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Maybe I sound insensitive but its not the case at all. I do care! But if I had to live my whole life based on how everyone might be sensitive to me.. I would not be living my life as I want it. So you can accept me and my flaws as I am or you can't.
An air passenger whose oversized luggage sparked a four-letter tirade by a flight attendant could be fined up to $25,000 (£16,000), according to reports.
The unidentified passenger became embroiled in a spat with air steward Steven Slater, 38, during a flight from Pittsburgh to New York on Monday.
Upon landing the woman started collecting belongings from an overhead bin despite being told by Slater to remain seated.
When Slater tried to intervene, the door of the overhead bin hit his head and the row erupted.
Federal regulations state that "no person may assault, threaten, intimidate or interfere with a crew member in the performance of the crew member's duties aboard an aircraft", the New York Post reported.
Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.
"I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning." Kahuna
Jet blue has a new special where u can get more or less unlimited travel in September for about $500 if u avoid Fri and Sun flights.
Check out their website.
It was on AOL News and they said something about a mental evaluation. His 15 minutes are up. The story will fade away unless the guy does something else wacky....
(f0xxee @ Aug. 11 2010,11:25) Thanks Jake and PD, and thanks for the Macca's video. Scary to see white trash having a brain snap like that about McNuggets. If McNugget withdrawls cause her such angst its scary to think she might have children or animals.
I would recommend not entirely voluntary euthenasia.
OK: hard to belive I could top my episode on Hamilton Island, but I did. Please consider for a minute that as a young man I was a thoroughly fucked up unit and have matured somewhat since then....
After sitting in my Airlie Beach house with my 12 lunatic flatmates for 6 months drinking Blue-meanie soup for breakfast, bongs for lunch and rum and acid for dinner it was time for a change. The fleas had by now taken over the lounge room, and we had turned the long hallway into a golf driving range in the wet season due to boredom. (and drugs.) The major indicator that it was time to seek gainful employment was when I was watching the dutch chef (one of the ratbags I lived with) cleaning his toes by shoving them into his GF's twat as she reclined on the kitchen counter. He was sitting chatting to me on a bench drinking shroom-coffee, using his GF's pussy juice to soften his nails and callouses. And what worried me is that it didn't worry me.... Time to move on.
Anyhow I got offered a job on anther island, this time Hayman Island which at the time was 4 star planning on evolving to 5 star. As it was owned by Ansett at the time (aussie airline) it was a union shop with overtime and perks. Grinning!
I was employed as a kitchenhand, but worse than just a kitchenhand, an underwater pannel-beater: scrubbing massive 20-30L pots and baking dishes for the 22 chefs in the resort kitchen. I would start at 0700 in the morning, tie on a heavy rubber apron and present to a deep water tub with a steam ring to heat the water to near boliing. My job for 8 hours a day (plus OT) was to dislodge the burnt on rice, eggs, and other immovable objects from these massive pans. The constant grease impregnated steam and water dripping into my shoes meant I turned into suet by the end of a shift, dead-food and stink foot suet.
The upside??? the money was good and the hours: 0700-1300, then off until 1900-2200. And I was allowed full access to boats, beaches tennis courts etc.
The downside? Most of the other men on the island were boat drivers, beach boys, gardeners and out-doorsy types. I was a walking cocktail of stink foot and garbage stench that lingered. I NEVER got laid in 6 months on Hayman.
Still it was a great life. Except for my boss. An Austrian head Chef by the name of Ottmar Sheer. The most vicious arrogant prick I have ever met.
"YOU are scummmmm. You and all yourrrrr Aussiieeeeee friends are scummmmmmm" he told me one day. Fair enough. We were too, but thats us. We dont like outsiders telling us. besides which i could change a cluch in a car and cook an omlette. he could only cook.
After about 5 months I was finally given a room mate. (The others refused after one day with me due to the constant stench of rotting food/feet.)
Into my life walked Alvin. he was the new handyman/carpenter and was
sharing a room with me on Poverty Row. Imagine a smile like Will Smith and eyes like Marty Feldman. He was wearing a green bonds t-shirt and stubbie shorts. He also told me he had no sense of smell. He gave me a wink, and asked, "do you bong?" When I told him I did, he opened his old brown suitcase. There was:
3 x green t shirts
3 x black stubbie shorts
3 x pairs of socks
10 x kilos of home grown sinsemillia. Woo hoo!(Alvins own from his farm. Excellent!)
Welcome aboard Alvin!
From that point on it was bongs before breakfast. Alvin used to wheel me to work. he would then turn up around 10am with his trusty toolbox containing a dry bong. I could have washed pots all day and night, being in the perfect mindset for dreamy contemplation with busy hands.
Until Alvin and I started having parties after work in poverty row.
Obviously Alvin and I became the focus of every young guy who was a doper and also couldn't get laid. They all dropped past our pad after hours for cones. And we all got hungry. As I was one of the last to leave the kitchen at night I used to be charged with locking the chiller rooms. These were packed with cheeses, grapes, fruit etc. All very good quality, all perfect munchie foods. They also contained Ottmar Sheer's Margarine carvings....
Every night Ottmar would carve a scupture out of a massive block of Margerine and then wheel it out to the oohs and aahs of the Loopies (tourists) for breakfast.
Anyhow one night Ottmar who had noticed my steady deterioration as underwater pannel beater due to an all-night lifestyle gave me an absolute bollocking in front of the entire Island Staff.
Very fucking not happy.
After work that night I got stoned as usual. Then hungry. Grabbing Alvin we went for food at our favorite take away: the fridges and freezers. We happened to see Ottmars latest carving under a damp sheet in one of the chillers: a fat chinese Buddha sitting cross legged. Still smarting from the bollocking collected earlier, I asked Alvin to stand watch. I then carved a margarine block into a massive phallus which I put between the legs of the Bhudda. Then replaced the sheet, went back home with Alvin and oblivion.
Next morning as usual I presented to the dirty pots having completely forgotten the Buddha. Until I saw Ottmar wheeling it out to the resturuant.
Oh Christ. My heart went from 60 to 180 beats in a second: I knew he was a showman and used to love to sweep off the sheet theatrically. Time to exit.....
I heard the uproar and comotion while on my way to Dolphin Bay. Alvin told me the rest. Apparently he has pulled the sheet off and standing behind the Bhudda, could not see my additional handiwork. But the wait staff could. And the patrons could. And while Ottmar was waxing poetic about his incredibly skills as a carver, the audience were starting to split their sides laughing.
Austrian Head Chefs dont like ridicule. He chased me all over the fucking island all fucking day. He would have killed me if he caught me. Needless to say I was sacked. Needless to also say I was something of a legend amongst everyone who had been on the wrong end of Ottmars vitriol, and even a few that hadn't. So i was NBO'd. Again.
However it was easy to say, harder to do in those days. There were only 2 boats a day at this time. (1982?) So if I dissapeared before the first boat, I could to an extent reappear until just before the last boat left dissapear and reappear afterward. Sleeping in who evers room i could I had a two week holiday fed by the staff on a 4 star resort hearing daily that Ottmar was quitting unless I was thrown off the island. Eventually the big boss found me and told me if I wanted my final pay I would be wise to leave.... so I did.
Incidently Ottmar bought and was restoring a inboard petrol boat on the island. He either forgot to install bilge blowers or didn't know that you need them to remove petrol fumes from the boat when starting, and nearly blew himself into several little angry Chef bits. This happened some time after I left. Nothing to do with me however.
Foxee this is the greatest post I've ever read thanks for making my day! You are a legend and I hope to meet you in October on my upcoming trip for a beer or 3 Wow this is the shit LMFAO
NEW YORK (AP) -- The fed-up flight attendant who waved goodbye to his career in a spectacular exit down an emergency chute made a soft landing in court Tuesday.
Steven Slater, 38, avoided jail under a plea bargain that requires him to undergo counseling and substance-abuse treatment for at least a year. He must also pay $10,000 in restitution to JetBlue.
Queens District Attorney Richard A. Brown said Slater wasn't just fed up with his job or angry at a passenger when he stormed off the plane. He said investigators believe Slater was drunk and suffering mental problems, though the prosecutor wouldn't give specifics.
Slater spoke calmly as he pleaded guilty to criminal mischief and attempted criminal mischief. Afterward, a smiling, upbeat Slater said: "At the end of the day, I'm a grown-up and I must take responsibility for my actions."
Slater admitted he pulled the emergency chute Aug. 9 on a flight from Pittsburgh after it landed at Kennedy Airport. He went on the public-address system, swore at a passenger who he claimed treated him rudely, grabbed a beer and slid down onto the tarmac. He had a bandage on his forehead, apparently after he got hit with a piece of luggage before takeoff.
Slater's departure made him a folk hero to put-upon workers everywhere who have fantasized about quitting in a blaze of glory. He was a topic on TV shows, on the Internet and on the front pages of newspapers, with many cheering him for standing up to the often-inhospitable world of airline travel, and others accusing him of childish and dangerously reckless behavior.
Slater was initially charged with criminal mischief, reckless endangerment and trespassing and faced up to seven years in jail. Under the plea bargain, if he fails to complete the counseling and treatment to a judge's satisfaction, he will get one to three years behind bars.
"Mr. Slater felt somewhat humiliated after what he perceived as degrading working conditions, and he had a level of rage at the time that was perhaps exacerbated by alcohol intoxication and maybe some other contributing stress factors," the district attorney said. "As a result, I think he overreacted when he was confronted by what he perceived as a rude passenger."
Brown said activating the escape chute "was no laughing matter," and he scolded Slater -- and the public -- for not taking his actions more seriously. The district attorney noted that it cost $25,000 to fix the slide and that the plane had to be taken out of service, causing flight delays.
The airline has also pointed out that someone on the ground could have gotten hurt. Emergency slides deploy with potentially deadly force.
JetBlue had no comment on the plea.
Slater, who has no criminal history, has said he cracked under pressure because of his terminally ill mother, recently deceased father and health problems of his own, including HIV.
A mental-health evaluation determined that Slater has a clinical disorder and alcohol-abuse problems. The district attorney did not specify what his disorder was.
JetBlue suspended Slater after the incident, and he resigned in September, leaving him unemployed. He had worked at JetBlue for about three years, though he spent nearly two decades in the airline industry.
Slater said weeks ago that he wanted to continue working in the airline industry, but Howard Bragman, his publicist, would not comment on his future.
His 15 minutes of fame are not quite over: In a homage to Slater, several businesses are selling a new costume for Halloween: the disgruntled flight attendant.
"It's a blue steward shirt with a light blue tie and it comes with a Band-Aid for your forehead," said Todd Kenig, chairman of Ricky's NYC.
Slater will be on Larry king tomorrow night......I wonder if he is going to "out" the passenger who was standing up and had the oversized bag??? Heard some rumors about the type of person it was from JetBlue stews albeit secind hand...
Maybe I sound insensitive but its not the case at all. I do care! But if I had to live my whole life based on how everyone might be sensitive to me.. I would not be living my life as I want it. So you can accept me and my flaws as I am or you can't.
Maybe I sound insensitive but its not the case at all. I do care! But if I had to live my whole life based on how everyone might be sensitive to me.. I would not be living my life as I want it. So you can accept me and my flaws as I am or you can't.
No.....fucking hell I wouldnt mess with them they have GUNS!!! I have heard a problem with air marshals but those I have encountered have been nothing but good passengers.
Just saw Slater on Larry King. He came across as an engaging, charming, and smart guy. He admitted what he did was wrong and took responsibilty. Its a shame our politicians dont do the same. He did NOT come across as some nut as he has been portrayed in the media.
I am disappointed that they didnt delve MORE into the cause of the problem that night i.e the problem passenger. How come she hasnt been "outed" and hounded???
(BlueBallz @ Oct. 27 2010,11:05) How come she hasnt been "outed" and hounded???
A question that has crossed my mind.
I guess also that going after a passenger for standing up before the aircraft stopped is considered not worth the expense.
Also I assume that JetBlue are working on the theory that the customer is always right.
Even when from experience the worst pains in the arse are wrong practicly every time!
Usually the ones that are right are embarassed that they will cause hastle by complaining.
Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.
"I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning." Kahuna
I have heard via the flight attendant rumor mill that Slater went away easily coz he wants to sue JetBlue. hopefully, he will sue/out this woman who gave him the hassle. this was the woman who started the whole thing anyway. I can speak with experience and empathise with Slater regarding the boarding process.
He said that her bag was waaaaay too big that should have NEVER made it down the jetbridge in the first place. I tell you this happens ALL THE TIME and its a major pain in the ass. She attempted to stuff/bang the bag into the overheard. Again I see this all the time. I call it square peg into round whole syndrome.
She had to check said oversized bag and was pissed about it and its what set her off. Upon leaving she found out she had to go to baggage claim to pick up the bag. Now on some of the RJs you wait PLANESIDE and they bring it up to you. She then verbally abused Slater and thats when he lost it.
Why havent we heard a lot more about her???
Another good thingwas the point of Slater asked for a hardship transfer to be based, temporarily, out on Long Beach to care better for his Mom who has cancer. It was denied out of hand. Why?? The base couldny take one more crew member?? there wasnt anyone in Long Beach who wanted to transfer back to New York to take Slaters place and balance things out?? Sounds like the company was busting balls and just wanted to say no coz they could. I know how HAT feels as well.