がけております。



                東京・新宿・六本木 高級ニューハーフヘルス club Dolce ~ドルチェ~のトップページ。東京・新宿・六本木 高級ニューハーフヘルス『Dolce ~ドルチェ~』オフィシャルホームページです。

                Here is a list I made of Japanese Ladyboys on X


