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  • Bibi Is the New Bush

    The Israeli prime minister seems determined to repeat American mistakes of the last decade.

    by David A. Graham - Newsweek International - Cover date 14 June 2010

    An ideological, right-wing leader comes to power. He seems sure to be more disciplined than his predecessor, a centrist politician who sailed from scandal to scandal. Domestically, the electorate is sharply polarized€”they're still sore over terrorist attacks that have killed many of their fellow citizens, but they have strong disagreements about how best to respond. The government, however, has no such hesitation. The cabinet is stacked with veterans of the armed forces and the defense establishment who are sure that a strong show of force will finish off the country's Muslim tormentors. The world doesn't see it that way, and despite impressive deployments of troops€”and plenty of military victories€”the nation becomes more and more diplomatically isolated, tarnishing its reputation as a beacon of freedom.

    Sounds awfully like the United States in the mid-2000s. But it is also Israel today. Benjamin Netanyahu's policies increasingly echo American policies under George W. Bush. He has deployed overwhelming force where nuanced, tactical approaches would have worked better; spurned international opinion; and ignored gathering discontent among voters at home. Staying the course, to use a favorite phrase of Bush's, could do serious harm to Israel's reputation abroad and be disastrous for Netanyahu and his Likud Party at home.

    Let's look at the parallels. America's long slide into the international doghouse began soon after September 11. It wasn't so much the campaign to unseat the Taliban as the presidential tone that increasingly seemed to hold global Islam accountable for the attacks; the limitless detention of newly designated "enemy combatants"; and a march toward unilateral war with Iraq that seemed inexorable from the moment it entered the national debate. From there, opinion makers around the world seemed pleased to draw Bush as a cartoon€”an incurious cowboy whose peculiar blend of greed, narcissism, and Manichaeanism explained warrantless wiretapping or Katrina-related incompetence. In 2007, a Pew poll found widespread disapproval of the U.S. and its foreign policy in 45 countries. The following year, respondents in 19 of 24 countries€”several of them key allies€”said they lacked confidence in Bush.

    Netanyahu seems to be treading a similar path. His predecessor as Likud leader was Ariel Sharon, who initiated Israel's slide into pariah-hood with his response to (some would argue provocation of) the second intifada in 2000: he reoccupied€”often with tanks€”some West Bank towns that had previously been left to their own devices. He also made targeted assassination a declaratory state policy. Yet with his road-to-Damascus realization that Israel couldn't sustain settlements€”he withdrew his countrymen from Gaza (and eventually left Likud for a more centrist party)€”Sharon rehabilitated his image, becoming an unlikely prophet of peace, rather than a warmonger responsible for thousands of Palestinian civilian casualties.

    But Sharon's successor, Ehud Olmert, proved a bungling prime minster, and after a short interlude Likud is back in control under Netanyahu, who is reading from Sharon's early playbook. He has not only refused any meaningful compromise on West Bank settlements, but his government answered intense White House pressure with an embarrassing snub to visiting Vice President Joe Biden. At a time when Israel is already under scrutiny for alleged war crimes in a Gaza war launched by the previous premier, Netanyahu ordered a disastrous raid on the Gaza-bound aid flotilla that attracted the maximum possible attention (nine aid workers died) with the least possible benefit. As the world is turning against Netanyahu, so are Israelis: a poll last month showed that a majority of voters don't approve of the prime minister.

    Commentators both in Israel and among its American supporters recognize that they're now fighting a perception war as much as a real one. Israel, they argue, can easily be in the right about everything and still lose traction in the international PR battle. There are a variety of reasons for that, from fading memories of the Holocaust to frustration among many€”particularly young people, and especially young American Jews€”that Israel has done little to advance a final settlement with the Palestinians (even if the Palestinians have done likewise).

    But the fact remains that perceptions are crucial, and Netanyahu has no idea how to cultivate them. Leon Wieseltier of The New Republic, a staunch defender of Israel who also loathes the West Bank occupation, made the case forcefully this week: "The militarization of the Israeli government's understanding of Israel's situation€”this has been the most sterile period for diplomacy in all of Israel's history€”is not all that led to the debacle at sea. It is hard not to conclude from this Israeli action, and also from other Israeli actions in recent years, that the Israeli leadership simply does not care any longer about what anybody thinks." (This was exactly the attitude Bush was expressing when he said that "opinion polls are nothing but a shot of yesterday's news.")

    Israel is beginning to feel the burn. Policymakers in Washington, its lockstep ally, are tearing their hair out over Netanyahu's settlement intransigence. President Obama's one-on-one White House meeting with the prime minister after the Biden snub was so chilly that a readout for the press€”standard protocol after a chat between national leaders€”was not produced. And the U.N. was able to make an unusual condemnation of the flotilla raid because the United States declined to veto it. Even among Israel's supporters, people are fretting openly about the possibility that Jerusalem will become as isolated as South Africa's apartheid government. "Israel cannot afford to become another South Africa, Burma, or North Korea," Max Boot wrote in Commentary the day after the raid. "The IDF should be mindful of the French experience in Algeria and the American experience in Vietnam: it is possible to win every battle and still lose the war."

    To be fair, Netanyahu (like Bush) has not acted entirely alone: his defense minister is a member of the center-left Labor Party. And he's also caught in a political pickle. Israel's doves and the international community want him to stop acting so recklessly and to do something about his ostensible€”albeit reluctant€”belief in a two-state solution. Yet a large portion of Israelis oppose even more moderate steps like freezing West Bank settlements. If he tacks too far left, Netanyahu loses his hawkish base (and his job); if he tacks any further right, he'll go down in history as an insecure ideologue rather than a visionary statesman.

    Still, his current path€”see no evil€”is not sustainable. Here Bush offers an object lesson: when he left office, he was regarded as a has-been even in his own country, where only 22 percent of Americans approved of his job. Much of Obama's campaign appeal was a promise to restore America's reputation abroad. Israel, too, has been a comeback country, regaining popularity (outside of the Muslim world) after periods of international disdain, particularly in the 1970s. The question now is how long Israelis want to keep digging before they start the process of rebuilding their reputation.
    Attached Files


    • Look ,

      we dont mind the occasional link or print out but cant you clowns actually tell us what you think, we dont give two fucks what some commie journalist thinks

      No one reads this shit otherwise


      • Cut&Paste Cut&Paste.... Do I need to bring Rush back again ?

        btw I read somewhere that Rachel Corrie was a CIA plant...
        Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


        • (Bumpa STIKKA @ Jun. 10 2010,11:22) What is interesting to me as I scroll through the pages of this thread is that the posters in favour of the 'aggressors' Israel have lodged their opinions in their own words and the side in favour of the 'oppressed' Hamas government have consistently expressed theirs by cutting and pasting other peoples words!

          Just an observation...
          NOT TRUE.I havent cut and pasted a single comment.Your comments haven't included anything of worth,unless your call to "nuke em all" is of worth.I recall your posts consist mainly of Israeli propaganda slogans,what's up ?have you ran out of them already.
          Ithink the posters attacking the Zionists have actually tried to present evidence of their arguments,even if chunks of it were copied from other sources.Does that make it less valid.If you can't be bothered to read that evidence,then it just proves what I have suspected the pro-israeli lobby on here are,closed minded right wing bigots.


          • (guydesavoy @ Jun. 10 2010,16:12) Cut&Paste Cut&Paste.... Do I need to bring Rush back again ?

            btw I read somewhere that Rachel Corrie was a CIA plant...
            fucking clown-you ever read anything except the funny papers? You wouldn't have the bollocks to do what Rachel Corrie did...Don't malign her name you..


            • What you call 'evidence' is merely opinion. Nuance  
              Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


              • The problem with using ones own words on this particular issue is the Israeli Nazi/Lukid apologists/supporters insist you "prove it" while they just shout AIPAC/Lukid/Rush/Hanity/Coulter slogans. May as well just reference it all from the beginning.  Lukid supporters prefer to hide their sources and play the man.  Fox (the spin begins here) rarely does either history or context. It's a fact free world.  Classic bait and switch tactic, unprepared to accept the truth of facts on the ground, play the man, resort to nit pick, obfuscate. Facts don't matter to Lukid supporters. "I can see Russia from my back porch", there's a "fact" and you better accept it because we don't do fact checks in Lukid land. Their cause is the only correct cause. Israel right, the rest of the Semite (sic) hating world wrong... "they hate us & don't forget the holecaust....". Waste of time, so reference away. Lukid supporters will damn you either way, may as well lay down a trail of real facts (not opinion) for your trouble. For those that have trouble reading, just skip anything bigger than a sentence. But why are you even in this thread if that's the case??? Pop over to the femboy thread and look at the pictures instead. It's probably better for you blood pressure in any case.

                Just an observation...  


                • and so i noticed yesterday that a member of Irans parliment admitted to hanging 9,000 people from cranes just after the Shah was toppled . They were then stuck in deep freezers until the bodies could be disposed of

                  These guys crimes were that they were Marxists

                  9,000 people hanged in cold blood for no reason in Iran and no outcry

                  Just an observation


                  • (Tomcat @ Jun. 10 2010,17:30) and so i noticed yesterday that a member of Irans parliment admitted to hanging 9,000 people from cranes just after the Shah was toppled . They were then stuck in deep freezers until the bodies could be disposed of

                    These guys crimes were that they were Marxists

                    9,000 people hanged in cold blood for no reason in Iran and no outcry

                    Just an observation

                    IN all honesty (and not being a tosser for a minute) perhaps no one knew about it? From what I remember (and I was only in my teens) once the Ayattolah got into power they basically closed the shutters didn't they?

                    On the up side at least they had freezers.

                    "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                    • Well i suppose that Mao killed 40 Million of his own people and not much was said about that either

                      Its all one way traffic isnt it


                      • 9000, that's NOTHING! Not that it's on topic, but Madeline killed 500,000 and said on national TV that "it was worth it".


                        • (Tomcat @ Jun. 10 2010,17:55) Well i suppose that Mao killed 40 Million of his own people and not much was said about that either

                          Its all one way traffic isnt it
                          Hey TC,

                          I think it was Joe Stalin who said something along the lines of

                          "5 deaths is a tragedy, 500,000 is a statistic".

                          He probably starved, shot, etc 20-30 million Russians.

                          My point is that yes yes yes... The filthy commies were shit hot at murder and mostly their own tribe. So that's the far left for you. A total pack of cunts.

                          And what about one A. Hitler? 6 million jews plus plus plus. Another pack of cunts, albeit with better tailors. Thats the extreme right for you.

                          Mass murder and mahem does not wear armbands or uniforms.. it exists in the human race in many guises and many skin tones. What the fuck were Rawandans and Hutus? Besides hopeless black cunts?

                          Read your old testament. The jews were busy smiting philistines on a weekly basis, with Y*whey busy egging them on to not spare man woman or child. And of course they took thier lickings too.

                          FFS: left, right, circumsized or not, black or white does't matter! It just takes the ability to reach the masses and dehumanise the opposition who ever they might be to become the next great murderer.

                          Of course this is just an opinion. Not cut and paste, and no doubt offensive to some. I can only hope so.

                          "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                          • Then why are we botherd about 10 Turks who were smitten from the face of the earth. There are probably plenty of other causes to rant on about but why this one always gets the news .

                            What about all those poor fuckers in the favelas in Rio..we dont hear much about them these days


                            • We don't hear about it because it's off topic in this thread. With mention of the bible, and all my own words no cut and paste...  
                              Attached Files


                              • (Tomcat @ Jun. 10 2010,18:19) Then why are we botherd about 10 Turks who were smitten from the face of the earth.

                                Please read:

                                The Favelas are not International news as most countires do not have high Brazilian populations, where as many have Jewish and Muslim enclaves. And nearly everyone has an opinion.

                                There are many causes as interesting or topical but not news-worthy in the eyes of the media as the media dictates what is the most emotive news to get you to turn on and watch the sound bites and absorb the ads and create revenue for the station. Such is the curse of Media for profit as opposed to public broadcast news such as PBS, ABC (Australia and only thier foreign news... their domestic is pretty lefty wet) BBC etc.

                                Back 8 years ago when Hamas or whatever sent teams of dispossed rag head suicide bombers ever week to jerusalem and they were blowing up buses filled with pax we all heard all about it. it was regular news headlines.

                                3 days ago 2 Aussies were killed by an IED in Afganistan. Every day more US troops are killed, ditto British. And we hear about it.

                                You my friend are letting your bigotry blind you to all the news except that you want to hear, or, that which irks you.

                                "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."

