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9/11 Conspiracy? Or did we get the truth?

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  • (Dieter @ Mar. 03 2010,01:54) Don't forget the native, American the indians and of course the millions of slaves from Africa...
    The Atom bombs and Vietnam and and and...


    P.S.: Really, who like the USA.... ?
    Hilarious coming from a German... so, so, so hilarious.

    Pot, meet kettle.


    • (JaiDee @ Mar. 02 2010,16:11)
      (blonde_havoc @ Mar. 02 2010,01:24) Do people seriously *actually* believe that 9/11 was some kind of government conspiracy? Really? Honestly? Truthfully?
       I started this thread as a joke ............
      I didn't see anything funny about 9/11............ and still don't!

      All these documentaries mentioned that's came out, and is still coming out, which has a growing support as each day passes, to my eyes only ask the 'unanswered questions', which the authorities fail to answer.

      Calling people a 'Fuckwit' for asking these questions, instead of having answers proving your point of view is quite childish, and should be left where it belongs........ in the school playground.

      To believe that all the extraordinary events that happened that day on 9/11 was just a 'coincidence', then 'fuckwit' does spring to mind.

      And the events that happened after that day, 'cover-up' springs to mind, and the 9/11 commission report, was a waste of money, and a joke. Even if it was the fact that the US government was innocent in all this, and was just a 'fuck-up' on their behalf, then pressure should be forced on them to be transparent about the whole thing, and prove, "Ok! we fucked up......... sorry!.......... here's the proof!" Then this would have been dead and buried years ago.

      You say you started this thread as a joke........... Why?
      So you could flame those who didn't have your point of view?

      Just for a joke and nothing serious .........Here's another angle;
      Maybe the US government is innocent in all this judging by the latest event of the Israeli intelligence, with their assassination, 23 of them arrested with different passports etc. The same Israeli intelligence was documented of having an insight and warned the US government months before the 9/11 attack, and moved Israeli companies out of the WTC towers to a safe location, two months before it happened.

      And as they have such a strong foot-hold inside the US government, they probably found it quite easy to hood-wink the US intelligence. Somebody had to know that NORAD was busy that day, and it was safe to carry out the plot, but it wasn't a handful of Arabs, they didn't have the intelligence for that.  

      The Israeli intelligence could have just as easily, recruited, chaperoned, financed, and organized the Arab patsies, posing as Arab terrorists them selves, and the Arab patsies would have been non the wiser.

      Why? Well as they are isolated and surrounded by Islamic counties, and their friends the US military, are a fair distance away of days or even weeks.  Maybe it would be best to draw their friends closer too home, just in case something happens, or if they felt like attacking one of these neighbors, they would have immediate back-up.  

      No doubt, most likely parts of this theory will show up on the next documentaries, but you will get theory after theory until the 'unanswered questions' are answered!

      Thinking doesn't make me a 'fuckwit', .... I am an individual, I think, I have my opinion............... I belong to the human race, not the sheeple race.

      I have watched these documentaries and more, and if I take in just 5% of the contents in these, its still a lot to be desired.

      Sorry Jaidee, its not meant to be a flame.......... I do respect your point of view just as my own. Its just the words 'Fuckwit' and 'Joke', I don't care for.


      • (Nemisis @ Mar. 03 2010,10:47) You say you started this thread as a joke........... Why?
        To root out anyone who really believes that 9/11 was anything but;

        19 terrorists who were led by a group called Al-Qeada to send 4 airplanes into Washington and NYC to disrupt the American way of life which they despise so much.

        If you have other points of views and think that others were involved that's your choice, sorry but I don't buy any of it.
        Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


        • Not gonna waste the time it will take to read through this load of nonsense, the facts are out there and easily found.

          Search "Popular Mechanics 9/11 hoax" and you'll find a ton of information. These guys spent an entire issue doing a thorough, analytical, and SCIENTIFIC debunking of absolutely everything you guys have bought as truth. It took a lot of work to do but it was worth it.

          Ultimately, science should win out over popular mysticism but unfortunately, it's not nearly as sexy.

          The reality is that the human mind does NOT want to accept the idea that huge events in history can be caused by a person or a couple of persons. We want - grasp - for anything that will justify something so big, so horrible, being caused by something equally large. Thus, people will always believe the Commies/FBI/CIA/Mafia were behind the Kennedy assassination, that the Jews/Bush/CIA/Pope were behind the 9/11 disaster, etc.

          A bunch of guys in caves and mud houses really did engineer and pull this off. Sorry to break it to you.
          Making newbie mistakes since 2009 so you don't have to


          • (deepthroat @ Mar. 03 2010,11:50) A bunch of guys in caves and mud houses really did engineer and pull this off.
            Yups, but you see deepthroat that really isn't sexy enough for the general population to hear, and they have to come up with way-cool stories to make their boring lives seem at least worth living; I mean, if we just believed the Truth what fun would this world be?

                 *The Popular Mechanics coverage has been downplayed up here before, with someone saying something like ''why should I believe a magazine which does reviews of cars and model airplanes'' or some such nonsense, but they really DID do a great job debunking any 9/11 theories and it's laughable to think anyone could even think anything different than what really happened;  19 retards who think they were going to meet Allah rammed those planes into buildings because some fucking asswipe with a scraggly beard and a ton of his dad's cash told 'em to.

               Did you vote in the JFK poll?
            Even a broken clock is right twice a day.



              or, if you really want to get deep into the facts instead of blowing chunks of half-digested bullshit all over the forum (yes, I'm referring to you!) then read all of this:


              I know, it's not nearly as fun as watching some crackpot internet video or reading the ravings of some blogger in his mother's basement. After all, this stuff was written by fucking engineers and scientists, instead of half-baked Trilateral Commission Busters. But if you claim you want the truth, you probably might want to listen to actual, real, accredited scientists and engineers.

              Making newbie mistakes since 2009 so you don't have to


              • (deepthroat @ Mar. 03 2010,12:02) I know, it's not nearly as fun as watching some crackpot internet video or reading the ravings of some blogger in his mother's basement.

                where have you been hiding all my life man??

                Please, post some more!!! Not just because I agree with you, but because this shit is funny as hell!

                Got any JFK/CIA/Castro/Mafia myth-debunking links for us?? Please??
                Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                • (deepthroat @ Mar. 03 2010,12:02) instead of blowing chunks of half-digested bullshit all over the forum...
                  Remind me - When is your next trip to Thailand?
                  World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.


                  • Word of the day "Fucktard"

                    As I said earlier my first vote in this thread was # 1 as I could see no way a group could have obvious access to the buildings inner structure. A month or so ago I heard for the first time that all the WTC lifts were being given major overhauls. Now I change to #3. Many of those firemen and other Law enforcement personnel, many of then ex military said they heard MANY explosions of the sort heard in demolitions. I guess they are all liars or conspiracy theorists, or maybe they are just Fucktards too?. Of course there COULD be other perfectly valid explanations.

                    If pointing out a "few" inconsistencies in US foreign policies makes me "anti-American" you can label me up guilty as charged. On the other side a person who consistently agrees with every US American piece of foreign policy, no matter how hypocritical, stupid, or against US American BEST interest, thereby allowing the death or disruption of foreign lives is probably a republican, a Tea Party member or FuckTard (or all three)! Frequently heard by such morons.... "why do 'they' hate us?"

                    Paul Craig Roberts isn't known for being hysterical or anti-American. For posting his material, not anti USA.

                    As for bombing the crap out of Afghanistan, the logical inconsistency of your argument (that "they" attacked the USA) would dictate that you bomb Saudi Arabia, a Monarchy with very anti western views on many things including women. Not a single hijacker was Afghani! However on this and other issues "Americans" chose to turn the other cheek. Don't ever upset the oil cart. Blind allegiance to some warped form of "patriotism", last refuge of the scoundrel, republicans, Tea Party members and similar FuckTards.

                    Officials Puzzle Over Millions of Dollars Leaving Afghanistan by Plane for Dubai
                    February 26th, 2010



                    • Please read the history of bin ladens mob and you will undestand why afghan.
                      You are erronously assuming 9/11 was the initial act to cause the invasion - you will find it was the straw that broke the camels back.

                      Us should have wiped them out years before when warned by Sudanese government of their training and emergence as a growing militant threat! Shame this again stands as another prime example of us incompetence on that front - they came to the conclusion that it wasn't a major issue oops!!!


                      A worthy trip report


                      • Fucktard criticising the US!  I personally can't stand your continual anti American views. Sadly you are seemingly too ignorant to appreciate why you enjoy the freedoms you currently have.      You DO of course understand Taliban, and how the USA supported, trained, armed, and paid for their activities against the Soviets and others for more than ten years and when it no longer suited dropped them.  Another case of blow back and intended consequence. You DO of course know that the Taliban offered Bin Laden and others on a plate to the US and were less than politely told to FUCK OFF!! Unicol has nothing to do with this right?  Now you have the US installed puppet "leader" Kazai, mayor of Kabul and Kazais brother & the CIA helping run Opiates all over central Asia and McCrystal and his girls playing rambo on the INNOCENT civilian population with drones and other weapons..   what a "democracy".    Talk about reaping exactly what you sowed!  Another shifting sands of excuses for occupation.

                        Why don't you read "Three cups of tea", and "Stones into schools" By Greg Mortenson. A very small amount of carefully placed money ten years ago would have made a big difference to Afghanistan. However it was and is more profitable for the US and friends to manufacture arms.

                        Keeping on topic  "Richard Gage: architecture of destruction"

                        Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth


                        • I'm critical of US "intelligence" agencies , not of the US itself.

                          There would not be one BM that agrees 100% with US foreign policy either.

                          And please quote me properly as well... i would appreciate it  

                          I think we are all well aware of US paying back our Russian friends for Vietnam through the use of the Taliban - nothing groundbreaking there either.

                          And this has nothing to do with 9/11... Sorry what was your point here? ... ah yes blow back.... well one could argue it would of occurred anyway.

                          I'd suggest you reread your time lines and you will find  ole Binny was upset with Saudia Arabia for allowing US troops on holy soil.
                          He kinda went round the twist over this minor little issue.  

                          Who would have thought such a minor little issue could to lead to a holy war  

                          The Persian Gulf War (2 August 1990 €“ 28 February 1991), commonly referred to as the Gulf War.

                          On December 29, 1992,[5] the first attack by Al Qaeda was carried out in Aden, Yemen.[1][6][7] That evening, a bomb went off at the Gold Mohur hotel, where U.S. troops had been staying while en-route to Somalia, though the troops had already left when the bomb exploded. The bombers targeted a second hotel, the Aden Movenpick, where they believed American troops might also be staying. That bomb detonated prematurely in the hotel car park, around the same time as the other bomb explosion, killing two Australian tourists.[5][6] Bin Laden later claimed responsibility for the 1992 Yemen attack.[1]

                          The 1993 World Trade Center bombing occurred on February 26, 1993, when Ramzi Yousef parked a rented van full of explosives in the parking garage beneath the World Trade Center. The explosion claimed six victims, and over one thousand people were wounded. Ramzi Yousef, the nephew of 9/11 planner Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, had trained in Afghanistan, although Khalid Sheikh Mohammed did not join Al Qaeda until 1998. Yousef worked in cooperation with the blind sheikh Abdul Rahman who was living across the Hudson, in Jersey City, at the time of the attack. The FBI later turned up evidence that Osama bin Laden provided financial support to the blind sheikh Omar Abdul-Rahman.[8]

                          Ramzi Yousef and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (prior to joining with Al Qaeda) planned Operation Bojinka, a plot to destroy airplanes in mid-Pacific flight using explosives.[9] They tested their attacks in November 1994 on the Philippine Airlines Flight 434, which also involved Abu Sayyaf (a Southeast Asia affiliate of Al Qaeda).[10] An apartment fire in Manila, Philippines exposed the plan before it could be carried out. Yousef was arrested, but Mohammed evaded capture until 2003.[11]

                          In August 1998, Al-Qaeda operatives carried out the bombings of the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, killing more than 200 people and injuring more than 5,000 others.

                          In December 1999 and into 2000, al-Qaeda planned attacks against U.S. and Israeli tourists visiting Jordan for millennial celebrations; however, Jordanian authorities thwarted the planned attacks and put 28 suspects on trial. Part of this plot included the planned bombing of LAX, but this plot was foiled when bomber Ahmed Ressam was caught at the US-Canadian border with explosives in the trunk of his car. Al-Qaeda also planned to attack the USS The Sullivans on January 3, 2000, but the effort failed due to too much weight being put on the small boat meant to bomb the ship.

                          Despite the setback with the USS The Sullivans, al-Qaeda succeeded in bombing a U.S. warship in October 2000 with the USS Cole bombing. German police foiled a plot to destroy a cathedral in Strasbourg, France in December 2000.

                             * Rizal Day Bombings in the Philippines (2000)

                          The most destructive act ascribed to al-Qaeda was the series of attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001. These attacks destroyed the World Trade Center (currently being rebuilt) and damaged the Pentagon in a series of suicide hijacking of airplanes. Osama bin Laden did take credit for the attacks days before the 2004 Presidential Election.[1

                          Kinda all ties in....nicely the sequence of events (sadly that is)

                          Follow the facts and it a lot more meaningful than to selectively pull parts of history out to perpetrate your rhetoric.

                          Hence why i classify 9/11 as the straw that broke the camels back and forced the US to take action against the Al-Qaeda and naturally against those harboring them.

                          And to quote a funny man - others may class him a war criminal

                          There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. These are things we do not know we don't know.
                          Probably sums up most us in reality  


                          A worthy trip report


                          • Post 145... maybe was Yemen govt... anyways.. it was one of those countries that warned of the  Al-Qaeda training and buildup in its own country.

                            Anyways.... I promise no more folks....    


                            A worthy trip report


                            • (JaiDee @ Mar. 02 2010,20:26) ..if your Dad or brother were a firefighter or worked in one of the buildings that were hit that day, it would seem rather offensive is all; I know it wouldn't make me too happy.

                              I think there is enough families,NYFD/PD members who don't accept
                              the official version of events..Should they not be considered in all this

                              If the conspiracy theorists are right-then what? what difference would
                              it make?

                              Forgot how this forum works  


                              • (Naang Faa @ Mar. 03 2010,17:50)  If the conspiracy theorists are right-then what? what difference would
                                 it make?

                                that would fit into the unknown unknown NF


                                A worthy trip report

