As some of you may have known already from my previous posts, I am part of this only support and advocacy group of TGs here in the Philippines called STRAP (Society of TRAnssexual women of the Philippines).
In line with our fundraising activities planned for this year, we have thought of organizing a Speed Dating event. OK, its all in rough sketches still, nothing concrete yet. Basically, we will have like 10-15 single girls to date for three days (something like Friday dinner, then Saturday lunch and then Sunday dinner again).
Male members will have to be screened of course, but not on age, job, height, income nor sexual preference but on their sincerity to respect the chance of finding their special someone.
We raise funds from the membership fee that the male members will have to pay to join. For those curious why I posted this on a porn forum such as this, I have come to the observation that while many here suffer from loin-restricting disability, there are those here who are "on the same page" as most of the girls I know are.
If this pushes through, we plan to hold this sometime middle to later part of this year to provide ample time for guys to organize their busy work schedule. It is important to approach this event with a light heart and happy mind, bearing the thought of helping a struggling cause-oriented group to promote TG awareness and provision of localized information. (My, that sounded too bookish, haha!)
Anyway, what do you think guys? Is it possible? Too far-fetched? Clarifications and suggestions are always welcome
PS. From the STRAP photo attached, only two girls are currently spoken for already. *mimics Home TV* But wait, theres more!

In line with our fundraising activities planned for this year, we have thought of organizing a Speed Dating event. OK, its all in rough sketches still, nothing concrete yet. Basically, we will have like 10-15 single girls to date for three days (something like Friday dinner, then Saturday lunch and then Sunday dinner again).

Male members will have to be screened of course, but not on age, job, height, income nor sexual preference but on their sincerity to respect the chance of finding their special someone.
We raise funds from the membership fee that the male members will have to pay to join. For those curious why I posted this on a porn forum such as this, I have come to the observation that while many here suffer from loin-restricting disability, there are those here who are "on the same page" as most of the girls I know are.

If this pushes through, we plan to hold this sometime middle to later part of this year to provide ample time for guys to organize their busy work schedule. It is important to approach this event with a light heart and happy mind, bearing the thought of helping a struggling cause-oriented group to promote TG awareness and provision of localized information. (My, that sounded too bookish, haha!)

Anyway, what do you think guys? Is it possible? Too far-fetched? Clarifications and suggestions are always welcome

PS. From the STRAP photo attached, only two girls are currently spoken for already. *mimics Home TV* But wait, theres more!
