They were all landscapes. i posted 2 in each catagory. my world and open. you never know i might just win that Nikon d3 woooooo hoooooo
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UFO's hiding behind clouds. Its a conspiracy I tell Ya'.
LOL.......Attached FilesMy Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.
Dear readers
Just a note on Nikon warranty here in Australia.MY camera Nikon D80 is 3 weeks out of warranty, and i dropped it(lightly) and now the top shutter button wont work.The shutter still works from battery grip and remote.NIkon said "bring it in we will still, fix it under warranty.
there you go customer satisfaction in the 21st centuarythanks nikon well played
just a sex tourist looking for hot fun
I don't think this is necessarily country/culture bound as much as it depends on management philosophy. For instance, Sony decided to repair free of charge a problem with Konica Minolta 7D and 5D digital SLRs - the "first frame black" problem. This was a defect in the shutter assembly where a defective part would cause the first frame to be "black" and would progressively become worse until the camera stopped working.
Sony bought out the Minolta DSLR division a few years ago, and did not have to cover this problem free of charge - but they did. I sent my first 5D in for repair this past summer and so far it seems the problem is fixed. I have a 2nd 5D, which is a late production model and it has not shown any problems either.
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More luv for you Canon dudes
Canon EOS 50D review roundup <>
by *Darren Murph <>*, posted Oct 14th 2008 at 3:42PM
If you skipped over the EOS 40D in anticipation for the next best thing, and you don't feel like liquidating your kid's college fund in order to procure the EOS 5D Mark II , the EOS 50D has likely been blinking fiercely on your radar. The intarwebz as a whole had a chance to sit down and scrutinize the decidedly mid-range DSLR, and overall, impressions were pretty positive. For starters, just about everyone felt that it was more than a worthy addition to Canon's line, citing "a significant number of refinements to a proven design," a fantastic VGA LCD monitor and expectedly great image quality. Critics also found an improved interface, improved white balance and an ISO setting that was perfectly acceptable up to 3,200 (and 6,400 in a pinch). For DSLR newcomers, the 50D is a pretty safe bet; the only question comes in when trying to decide whether to upgrade from the 40D. Our take? Save the loot and spend it on some decent glass.
Read - PhotographyBLOG
Read - TechRadar
Read - PhotoReview
Read,00.htm - CNET
* Comments
Set the camera to the smallest jpg available. Depends on your camera. What does it say. extra fine fine standard, you would set to standard. Depending on your camera you may find the pictures are still too big to post here without any adjustment.
i concur, there should be a setting for small photos too which will be small enough to post strait away/. the quality qill be poor and they will not be able to be blown up too big without pixilation
just a sex tourist looking for hot fun
Panoramic Image Stitcher.
Image Composite Editor
What is Image Composite Editor?
Microsoft Image Composite Editor is an advanced panoramic image stitcher. The application takes a set of overlapping photographs of a scene shot from a single camera location and creates a high-resolution panorama incorporating all the source images at full resolution. The stitched panorama can be saved in a wide variety of formats, from common formats like JPEG and TIFF to multi-resolution tiled formats like HD View and Silverlight Deep Zoom.
Panasonic's Micro Four Thirds Lumix DMC-G1
The question has been on your mind since we first got wind of this so-called "Micro Four Thirds" concept back in August: how will it stack up? Now that Panasonic's Lumix DMC-G1 is filtering out to the world, we're able to kick back and digest a mammoth review of this here camera thanks to the fine folks at Digital Camera Resource. Without going into dissertation-level detail in this space, we'll tell you that the biggest issue critics had with the G1 was its price. Not the image quality. Not the size. Just the price. In other words, Panny has delivered a superb camera that offers up "very good quality photos, an unmatched live view shooting experience and a nice collection of both automatic and manual controls." Deemed the first to "truly offer a point-and-shoot experience on an interchangeable lens camera," the DMC-G1 looks to be a real winner if you've got $800 to blow.