I have no love for the Pats or Bill BettaTapeCheck but I'm talking about Brady.
You and I will have to disagree. I've watched the NFL since 1983-1984, I've seen QB's with good careers but choke when it mattered in the playoffs, I've seen superbowl winning teams with dismal QB's, if you ask me who would I rather have as my QB on my 2 semi favored teams - The Giants and the The Steelers and I would not hesitate for a second to take Brady over Manning and Roethlisberger even though both of them combined have the same amount of SB wins that he has.
And as for the field goals, you know the saying, It ain't gotta be pretty, its just got to be a win!
You and I will have to disagree. I've watched the NFL since 1983-1984, I've seen QB's with good careers but choke when it mattered in the playoffs, I've seen superbowl winning teams with dismal QB's, if you ask me who would I rather have as my QB on my 2 semi favored teams - The Giants and the The Steelers and I would not hesitate for a second to take Brady over Manning and Roethlisberger even though both of them combined have the same amount of SB wins that he has.
And as for the field goals, you know the saying, It ain't gotta be pretty, its just got to be a win!
